Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Evaluate an International Expansion Strategy for Goya Essay
Goya, the largest Hispanic-owned company in the United States, has established itself as not just a popular brand of Hispanic food products but also has become the market’s standard of quality and competitiveness. Established in 1936 as an import company to supply the demand for authentic Mexican and Spanish cuisine, the company is now producing and developing its own products (Goya, 2007a). Despite the extensive competition from larger food manufacturing companies and the opening of American markets by European and South American suppliers, Goya has been able to maintain its market leadership and develop new products and markets (Goya Foods, 1999). One of the factors cited for the continued success of the company is its marketing strategies with the Latino community. Considering that the Hispanic community and consumers of Hispanic food products are expected to represent 25% of the United State’s retail food market by 2050, this competency is one that other companies would like to acquire for themselves (Hoffman, 2003, p. 5). The objective of this paper is to investigate the environmental marketing forces that Goya considers in developing its marketing strategies, how it characterizes different subgroups in its market and the merits of expanding its target market to non-Latino consumers. In doing so, the paper will be able to understand the perspectives and insights that Goya has used and has become instrumental for its success (Riell, 2007). Environmental Forces Prioritized Among the six environmental forces discussed, natural, technological, political and legal, economic, competitive, and socio-cultural, the last three that are considered the most in Goya’s marketing strategy. Though the other factors are also considered, they figure more significantly in the company’s corporate and operation strategies (Demetrakakes, 2003). Though they do not directly relate to the company’s marketing strategy, it should also be recognized that they can impact the market effectiveness of the company. Thus, Goya considers all of these environmental forces as important factors to consider (Hoffman, 2003). Economic Forces Economic forces are important to the company’s marketing strategy because of its interest in retail markets. The case study of the company presented by Hoffman points out that since the Latino market will represent a substantial chunk of the consumer market, they will exert greater demand for products and may in fact shift the market towards buyers. At the same time, the size of the market will also increase its attractiveness to new players as well as marketing requirements (Goya, 2007a). Thus, it has been important for the company to establish itself as the premiere choice of consumers and to have a great sensitive to the market. According to Andy Unanue, CEO-in-waiting apparent, the company’s sensitivity to the shifts in purchasing power and the rate of entry of alternative products has been critical. Schiantarelli’s (2005) study indicates that the company’s sensitivity to macroeconomic factors in its major markets allows it to maximize economic growth areas. In doing so, the company is not only able to sell itself but is also able to establish itself at times where markets tend to liberal. Michael (19980 that the strategy of targeting these developing economies also allows the company to reposition its mature products or specialize markets for particular products. Johansson’s (2001) view suggests that economy-related strategies in marketing are critical in establishing long-term goals. Furthermore, the company has also endeavored to be sensitive to the economic development in Latin America which aside from being a major market also is important its supply chain. Latin American has been able to increase its supply power in world markets and have required higher prices for their goods. Furthermore, there has been significantly more mobility in capital and trade liberalization from the 1970’s (Bulmer-Thomas, 2006). This creates a challenge for the company to be more cost-effective and as well as market-oriented in its approach. The trend has been successful in controlling inflation rates and allowed significantly greater role of the middle class which, to Goya’s advantage, represents a significant bulk of its market (Hoffman, 2003). Competitive Forces Just as importantly, if not more urgent, is the increasing competitiveness in the market. As mentioned, the size of the market is attracting significant interest from new players. New players range from mainstream food manufacturing markets as well as direct competitors (Demetrakakes, 2003). Though the company has been able to maintain its position, it estimates the competition in the market to significantly increase. Goya sees the need to deal with the entry of larger competitors with more extensive distribution channels and prominent brands (Goya, 2007a). The entry of new competitors also can induce a price war which can reduce the company’s profit margin and limit Goya as a niche brand instead of its objective to be a mainstream one. Johansson (2001) points out that price wars have the potential of sifting advantage from producers and raise quality standards. Though this can create vitality in the market, if competitors saturate the market, particularly when the market does not expand proportionally, then operational costs can not be justified. Waltuck (2005) raises concerns regarding fragmentation of the market amongst the competitors which can make logistics of assessing and accessing markets more challenging. To respond to these concerns, Goya maintains communication and relations with its market, following closely market preference, demographics, and psychographics as well as migration movements. This also reinforces the brand’s image as part of the Latino culture and identity. The company’s belief is that â€Å"Latinos like buying things they consider their own, that are authentic†(Hoffman, 2003, p. 35). Thus the company does not only rely strictly on the actual quality of the product but is also able to maintain the perceived quality of the product which lies more beyond the control of the company. Another element that can be enhanced by the strategy is the reputation of the company, a confidence which extends beyond the sales performance Goya Maksimovic and Sheridan (2005) point out that this has also been increasingly important factors in the financial reputations of companies. In the case of Goya, one of the reason’s for its cooperate success is its hold on the market, a fact that creates significance confidence for investors as indicated by the company’s rank among Forbes Top 500 companies in the United States (Riell, 2007). Conversely, this rating also reinforces Goya as a premiere brand and creates pride among the Latino community. Socio-Cultural Forces Considering that the company’s imaging is anchored on its being a Latino product, socio-cultural factors can be seen as the most important consideration of the company’s marketing strategy. According to Johansson’s (2001) assessment of Latin markets, there is great attachment for family and cultural heritage that emphasizes religion, culture, community and tradition. Social and family gatherings are focused on reinforcing these elements and since these events involve the preparation of traditional cuisine, the demand for food ingredients is just as important. Goya’s view on Latin culture considers the development of identity, social skills and value systems and unique attributes associated within subgroups due to geography, ethnicity or nationality. A survey of Goya’s products shows that they are labeled using traditional names of products , emphasis on the traditional designs and effort is made to develop product variations to accommodate tastes (Demetrakakes, 2003). For example, salsa products are offered in several levels of spice intensity or chili combinations (Goya, 2007b). This accommodates for variances in preparation of products based on traditions within the Latino community. In addition to responding to indelible facets of the market, the company has also become adept in responding to socio-cultural changes within the community. Bulmer-Thomas (2006) points out that Latin American markets are changing significantly because of liberalization and diversification of its markets to which he attributes changes on social dynamics. One of the most significant changes is in the role of women. Traditional Hispanic households have been characterized as the primary homemakers thus most of the company’s products targeted women specifically in contrast to today, products are designed to be more non-gender specific. Another indication of the company’s sensitivity to the socio-cultural background of its clientele is in its efforts to educate non-Latino customers to Latin culture. Most products have anecdotal information regarding the origin, manner of preparation or cultural references of the product. This may also be an effort to reinforce Latin culture amongst on-traditional or mixed-heritage families. In recognition of the lifestyle and economic status of its market, Goya has also developed instant or quick preparation products. This was a response to surveys that most Latino families have shifted to become dual families as well as an effort to cater to casual dining markets. Another response to changes in lifestyle is the development of frozen and low-sodium products. The former has also contributed to extend the shelf of prepared and ready-to-eat products while the latter is a response to medical studies of the Latino population that indicated heart and kidney diseases as major health risks (Johansson, 2001). This type of valuation is again creates sensitivity and insight to their target market which reinforce the brand to the market (Johnson, 2006). Furthermore, this creates social significance to the products since they become intimately associated not only to the idea of Latino food but to Latino identity as a whole. Understanding Subgroups within the Latino Community Latino is considered an umbrella to encompass a number of nationalities characterized by Latin American or Spanish ancestry. According to Hoffman (2003, pp. 22-24) there is a need to understand various subgroups within the community to respond to nationalistic, ethnic or cultural identifications. The study of Bulmer-Thomas (2006) reinforces this idea by showing that individual national, ethnic and cultural experience has a direct relationship with market perceptions and performance. He uses the example of Brazil and Mexico as an example: European products are perceived better than American products in the former while the reverse is what is prevalent in Mexican markets. Thus, Goya can expect to contend with similar products from European products in Brazil and American brands in Mexico. Johnson (2006) points out that generalized identity constructions like in the use of the term â€Å"Latino†to refer to a segment of the population always creates conflicts with the recognition of multiculturalism. This can fail to recognize social dynamics within the community that have developed from historical conflicts or social positions. Aside from the obvious differences in nationality, social stratification is also prevalent as seen in social labels used to refer to ethnic minorities or those of mixed heritage still persist. In not recognizing these groups, there can only be limited recognition of the diversity within the Latino population. This also precludes the company from truly promoting Latino culture which it has claimed as one its social goals. Keeping diversity within the Latino community will also allow Goya to develop more products and diversify its markets. At the same time, this can be a means of maintaining cultural identity since homogeneity will only make the market more similar to mainstream psychographics. Though the company is targeting mainstream markets, maintain a traditional Latino market is also important because the community showcases Latino traditions, particularly cuisines. Challenges of Market Diversification Goya considers its foray to non-Latino markets. One of the major challenges for the company is to develop a collaborated marketing programs for both Latino and non-Latino markets. There may be a need to accommodate non-Latino market’s lack of familiarity or experience with the Latino traditions. Another constraint that has to be considered is the logistic challenges of supplying the demand of non-Latino markets. This will include not only supplying shelves with the actual products but also changing packaging, variants and modes of products. Other social factors also become an issue: since Latino communities are predominantly Catholics or Christians, there has been no significant need to develop halal-approved products, foods approved for Muslim consumption. So far, adaptation has been of non-Latino markets developing preference for Latino products. Despite this trend which is in the advantage of Goya, a Johansson (2001) point out the need to facilitate the behaviors since adaptations has its limitations. Accessing new markets also exposes Goya to greater competition. This can also be made difficult by the lack of experience in these markets or insights. Goya has stated that it rely its marketing strategies on close monitoring of social trends in its markets however, considering the scale of non-Latino markets, this will be prove more challenging to develop insights on buying preferences to demographic or psychographic characteristics (Besanko, 2005). Hoffman points out that overall globalization trends in societies and markets are highlighting the need for competitive advantage and at the same social sensitivity. There is no denying that has shown its cultural sensitivity, the next challenge is to develop sensitivity to non-Latino markets. Riell (2007) suggests further cross-over market testing of products. Similarly, Waltuck (2005) suggest the Goya should use both market and product strategies. Market strategies will accommodate for the dissimilarities with its traditional markets while product strategies will be a means to determine what products are already marketable to non-Latino markets. Conclusion The Goya Company has become an icon not only culturally but also commercially. In recent years, Latino communities worldwide have become more prominent in consumer markets because of rapid growth in Latin American countries as well as increasing social significance of Latino migrants particularly in the North America. Furthermore, interests in its traditions and culture have created new market opportunities of Latino products in mainstream markets. Interest in these products have proven themselves more than a fad but many non-Latino consumers have indicated their preference for Latino cuisine and food products. As public image and social responsibility become more of an issue for companies, Goya’s approach to business has lent them not only market presence but also social relevance. Its current objective to access mainstream markets is not surprising considering the current internet of non-Latino consumers of its products. However, there is also need to realize and respond to the demands of doing so will have for the company. Together with the change is scale, there is also a need to develop new competencies to maintain the strategic advantages that has established its success in Latino markets. In conclusion, Goya should assess the environmental forces of its new markets, particularly those that influence the economics, competitiveness and socio-cultural characteristics of the market. In doing so, the company will be able to prove that there is not only an existing demand for its products but that potential for them is not limited to culture, race, ethnicity or nationality.
The lovely Bones
The setting of the novel shows us that the worst things can happen when we least expect It and to the people who least deserve It. The author Alice Sobbed' strategically wrote the setting the way It Is to help readers realize that they should always be careful about whom they trust and to show that tragedies Like these do and did happen. Plot The storyline of this book is based around the fight for family and in particular the willingness to let go of the past and live within the present. We follow a young girls horrific story and we watch her as she struggles to leave earth and enjoy heaven.This girls name was Susie Salmon; she was fourteen years old when she was murdered on December 6th 1973, We follow not only her Journey but also her implies' as they both try to cope and come to terms with this horrifying circumstance. We learn that we should not take advantage of what you have and to be thankful for what we already do have. At the innocent age of fourteen Susie Salmon was lured into a hidden underground room by her neighbor Mr.. Harvey. Susie was raped and killed by this sick man who was surprisingly a trusted individual throughout the community.He had a mental disease and had killed many other girls before Susie. The youngest being only six years old. We watch as Useless family falls apart and also learn how much love a father can have for his daughter. This is evident, as her dad never lets go of his beautiful daughters memory we witness his determination to put Issue's soul to rest as he continues to search and expose her killer. Mr.. Harvey never gets caught although he dies as a result of karma, which is what the author ‘Alice Sobbed' alms to portray at the end of this novel.Although the most Important lesson shown Is how hard It Is to let go of a life that was unfairly taken away, by a man who does not deserve to have one. Characters Susie Salmon Susie was a fun and bright girl who loved two things her photography and her family. Although this all changed on December 6th 1973 when she was beaten, raped and murdered in the cornfields by Mr.. Harvey her neighbor. She used to be full of love and extremely vibrant. Although after this traumatic experience which put her life to an unexpected and extremely early stop her whole personality changes.She struggles to accept the fact that she can no longer continue with the life she once had. Susie finds it very difficult to except the fact that Mr.. Harvey can continue through life and she has to watch her loves ones suffer. She shows her frustration wrought sending messages to her father who is in desperate search of his little girls killer. Although she soon learns that everything happens for a reason and life will Mr.. Harvey Mr.. Harvey is a thirty six year old man who is responsible for both the rape and murder of young Susie Salmon.He is a very important although evil character thorough this traumatic although eye opening novel. As Susie is between earth and heaven she watche s over her loved ones. By choice she very rarely watches over Mr.. Harvey but the only time she ever seems to notice him is when he is thinking about re or getting close to her family. Throughout this novel we begin to re-live Mr.. Harvey's childhood we learn that he had a mother who taught him how to steal and an abusive father who did not have a proper Job like all the other children.His life was far from perfect and once he saw that The Salmons had a life he always dreamt of having. He felt the need to ruin it and destroy something that he never had the privilege of having. All in all Mr.. Harvey was motivated by Jealousy as he believed that a young innocent girl who had her whole life ahead of her did not deserve the reveille of having a loving family. So instead of improving his own life he decided to destroy someone else's. Themes There are a various amount of themes associated with this particular novel such as the fight for family and most importantly love.In this heart wren ching novel we are shown the different and opposite types of families. The salmon family are loving, supportive and happy although Mr.. Harvey lives alone and had a very tough and unloved upbringing. Mr.. Harvey finds it hard to believe that even though the salmons have lost a much-loved member of the family, hey still manage to get through and keep the bond they all shared with or without Susie. The novel is based heavily upon the Salmon family rebuilding their once perfect lives after the horrific murder of both a daughter and sister.As we continue through the novel we see vast amounts of love through both family and friends. Issue's little sister Lindsey begins to fall in-love with a young boy called Samuel. As Susie watches over her little sister growing up she cannot help but be envious of her, because she was never able to experience such feelings. Although we o not only watch love blossom unfortunately we also see former loves come crumbling down. As you would expect the stra in of losing a loved one can either make relationships stronger or weaker.Unfortunately Issue's parents were unable to cope, her mum left for a year to go work in a winery and deal with her pain alone and in her own time. Although at the end she comes back and Issue's parents fall in love all over again. Author's Techniques The time frame has strategically been set through 1973 to 1981 because back in this particular day and age murder and or rape was unfamiliar and in most cases an unheard of crime. It could also be the fact that we did not have the resources we needed back then to catch killers and rapists as there was no DNA testing during this time in our history.The author ‘Alice Sobbed' has set the book in this time because the death of this young adult took many by surprise and it was unjust but also common that Mr.. Harvey was never caught and convicted. Although one particular use of symbolism stood out the most. Mr.. Harvey kept the bracelet young Susie wore the nigh t she was murdered. The author uses the bracelet to symbolism Susie Salmon and the fact that even though she cannot be seen or eared she is still there, watching and missing everything she was not able to experience in life.Evaluation The novel ‘The lovely bones' is an amazing story of a young girls unfairly shortened life. We see evidence of symbolism, point of view and many other techniques used by the author. It shows us that family is in most cases are the people you can trust the most. Susie had so much more living to do; which allows the novel to make you frustrated although it also makes readers feel thankful for the opportunities and life they are fortunate enough to have. The Lovely Bones Sobbed cleverly developed the characters of the narrative by using literary devices such as iris person narration, flashbacks, imagery and tone in order to connect her audience with the characters and therefore sympathize with them. Sobbed uses first person narration, with the narrative being told from the perspective of Susie Salmon. This Is a technique used by Sobbed, as she has created Issue's voice to be conversational rather than formal to create sympathy with her.Susie retells the events that took place before and after her death, sharing with us her thoughts opinions and feelings to allow the reader to Identify with her and sympathies with her as the poor Innocent victim whose only wish Is to grow up. For example, when Susie tells the reader about each person having different versions of Heaven which give them their desires, she says â€Å"l could not have what I wanted most: Mr.. Harvey dead and me living. †Susie is able to see everything by looking down from Heaven, therefore she has the knowledge of all that has taken place and in addition the ability to read into the minds of other characters.For example, when Susie watches Ray Sings looking at her photo, she says â€Å"What did dead mean, Ray wondered. It meant lost, it meant frozen, it meant gone. †This provides a greater perspective for the deader, and therefore an opportunity to identify the situation and sympathies with other characters also. Another literary technique Sobbed uses Is flashbacks, which Jump back In time from the current point in the story to past events that have taken place in Issue's life to help develop characters. For example, when Mr.. Harvey kisses Susie, she flashes back to her first kiss with Ray Sings. Mr.. Harvey started to press his lips against mine. They were blubbery and wet and I wanted to scream but I was too afraid and too exhausted from the fight. Had been kissed once by someone I liked. His name was Ray and he was Indian. †This flashback helps to develop Issue's character. Similarly, this technique is used to develop Mr.. Harvey, who was taught to steal by his mother, abandoned by her, and raised by his tyrannical father. Although we do not sympathies with Mr.. Harvey, knowing this creates an understanding that he was once innocent, forcing the readers to see him as more human.Flashbacks are also used to contrast changes In characters before and after Issue's death. For example, Susie flashes back to the time she and her happy father Jack built ships In bottles before she died: way the strings he'd raised the mast with, and I would wait for him, recognizing the tension of that moment when the world in the bottle depended, solely, on me. †However, this is contrasted with the broken man he becomes because he feels he failed his daughter. Susie watches him waking up in the morning and tells: â€Å"The guilt on him, the hand of god pressing down on him saying, you were not there when your daughter needed you. So bbed also uses imagery and tone as tools to further develop sympathy for the characters. The tone Sobbed uses is very blunt, direct and void of feeling, which implements her cold, chilling descriptions, evoking a strong emotional reaction from her readers. For example, after Susie is murdered, she retells: â€Å"He had put me in a waxy cloth sack and thrown in the shaving cream and razor from the mud ledge, his book of sonnets, and finally the bloody knife, tumbled together with my knees, fingers and toes. †This creates the visualization of Mr..Harvey carving up her body and tossing it about carelessly, which combined with the unsentimental tones creates a very sympathetic response from the reader. These various sensory images are also seed by Sobbed as a method of developing characters. For example, when Susie reflects on her heartbeat against Mr.. Harvey's during the rape, she says: â€Å"Mine skipped like a rabbit, and his thudded like a hammer against cloth,†cont rasting Issue's gentle nature to Mr.. Harvey's violent one, creating sympathy for Susie. Another literary technique used to create sympathy with the characters of ‘The Lovely Bones' is irony. For example, when Mr..Harvey brings Mrs.. Flanagan the safe holding the dead body of Susie, which is to be disposed of, Mrs.. Flanagan says: â€Å"What do you eave in here? A dead body? †The reader knows that there is in fact a dead body inside, although Mrs.. Flanagan does not. This ensures the reader does not sympathize with Mr.. Harvey, as he is able to blatantly lie, and enables the reader to feel sympathy for Susie. Susie was always afraid as a little girl that the sinkhole would swallow her, and then ironically it really did when Mr.. Harvey buried her there in the Iron safe. This creates sympathy for Susie because it was her childhood fear.Irony is also used to sympathize with Issue's father Jack, who ironically goes into the lied to kill the person he believes is Mr.. Harv ey, but is attacked himself. We also feel sympathy for Jack when he ironically comes to the same realization Susie did when they saw the photograph of Abigail, that she was unhappy in her marriage with him. Seabed's literary techniques helped to develop sympathy for her characters, solidifying the interest of her readers. The first-person narration, flashbacks, imagery, tone and irony techniques brought the narrative to life and I could easily identify and sympathize with Susie. Word Count: 1002
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Diversity in America
The information I have interpreted from the United States about diversity has not help me to better over stand the, and relate to other different from the past. I would say that the diversity issue in this country has made me very aware that we as a country have a long way to go when it comes to diversity. The information I have processed and have been taught about diversity in this nation is how to effectively base upon other beliefs and upbringing to deal with biases.The information I have learned in this course that’s been the most insightful were the discussion question and the mix array of answer and point of views was expressed about various topics. This allowed me the opportunity to see first and the differences of opinions and reality. I have learned a great deal about the various struggles of my ethnic group and other ethnic groups during my studies in this class.It’s easy to get polarized in one’s own thought process and experiences without seeking over standing form others experiences who have suffered and victimized by prejudices and discrimination throughout history as well. Such as the Native American and the American Asian, are a small group of minorities who have experience in justice and a lack of acceptances in main stream American. I believe by the year 2050 the United States will have changed look and feel where immigration and demographics are concern. American will have changed significantly whites will no longer be in the majority.The U. S. minority population, currently 30 percent, is expected to exceed 50 percent before 2050. No other advanced country will see such diversity; most of America’s population growth will be among its minorities, as well as in a growing mixed-race population. Latino and Asian populations are expected to nearly triple, and the children of immigrants will become more prominent. Currently in the United States, about 25% of children under age 5 are Hispanic; it is estimated that by 205 0, that percentage will be almost 40 percent.Changing patterns of immigration have put the United States on a short road to a population diversity never before experienced by any nationâ€â€a population in which all races and ethnicities are part of minority groups that make up a complex whole. Bearing in mind that this nation at the same time, will be growing older; the aging population of baby boomers who are concerned about running out of money before they run out of life and about the increasing cost of health care will have a large impact of the future trends of America.These demographic trends will play out differently in different states and regions, with some areas seeing exploding populations while others experience declining based upon current studies. As America continues to grow more diverse; a huge challenge to overcome is the acceptance and over standing of each individual race and culture that makes up that’s great nation. It’s sad to see, that even t oday the lines of separation are far divided by hate and a lack of over standing. This lack will have a direct effect on our future and how will communicate and exist with each other.Diversity helps society to grow as individuals and open our minds to different ways of life. When we are exposed to different ways to live, we see how other cultures carry on we are no longer closed to the idea that we are indeed all different in some way, and those differences are beneficial to our changing world. Diversity also promotes more tolerance allowing people the opportunity to see other as a lesson of growth help us to accept other cultures, and even adapt some of their ways within our society.The differences that we have between us can be used to strengthen society as we know it. Diversity allows us the opportunity to learn, grow, understand new ways of living, and experience life to the fullest. Without diversity, we are closed off in our own worlds. But with it, we expand our knowledge and we are no longer ignorant. When you are aware of the differences and embrace them, then you have taken the blind fold off to living differently and you are a better person for it.The key is exposure and using what you learned to increase more tolerance and decrease things such as racism. Moving forward America can foster an environment and commitment of pluralism; teaching through acceptance and engaging with other from who are different. Without any engagement or relationship with one another pluralism can be achieve. We key way to see this happening is through the media. Because the media is known for polarizing people of color in a negative light they could start to report news fairly and accurately.Also changing their advertising and programming approach; without stereotypes and outlandish perceptions. Engagement with other creates a common society for all, diversity as a whole is pluralism plain and simple embracing each other for our differences. Yes, there are some people wh o still feel threatened by diversity, or even hostile to it. Throughout America history there have been groups that have expressed prejudice and intolerance toward people of color and cultures however as we grow as a nation we need to look forward to the day when all these differences fade away.The United States faces many challenges in diversity of its many people, and there is still a large percent of the population that supports racism and bigotry. If we don’t make these changes we will not be able to move forward in the United States racially and culturally; this is not just a problem with white people, it is a problem facing all the different cultures in the world because racism has many colors, fearing of something new scaring everybody, but with it comes change and I hope that we all could get along in this world and every one occupies.The world and United States has come a long way in battling this war on racism, but it is still has many miles to move ahead before peo ple could see that although different we are all people. The more diverse we become racially and ethnically, the more important it is that we learn to tolerate differences; and also to celebrate what we all have in common. Whether we came to the United States voluntarily or involuntarily, we all choose to live here now. And more people want to live here than anywhere else in the world.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Communication Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Communication Theories - Essay Example As Giles & Clair (1979: 17) note, "language is not a homogeneous, static system. It is multi-channeled, multi-variable and capable of vast modifications from context to context by the speaker, slight differences of which are often detected by listeners and afforded social significance." Given the fact that even the most trivial aspects of speech and pronunciation can take on crucial importance, it stands to reason that individuals, consciously or unconsciously, should, among other things, seek or eschew identification with others through language. There are several theories developed to model the process of communication between two or more individuals. One of these is the Communication Accommodation Theory. This theoretical perspective examines the underlying motivations and consequences of what happens when two speakers shift their communication styles. Communication Accommodation theorists argue that during communication, people will try to accommodate or adjust their style of speaking to others. This is done in two ways: divergence and convergence. Groups with strong ethnic or racial pride often use divergence to highlight group identity. Convergence occurs when there is a strong need for social approval, frequently from powerless individuals. Communication Accommodation Theory focuses on the role of conversations in our lives. It has been incorporated in a number of different studies. For instance, accommodation has been studied in the mass media, with families, with Chinese students, with the elderly, on the job, in interviews, and even with messages left on telephone answering machines. There is no doubt that the theory is heuristic. The theory is expansive enough to be very complete, and it has been supported by research from diverse authors. In addition, the theory's core processes of convergence and divergence make it relatively easy to understand, underscoring the simplicity of the theory. The strengths of the theory may be quite significant because the theory has elicited little scholarly criticism. Still, a few shortcomings of the theory merit attention. Judee Burgoon, Leesa Dillman, and Lesa Stern (1993), for example, question the convergence-divergence frame advanced by Giles. They believe that conversations are too complex to be reduced simply to these processes. They also challenge the notion that people's accommodation can be explained by just these two practices. For instance, what occurs if people both converge and diverge in conversations' Are there consequences for the speaker' The listener' What influence-if any-does race or ethnicity play in this simultaneous process' One might also question whether the theory relies too heavily on a rational way of communicating. That is, although the theory acknowledges conflict between communicators, it also rests on a reasonable standard of conflict. Perhaps you have been in conflicts that are downright nasty and with people who have no sense of reason. It appears that the theory ignores this possible dark side of communication. Accommodation theory or "interpersonal accommodation theory" has sprung from the awareness that speakers are not merely "incumbents" (Runciman, 1998) of roles imposed on
Sunday, July 28, 2019
UK, USA and UAE Cybercrime Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
UK, USA and UAE Cybercrime Law - Essay Example To this effect, communication, business and financial transactions, international trading, storage and distribution of private and public records and even the dispensation of employment duties are exacted online, in these states. Nevertheless, given the high financial and security stakes that have come to stalk the Internet, cybercrime has become increasingly common and complex. To this effect, high-tech cyber based crimes such as terrorism, computer intrusions, espionage, identity theft, child pornography and fraud have become a major concern to the US and the UK. For this reason, the US and the UK have made legislation to counter and extirpate cybercrime, albeit these laws have their strong and weak points. This study aims to spot the light uponthe major cyber attacks, and associated threats in the UAE, US and UK and makes SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the current cyber crime laws and suggests approaches and mechanisms needed to improve the effe ctiveness of the cyber act. INTRODUCTION The phrase Cybercrime refers to any legally proscribed action that is performed over the Internet, a local network or the computer or any other device that can support the Internet, a local network or function of a computer. ... Because of this, it becomes clear that the concept of cybercrime and laws on cybercrime are state-specific. The leaps in the communication and information technology have promoted new technological trends like the internet spread, social networks, cloud computing, and VOIP like never happened before. The introduction of information technology solutions including e-commerce solutions, social networks, and on-line banking solutions has opened the door widely to the growing number of cyber terrorism threats and cyber attacks. Despite the rise of the cyber crime rates in UAE, the shortcomings in development of cyber crime laws and legislative provisions that regulate the up-mentioned technologies usage are huge.According to recent survey conducted by Norton, Bulent Teksoz, Chief Security Strategist, Norton outlines the total cost of cyber crime in the UAE - found to be $626m per year(Teksoz, 2010).Hence, the need to initiate a nation-wide act to counter the cyber crime, either on the nat ional and cross-border levels,arises. The state-specific nature of cybercrime in turn brings about an aspect of variance and makes it possible to identify the pros and cons and strengths and weaknesses of these cybercrime laws, as shall be seen forthwith, in the cases of the US and the UK. Meanwhile, Trend Micro published a study in 2009, which reported the number of computer system crashesin the UAE as a result of cyber attacks reached 248,000, accounting for 20 percent of the total cases in the GCC countries(Ajbaili, 2009).Few countries in the region, such as; UAE, and Saudi Arabia, have drawn up cyber laws in an attempt to fight the cyber crimes (Bednarski, Chen, Chen,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
FOUNDATIONS FOR RESEARCH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
FOUNDATIONS FOR RESEARCH - Essay Example To amend this gap in knowledge about mood disorders in adolescents, it has been claimed that theoretical perspectives should develop from adolescents’ understanding and experiences (Griez 2005: 47). If not, the theorising process will continue to be removed from the perspectives of individuals who have really experienced mood disorders (Wolfe & Mash 2008: 83). The objective of the aforementioned study was to generate a theoretical perspective that essentially represented the perceptions of adolescents who had experienced mood disorders. Lewis (1995:372) investigated, employing qualitative methods, how participants personally experienced mood disorders, how they reached and perceived the label of mood disorder, and how they understood their experiences. In addition, Karp (1996: 91), in Speaking of Sadness, explained the identity-changing process that participants experienced as they eventually viewed themselves as depressed and carried on theorising about their own selves and h ow they acquired their mood disorders. In this paper, a thorough discussion on the different features of the grounded theory method will be provided by presenting an original research article, Meadus’s (2007) study, which contains the grounded theory method. The Application of Grounded Theory in Mood Disorder Research The grounded theory method, according to Straus & Corbin (1990), the goal of which is to form a theory that is closely related to the reality of the adolescents studied was used in the study of Meadus (2007). Through the grounded theory method, theory arises from evaluating the actual statements given by the participants, and is hence genuinely ‘grounded’ in them (Strauss & Corbin 1990: 17). However, the problem in using an inductive research method for mood disorder research, according to Griez (2005: 72), is that it inevitably results in analyses that go beyond the statements given by the participants. Stiles (1993) suggests that participants give relevant information to the researcher, but that the researcher should analyse that data to form a reflective theory. Meanwhile, reflexivity obliges the researcher to thoroughly think about the research process, which involves probing how strongly the interpretations of the researcher fit with the perspectives of the participants (Rennie, Phillips, & Quartaro 1988: 143). The grounded theory method was employed in the study of Meadus (2007) because it allowed a methodical analysis that enabled the creation of a theoretical perspective that was strongly connected to, otherwise ideally representative of, the explanations of the participants. According to Merriam (2009: 30), data analysis in grounded theory is performed using the constant-comparative method in which bits and pieces of data are compared in terms of their similarities and differences. Merriam (2009: 31-32) furthers that part of the data analysis is the identification of a core category. The core category is the central c oncept where all data revolves around and this is used to develop the substantive theory. Emphasis is given on the importance of identifying categories, hypotheses, and theories from the patterns seen among the relationships formed from the data gathered. To better understand the features of a grounded theory, the research of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example In the report, it was recommended that the modification of the existing crosswalk would be practical due to various factors including low cost. Again, it was considered important to have two paths on each side of the bridge connect in order to enhance access to the crosswalk. This article by Christopher B. Burke is based on the Village of Algonquin. According to the author, the village has faced with a critical population growth rate as well as immense expansion within the last two decades. These two factors calls for safety considerations on Randall Road especially given that the road is wide due to its four to six lanes. Four major locations were studied, which include Bunker Hill Drive, Mid block between Bunker Hill and Harnish Drive, Harnish Drive, County Lane Road, and Longmeadow Parkway. The study established three major improvements that included enhancements of at-grade crossing, Overpass Bridge, and underpass tunnel. This report by Jacobs Engineering includes the works done by Jacobs Engineering, sub-consultants, and partners. Evaluation of the feasibility in constructing a new pedestrian crossing that connects Charles Circle to Esplanade parkland is done. Various alternatives are initiated. These alternatives were based on the need for constructing the new bridge and the study of the existing bridge. Images are used to give a clear picture of the existing bridge in order to provide way to the new bridge construction. A feasibility study is presented to examine any possibility of constructing the new pedestrian bridge. The new bridge is meant to either supplement the exiting one or to replace it. This report is about Pedestrian Safety manly on Camus Crosswalks within big ten universities. The report summarizes meeting and site visits reports based on the Big Ten Universities, which are initiated with a view of discussing crosswalk safety issues as well as corrective measures that could be implemented to enhance pedestrian
Thursday, July 25, 2019
History The World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History The World - Essay Example In this regard, it focuses on explaining morality in evolution stages. The emotion and morality document suggests that emotions play a role in the evolutionary stages of morality. Different human emotions either boost the development or the destruction of morality. The document highlighting empathy and morality makes formidable conclusions that all societies have rules and guidelines dictating morality. In short, this document’s point of view is the expected behaviors in reference to people in the society. According to William James, the purpose and morality document pays attention to efforts in trying to establish the role of morality in a society. It reviews the roles played by morality in shaping the world as a better place. The document defining morality refers to Charles Darwin’s contradicting statement that states that one cannot accurately determine the contents of morality. In contradiction, the document leaves out considerations of accurate data that reflects the choices between what is right from wrong. The evolution and morality document has an unreliable statement describing problems in natural selection that helps individuals and their offspring to adopt to moral issues in the tribe. An alternative to this statement is the fact that morality is a single element and the success of the tribe relates to the success of related tribes, in reference to Charles Darwin. The document linking emotions to morality sights an unreliable statement that states emotions help organisms in dealing with adverse changes in the environment. In contrast, a more useful statement to historians is the categorization of emotions and how they affect morality in humans. Some of the religious practices exercised in this document include the belief that man did not evolve on their own, but rather, through creation. Darwin’s theory proposes the evolution of man through various stages from fish and other beings
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Assignment - Essay Example In his discourse, he equivalently points out defects existing in the Irish political system and the neglect of the ruling class which, according to Swift, ought to be blamed altogether for the crisis that had been worsened by the mercantilist structure of British control over his nation. Prior to the endeavour of illustrating the substance of his proposition, Swift initiates â€Å"A Modest Proposal†by briefing readers with a concrete picture of the grounds which he thinks amounted to a grievance that deserved an unordinary level of attention. He confesses â€Å"It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors, crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags †¦ this prodigious number of children in the arms, or on the backs, or at the heels of their mothers, and frequently of their fathers, is in the present deplorable state of the kingdom..†(Swift, 5). ... By concretization of the problem parts, creating rich imagery in the minds that must be inclined to ponder on taking urgent course of action toward resolution, and by providing a sensible knowledge of statistical estimates and proportion between resources and human count, the satirist gradually manages to promote a conscious thought of the central theme of his philosophy and the grave predicament for which it should apply. So, on claiming that children may be sold for consumption to which he adds â€Å"instead of being a charge upon their parents or the parish †¦ they shall on the contrary contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands†(6), one may be perceived to understand not the irrational and ever inhumane principle of cannibalism, rather the gravity of the present circumstances and its future implications if unsettled. Moreover, Swift may be observed to have systematically spread vital details in adequate support of his arguments. In the e laborate numeration of the advantages corresponding his schematic proposal, Swift speaks of the reduction in the number of Papists, improvement in the capacity of poorer tenants to pay their rents, and the optimal circulation of goods and monetary gain once the large quantity of youth within the most tender ages could be turned into profitable carcasses and textiles. Then he continues to argue that the materialization of such an idea would keep ‘constant breeders’ from the burden of maintaining their offspring during growth, aside from the other benefits being a great economy for the Irish nation which would hence be brought to experience good dishes out of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Work ,Retirement and Economic status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Work ,Retirement and Economic status - Essay Example They are thus forced to seek employment to support the little pension or social security schemes they are eligible to. The employment trends in the US reveal that more elderly population are choosing to retain their employment or get back to some sort of employment some years after their retirement. Various reasons are attributed to these and include desire to keep fit, as a means of killing boredom, or to supplement their incomes. The narrator notes that growing old do not mean that the productivity of this demography is totally at its knees. Instead, most of them choose to find some part time jobs to support their diminishing incomes. To illustrate this it can be seen that those economies with generous social security schemes tend to have reduced number of adult under employment. On the other hand, those with limited benefits have more aged people under employment. In US, for instance, the number of old Hispanics and Blacks still under employment is high since most of them do not enjoy the social security benefits either due to ignorance or lacks of jobs in their productive years. In general, the video sounds warning bell that people need to prepare early emotionally, economically socially so as to avoid economic catastrophe among the elderly in the near
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Reflection on the Development of a Nursing Teacher Essay
Reflection on the Development of a Nursing Teacher - Essay Example This paper describes the highlights from an individual analysis of my competence as a preceptor (Forest, 2004:77-78). Different students have varying learning styles and this gives me the impetus to assess whether I have been able to address the needs of each student (Black, 2004:68). I have to discern the abilities of the students carefully in order to determine whether they have gained the relevant skills. Using the John’s reflective model, I embarked on a reflection to identify my progress as a nurse playing the assessment role. Guided by this model, I related to experiences in the workplace, their consequences, and influencing factors and highlighted how such experiences have improved my learning process. Due to the varying learning needs of students, I have allocated different sessions for each student whom I should assess. I give attention to first year students who are new in the course and are taking their first clinical practice. Understanding their personality is ess ential as it helps me determine the best approaches to use to impart skills in each student. (Fleming, McKee, and Huntley-Moore, 2011:450-457). In addition, students need guidelines to help to help them run activities on their own. Understanding the different learning styles and designing appropriate assessment skills will help me become a better preceptor (McDonough and Osterbrink, 2005:89-90). In the future, I should be able to assess each student extensively and help him or her improve in learning the relevant nursing skills. From my own learning orientation, I can present concepts effectively and then advance to giving details of the concepts. However, I realize that this puts off analytic learners who expect a stepwise presentation of ideas so that they can construct the complete picture. I have to broaden my assessment methods and rise above the challenge. Experience has taught me how to address the different personality types in assessment. Endowed with characteristics of an introvert, it becomes demanding to design effective modules for students who are extroverts, as they need more interactive sessions (Li, Chen and Tsai, 2008:71-74). However, I have been trying to give students group work tasks on critical issues at times in order to address the needs of judging extroverts. Feelers need a more sensitive approach that will create a favorable learning environment. Understanding the varying needs prompts me to use a more integrative assessment approach. Through this understanding, it becomes easier for me to develop strategies and standards of assessment. A nurse preceptor has the responsibility of nurturing the traits of a good nurse in the learners. I realize the importance of this and I have been presenting them with tasks that build patience and compassion. Nurses should be able to nurture well and possession of this trait prompts many students to take up nursing after their personality type tests (Li, Chen and Tsai, 2008:71-74). As an assessor, I s hould complement this trait with a critical understanding of the nursing practice in the students. An efficient nurse should be able to make critical judgment on different occasions. In order to build this criticality in making judgment, i present my students with critical tasks each week in which they describe their actions and ethics and values that dictated their decisions in each task. The most important aspect I have learned as a nurse teacher is that facilitation of the learning process is more effective
Monday, July 22, 2019
Theoretical Framework Essay Example for Free
Theoretical Framework Essay Self- efficacy and perceived self-proficiency Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory is based on the concept that individuals possess a self-system that enables them to exercise a measure of control over their thoughts, feelings, and actions. He defines this self-system as housing the individuals’ cognitive and affective structures which includes the abilities to symbolize, learn from others, plan strategies, regulate ones own behavior, and engage in self- reflection.  Bandura believes that through self-reflection, individuals could evaluate their own experiences and thought processes.  Bandura (1986) stresses that self-reflection is the most critical human capability. Through self-reflection, individuals evaluate and change their own thinking and behavior. Some of these evaluations include the perceptions of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own capabilities to organize and initiate courses of behavior necessary to achieve specific types of performances. Bandura further elaborated on the belief that perceived self-proficiency could affect behavior in several ways. Individuals may be influenced in the courses of action they undertake. He believed that individuals may only participate in tasks in which they feel confident and competent. In contrast, they often avoid those tasks in which they feel unsuccessful.            According to Pajares (1996), self-efficacy beliefs could determine how much effort individuals will invest in an activity, how long they will persevere when confronting obstacles, and how resilient they are in adverse situations. There exists a direct relationship among two sets of variables where the higher the self- efficacy, the greater is the effort, persistence, and resilience. In addition, self- efficacy beliefs could influence individuals’ emotions and thought patterns. An individual with low self-efficacy could believe that things are more difficult than they really are. This is a belief state of mind that could contribute to depression, stress, and a limited vision of how to best solve an issue. On the other hand, high self-efficacy could contribute to an individuals feeling of confidence and serenity in approaching problematic tasks and activities (Bandura 1986; Pajares 1996). Moreover, according to Bandura, an individuals self- efficacy beliefs are strong determinants and predictors of the level of accomplishment that one may attain.            In consonance with this, online art students are individuals possessing this self-system that Bandura was referring to. Their self-systems could pave the way for an introspection of one’s self. This self-reflection is a means for the students to evaluate their selves and this self-evaluation made by the students are the basis for behavioral changes towards improvement. When done in the educational setting, the students could use this self-system in reflecting with regard to their self-efficacy and self-proficiency. This would direct and pinpoint the strong and weak points of the students and the factors that keep them continuing in an educational endeavor or activity. Adult online art students would need to have the chance to review their set of characteristics such as self-efficacy. As stated above, this activity would pinpoint their strong and weak points and the identification of such would pave the way for reinforcement or reversal of certain behaviors. There might be some factors that would need to be reinforced or improved in the online courses and this would be identified based on the students’ self-efficacy beliefs. Motivations of adult learners            The literature (Knowles 1995; Mezirow 1991; Rogers 1966) in adult education focuses on the distinct attributes of adults, which builds a rationale for practice based on those attributes. Knowles (1995) advocates that adults are autonomous, self-directed, and have unique needs and requirements as learners. He also indicates that adults like to direct their own learning and are motivated by several factors:1) are attracted to the social relationships involved in learning; 2) want to create friendships and there is a need to foster interesting associations; 3) have external expectations; 4) have a desire to comply with instructions from someone else; 5) want to fulfill the expectations of someone with formal authority; 6) want to be of service to the community;7) want to become connected and part of social networks;8) want to secure professional advancements or gain higher status in employment; 9) want to escape from boredom and learning provides a break in the routine of their daily lives. Moreover, Knowles (1950) believes in informal education; that is education where the learning occurs in daily life and outside of formal school settings. Just the same, the adult students of the online art classes still possess practically the same motivations stated above. It can be noticed that the motivational factors presented here are not entirely in harmony with the elements of an online class. Transformative learning, best theorized by Mezirow (1991) suggests that the adult learner make changes through transforming personal perspectives. Mezirow believes that individuals could be transformed through the process of critical reflection and that changes which accelerate transformative learning are referred to as â€Å"disorienting dilemmas†. These are situations that fail to align with preconceived opinions. The dilemmas encourage critical reflection and guide the development of alternative paths of knowledge. The adult learner is given the chance to reflect on the attitudes, opinions and emotional responses that defined personal perceptions. Transformative learning can, thus, aid adult online art students in bringing about an act of contemplation within their personal perspectives of successes, barriers, and motivations with regard to the online art programs they take. As suggested by Mezirow, the change in personal perspectives can help in attaining necessary changes among the adult students in the educational setting. The theory of experiential learning, by Carl Rogers, evolved as a part of the humanistic education movement (Patterson, 1993; Valett, 1977). Rogers distinguishes two types of learning: cognitive and experiential. Cognitive learning corresponds to academic knowledge such as learning multiplication tables and vocabulary. Experiential learning refers to an applied knowledge such as learning about sewing in order to make clothing. Rogers (1996) believes that a distinction between cognitive and experiential learning was that the learning addresses the means and desires of the learner. The qualities of experiential learning are self-initiation, personal involvement, and evaluation by the learner and the pervasive effects on the learner. Rogers also feels that all human beings have the ability to learn and the role of the educator is to facilitate the learning. The educator’s responsibilities were to set a positive climate for learning, clarify the purposes for the learner, organize and make available learning resources, balance intellectual and emotional components of learning, and share thoughts with learners. However, an educator should avoid dominating the classroom. Rogers (1996) states that real learning is facilitated when the learner participates in the learning process and has control over its direction. Also that it primarily is based upon direct application with practical, social, personal or research problems. Moreover, self- evaluation is the main method of assessing progress or success. Indeed, the theme of self-evaluation by adult online art students remains to be the central focus of this theory. It is also to be emphasized that it is the adult online art students are the principal actors to whom the learning process should be directed. It is necessary that the inputs to the learning environment comes and directs to the learners, who are the adult online art students, and the teacher remains as a facilitator in the online classes. With the fact that they are the main actors here, they are also the ones who should reflect on the learning process and bring about the change. The teacher, as a facilitator would be the one to be the change agent. Both Rogers (1966) and Mezirow (1991) reflect Knowles’ ideas about informal education. Rogers’ (1966) approach to adult education focuses on relationships. He agrees with Knowles that adults want to create friendships and foster interesting associations. However, he believed that the facilitation of significant learning relied upon the attitudinal relationship of the facilitator and the learner. He also believes that it is impossible to teach another person directlyâ€â€one could only really facilitate their learning. Similarly, Mezirow (1991) recognizes that adults are autonomous and self-directed; however, he felt the adult learner needs to challenge their frames of reference by critically reflecting on their assumptions. Mezirow feels this is a critical step in the adults learning. Learning could change if the adult would implement ways to assess their beliefs or prior assumptions. With this, a line can be drawn in the path of the adult online art students. There is a relationship within the facilitator and the learner, who are the teacher and the adult online art student respectively. It is not possible to have a direct domination of the learning process of the adult online art students. There is a need for the adult online art students to evaluate on their current beliefs so as to gain a new perspective in the learning process.  Research by Csikszentmihalyi (1997) also explores motivation. He defines a â€Å"state of flow†as a condition of heightened focus, happiness and productivity that all individuals understand and hunger for. Csikszentmihalyi offers an interesting observation about what individuals believe makes them happy. What was discovered is that individuals are most happy and most productive while pursuing challenging activities. The majority of these activities are during work or pursuing a hobby. Individuals who emerge from each flow state are more complex, self-confident, capable, and sensitive. The experience becomes its own reward. Moreover, in order to improve one’s life, one must improve the quality of the experience. Csikszentmihalyi believes the main advantage of flow is that it enabled adults to avoid psychic entropy or degeneration which could cause depression, dispiritedness and distraction. The adult online art students are motivated by different things. Generally, it can be said that these motivations come from the idea of being challenged with their online art programs. The very experience would serve as their means and their ends. In addition to this, what matters highly are the goals and experiences given and made by them to keep them going in the online art program. Intentions of adult learners One definition (Webster’s World dictionary 1998) of intention states that it is the reason, motive or purpose for ones actions. It is a determination to act in a specific way and on purpose. However, according to Davies (2006) this definition may be unfinished. Jackson (1994), Kuhl (1990) and McCarty and Siccone (2001) as cited by Davies (2006) believe that intention is an internal representation of a persons values, purposes, or commitment to a particular activity. In addition, intention includes willpower, persistence, determination, desire, effort, work ethic, mindfulness, striving, and focus. Rychlak (1997) adds that through intention individuals have the ability to choose specific actions. They also have specific intentions that can determine the effort and persistence with which they pursue those actions.  Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) add that actual learning behavior is more accurately predicted by a learner’s intent. Davies (2006) concludes that it is the learners’ intent that determines the effort expended and the quality of the learning achieved. Through self-reflection mentioned several times before, the adult online art students would be able to learn about their intentions as learners. The degree of the intensity of the intention also shows the effort that will be brought about by the learner in the learning process and in the online art programs. This would greatly affect their interest in their programs. Intention can be defined as an individuals commitment and will to learn what is expected of them when given a specific learning opportunity. According to Bandura (2001) intention is the mental representation of commitment to learn which is separate from both from motivation and effort. Learner intention can characterize an individual aims and values for participating in the learning activity. An individual’s capability to make accurate decisions may vary depending on aptitudes and abilities. Gardner (2006) makes the point that the ability to control oneself in this way is a category of intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence as Gardner expresses it, is the degree to which individuals are able to efficiently control motivational influences and accurately judge situations when making decisions and forming intent. Tyler (1995) notes that intentions which are associated with specific decisions are not always fixed. Circumstances may change and motives can become reconsidered. Certain individuals may have multiple intentions for multiple activities. These can often compete for their time and attention. According to Schunk and Zimmerman (1994) in learning environments where students are faced with conflicting intentions, compromises are made that are often situational. Students who can self-regulate and prioritize specific learning goals are academically successful. Those who are unable can become unsuccessful. The online educational setting would provide the adult online art students conflicts with regard to their motivations, intentions, and personal perspectives. It is important for the adult online art students to be able to identify their main learning goals in vis-à -vis their intentions and motivations in order for them to become successful in their online art programs. It is necessary for them to gain a full understanding of their personal perspectives and beliefs because these are the things which would pave the way for a successful academic setting. Success strategies and best practices Palloff and Pratt (2001) discuss successful strategies and principles of good practice for instructors in online undergraduate education. This includes, encouraging contact between students and faculty, developing cooperation among students, promoting the use of active learning techniques, and giving prompt feedback. Another good practice is to place an emphasis on communicating high expectations to all learners of diverse talent and learning styles. Palloff and Pratt (2001) believe that courses that encouraged interactivity are the key to a well constructed online course. It could be remembered that one of the motivations of the adult students is the interaction between the different stakeholders of the learning environment. Thus, the transformation of the online courses into an interactive one is a key step for the administrator and the teachers. The role of the student as the principal actor should be noted here because the adult online students should take a big part and should be considered in the redirection of the online class into an interactive one. Sales-Ciges (2001) separate the instructor’s role in the online classroom into three categories: social, intellectual, and organizational. The instructor monitors the course content by tracking student’s activities, setting timelines, and introducing procedures. The instructor also has the role of facilitator in discussions by providing students with feedback on discussion board responses. Stolovitch and Keeps (1999) add that instructors need to understand how to foster human interaction in a virtual setting and to guide the students through their understanding of course materials. In addition, an instructor needs to promote students interactivity for communication, motivation, discovery and participation when presenting assignments. Wiggins and TcTighe (2001) believe that the instructor should focus on the students understanding of the material and the ability to transfer the information into real life. In addition, the assignments must be achievable and rewarding in order to keep the student motivated. In line with this, the teachers as facilitators in the online classes for adults should maintain its role as close as it is in the real setting. It should be as close to the real classroom environment and the adult online students should have all the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to put it into application. The maintenance of the real classroom environment and the ability to put it into application are motivations for the adult online art students. Barriers for completion The research (Mezirow 1991; Tough 1979) supports that adults have several barriers against participating in learning. Significant barriers include confidence, time, interest, money, scheduling, child care, transportation, and information about opportunities to learn. More importantly, less obvious barriers include their past experiences in acquiring new learning. Kennedy (2003) observes that adults have preconceived ways of thinking and this could cause a resistance to learning new information. The adult learners’ past experiences can be a barrier in gaining new learning. Crawford (2006) supports Kennedy’s belief about the adult learner. He notes that a resistance to learning new information can occur from past habits or old ways of thinking about a particular issue. He adds that the reason for this resistance in learning is that adults are often reserved about acquiring new knowledge, particularly if it is in direct contrast to what they believe. Similarly, the adult online art students bear the same difficulties with regard to learning, more so with a new environment which is the online classrooms for them. In addition to this, there are factors that prevent them from proceeding with the learning process as they take into consideration when they enroll and proceed with their online art programs. Motivations to continue According to Knowles (1980) adult learners are educated through life experiences. They gain their self-identity from their past experiences. If they cannot use those experiences or if those experiences are unacknowledged, they can feel rejected as an individual. Bandura (1986) also supported that if an individual perceived themselves as unable to accomplish a task, they would cease to participate in the task. In addition, Kennedy (2003) noted that the fear of failure an adult may bring to the classroom could bring on further rejection from their peer group. Kennedy believes that past experiences could also be a handicap in acquiring new learning.  Adults sometimes have preconceived ways of thinking that are resistant to change. Moreover, adult learners could be more reserved about new knowledge if it is in contrast to what they believe.  Lieb (1991) contends that how an adult uses their work provides a significant and important factor in self- identification. An important aspect of work that influences the adults motivations to learn has to do with job dissatisfaction. Changes in technology and other socio-economic factors could influence a great number of adults who change occupations over the course of their lives. Adults are often motivated to acquire and update new skills for employment. To this, the motivations for the adult online art students are motivated by the environment within which learning occurs. This would also include their past experiences and how they use the things they learn from the online art programs. Palloff and Pratt (2003) support that online learning may require a high degree of motivation, self-directed learning, persistence, and commitment from the adult learner. Many learners lack the required preparation for the demands of online learning in order to complete their programs. Retention (Frankola 2004) in distance education higher education is not a new subject; however the study of e-learning retention is a relatively new area for research. Most of the existing models (Tinto 1975; Bean 1980) of retention were built on the retention research of ground campuses and nontraditional learners. The field of retention for adult online art students remains an unknown one. It is also necessary to identify the preparedness of the adult online art students to the nature of the learning environment. This will provide them ample time to reflect and transform their personal perspectives and make them in parallel with the situations of the online art programs. The research (Frankola 2001) has shown that the reasons for dropping out of online education programs are multiple, interrelated and complex. Students are most likely to leave an online program after they complete the first few courses. Few students decide to leave an online education program after they have several courses completed. The students who persist in the early phases of the online program could be viewed as successful and are probably satisfied with their online learning experience in the program. The students who had issues adjusting to the online program or technology are likely to become frustrated in their first few courses. Taking the time and effort to putting forth the investment into the program could make the difference. The adult online art students who had the chance to reflect on their personal beliefs are the ones predicted to be more successful in their online classes. It is important that the adult online student feels motivated in the experiences and goals in the learning experience to keep them going. Martinez (2003) states that recent nontraditional attrition studies have considered the impact of psychological factors on persistence. Bandura believes (1986) that some of these factors could be related to the learners’ self-efficacy in regard to self-proficiency. Other factors could have to do with learner intentions (Davies 2006), quality of instruction (Palloff Pratt 2003), and motivations to continue (Frankola 2004; Kennedy 2003). The level of persistence exuded by the students could be affected by several factors, which are important for the adult online art students. This, in consonance with the learning environment, could contribute to the success of the students and in the continuous endeavor in learning.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Satellite Communication Systems Overview
Satellite Communication Systems Overview SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS OVERVIEW Satellite communication enables two Stations on the earth to communicate through radio broadcast which are located far away from each other. The two stations use satellite as a relay station for their communication. One of the earth station will transmit to the satellite. This is called as Uplink. The satellite Transponder will convert the signal and sends it down to the other earth station. This is called a Downlink. The satellite communication is advantageous over terrestrial communication because of the huge coverage area and high bandwidth capabilities. The disadvantages of satellite communication are large propagation delay, communication cost and gradual increase in use of bandwidth. The basic factors to be considered in satellite communication are; elevation angle is the angle of the earth surface to the center line of the satellite transmission beam. This angle gives considerable effects on satellites coverage area. Ideally, elevation angle should be 0 degrees, so that the tr ansmission beam will reach the horizon visible to the satellite in all directions. However, there is a minimum elevation angle of earth stations because of the environmental factors like objects blocking the transmission, atmospheric attenuation, and earth electrical background noise. Coverage angle is the measure of the portion of the earth surface visible to a satellite taking the minimum elevation angle into account. [1] It is denoted as, R/(R+h) = cos (ÃŽ ² + ÃŽ ¸)/cos (ÃŽ ¸) Here R is earth radius (6370 Km), h is satellite orbit height, Î’ is coverage angle and ? is the minimum elevation angle. There are impairments like free space loss, atmospheric attenuation caused by rain and fog will create considerable effects during transmission. [1] There are different type of satellite services namely, Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) to offers point to point communication. Broadcast Satellite Services (BSS) to provide satellite television and radio. Mobile satellite Services (MSS) will provide telephony. There are number of satellites orbiting in different orbits. [1] The types of satellite orbits are (GEO) geostationary earth orbit, Medium earth orbit (MEO), Low earth orbit (LEO) Molniya and tundra orbit.GEO satellites are in orbit 35,863 km above the earths surface along the equator. Objects in Geostationary orbit revolve around the earth at the same speed so as the earth rotates. This means GEO satellites remain in the same position relative to the surface of earth. This satellite has large coverage area which almost one fourth of the earths surface. It has 24 hour continuous view of the particular regions of the earth, so it is used for broadcasting and multipoint applications. These GEO satellites have difficulty in broadcasting in near polar region.LEO satellites are much closer to the earth than GEO satellites, ranging from 500 to 1,500 km above the surface.LEO satellites dont stay in fixed position relative to the surface, and are only visible for 15 to 20 minutes each pass. So a network of LEO satellites is necessary for LEO satellites to be useful. A LEO satellites proximity to earth compared to a GEO satellite gives it a better signal strength and less time delay, which is better for point to point communication. A LEO satellites smaller area of coverage is less of a waste of bandwidth. Atmospheric drag affects LEO satellites, causing gradual orbital deterioration. A MEO satellite is in orbit somewhere between 8,000 km and 18,000 km above the earths surface.MEO satellites are similar to LEO satellites in functionality.MEO satellites are visible for much longer periods of time than LEO satellites, usually between 2 to 8 hours.MEO satellites have a larger coverage area than LEO satellites. Tundra and Molniya Orbit Satellites are used by Russia for decades. Molniya Orbit is an elliptical orbit. The satellite remains in a nearly fixed position relative to earth for eight hours. A series of three Molniya satellites can act like a GEO satellite. It is useful for operations in near Polar Regions. [1] International Teleco mmunication Union (ITU) has done the frequency allocation and planning for all satellite services. To facilitate efficient frequency planning, the whole world is divided into three regions. [1] They are, Region 1: Europe, Africa, Mongolia Region 2: Greenland, South and North America Region 3: Australia, Asia, South west pacific Frequency band are allocated within these regions to provide various satellite services. Some of the satellite services are Broadcasting Satellite Services, Mobile satellite services, fixed satellite services, Navigational and meteorological satellite services. [1] Different types of satellites use various frequency bands. They are given in the table below, FREQUNCY BAND OPERATING FREQUENCY (GHz) TYPES OF SATELLITE SERVICE USES L-Band 1-2 MSS S- Band 2-4 MSS C-Band 4-8 FSS X-Band 8-12.5 FSS Ku-Band 12.5-18 FSS and BSS K-Band 18-26.5 FSS and BSS Ka-band 26.5- 40 FSS References: (
Recruitment And Selection Processes
Recruitment And Selection Processes In todays world, recruitment and selection policy plays an important role in the workplace around the globe where it is the key success factors in any business. Recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of qualified applicants from which candidates for job vacancies can be selected. However, selection is the process that choosing from a group of applicants the best qualified candidates. (Stone 2005, pp.187) Both the recruitment and selection are different management functions, but they can lead the employers to identify the right person for the right job. Thus, it also can help in increase effectiveness of organization. The relationship between employers and employees can seek a big different if compared to past decades. Existing of industrial relations and labor laws has created a protectionism and healthy environment for both parties in the workplace. However, there are still some issues existing in the society nowadays, especially unfair discrimination issue occur in some industries. In fact, those unlawful, unfair treatments or discrimination to the employees may increase the costs and turnover rate in the organization and thus lower the workforces morale. Without recruitment and selection policy, organization may simply hire workers to fit the vacancy spaces even candidates are lack of knowledge, ability, experience, or skill. Besides, numbers of foreign labors is increased from year to year whereby help company to save costs by employed labors in low salary. But, this caused unemployment rate increased and thus uncertainty is possible at the same time by increased in such activities like crime, strike, fighting, and so on. With no expertise workers, there is no doubt that organization will carry out low performance and unsatisfied services or products to the users. The inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the organization might affect its overall performance and reputation indirectly. In order to change the situation and increase the profit, organization may need to make some improvement like give the employees some jobs training and this will increase the costs indirectly. Therefore, it is needed for every organization to ensure that the jobs are suited to offer to workers with abilities by applying recruitment and selection policy to avoid unnecessary expenses. This research study can help everyone to understand the important of recruitment and selection policy toward the organizations in all industries. The information might able to achieve future goals by clearly define the influential of the policy within the organization. Besides that, organizations can also find this information as for their human resource management improvement. Furthermore, the general objective of doing this research study is to identify the recruitment and selection policy can help good relations by ensuring that workers are engaged for jobs suited to their abilities and workers can get satisfaction in their jobs. Secondly, this research study can lead to understand how the policy help organization performs in more effective ways in order to make a right choice. Employer need to choose the most suitable employee to help increase performance of organization. Thirdly, it is important to understand how policy creates a healthy workplace by providing fair treatment to everyone for gaining win-win situation in both employers and employees. That mean organization performance can get improvement and employees can get fully satisfaction in their jobs. Lastly, it is needed to study whether the recruitment and selection policy can make changes in human lifestyle such as better or worse, high educated, skillful, knowledgeable, and so on. 2.0 Literature Review Recruitment and selection are the two important processes under Human Resource department in an organization. Good recruitment and selection policies will ensure a good industrial relation between employees and employers in an organization and also ensured workers are engaged for jobs suited to their abilities. A study made by Hsu Y.R, et al., 2000, found that it is important to have Human Resource managers on the board participating in the development of corporate strategy and that it is important to integrate Human Resource Management policy fully with corporate strategy. However, there are issues pertaining to recruitment and selection policies in industrial relation between employers and employees. In Anastasi, 1988, p-144; Bible, 1990, Cascio, 1987, p. 132; Hutfcut, 1990; Seymour, 1988; Thornton, in press) studies as cited in Smither J.W., et al (n.d) studies, it says that applicant perceived selection procedures as lacking in validity, or otherwise regarded as offensive or intrusive, are more likely to be viewed as unfair, unethical, or immoral issues resulting in more complaints and court challenges. By perceiving unlawful and unfair treatments by employers, workers motivation level to perform well will be lowered down and in turn will increase the costs and turnover rate in the organization. Besides that, Smither J.W. et al, (n.d), also mention that those workers who does not like an organizations policies, practices, or style is likely to go job shopping somewhere else. Changes in workforce demographics may also increase the difficulty to attract and recruit enough qualified workers. The types of benefits can be influence by the demographic factors as well. For example, medical coverage, life insurance, and retirement benefits will be more likely for older workforce. On the other hand, workers under 30 tend to be more interested in flexibility, technology, and training. Therefore, the policies provide for employees should not a one size fits all approach; organizations can provide employees options for customizing a benefits package to match their individual needs (John C.R., 2009).The research made by Hsu Y.R., et al., (2000) on recruitment and selection policies in Taiwan found that the internal recruitment method are commonly used by the responding firm in Taiwan and may not only motivate workers to perform better and increase their commitment towards the organization, but may also improve their job security through upward or lateral career oppor tunities. In Sparrow, P. et al., (1994) study (as cited in Hsu Y.R., et al., (2000) mentioned that by using internal personnel sources effectively, it may also allow management to observe and assess the abilities of employees accurately given the accrued knowledge gathered over the employment relationship. This may avoid management from recruiting and selecting workers that are lack of knowledge, ability and experience to fit into the vacancy spaces besides helping the management to maintain good industrial relations with workers. There is still having some organization discrimination about the union. In the organizational for Economic Co-operation and Development there is declining in union density (Visser,2006; Peetz, 1998). Some of the companies have specific selection criteria to make sure they get staff that are culturally fit with what the companies culture and wish to avoid employees that have strongly unionized, preferring those from non-union (Rae Cooper, et al.,2009). This show that, in the early stage which is selection, organization already tend to choose those not union and those who are unions no chance to get the job. In addition, some companies recruitment policy have stated that they not to employ union members. At the recruitment meeting, human resource consultants and customer service managers have come out a question that whether the workers worked at company that was heavily unionized company can make a good team fit (Rae Cooper, et al., 2009). Joining the non-union organization, workers a re not protected under union and it will relate to more issues like unsatisfied on their working condition, payment, bonus, and others. Furthermore, this will lead to the unfair/unhappiness or workers. So, it cant maintain a good industrial relation between management and workers. There are suggestion that the varied and multilayered de-unionization tactics were not mutually exclusive, as the soft and informal human resources policies only hidden away the more clear and proper plan by employers to break collective representation at the workplace level ( Rae Cooper, et al., 2009). Multinational enterprise (MNE) has facing the problem that in different countries the Human resource procedures are different. Multinational enterprise facing difficulty to transmit their employee relations practices between contrary units operating in different countries. MNEs are important agents in transmitting industrial relations and other employment relations practices across national and cultural borders argued by Sparrow et al, 1994. The improvement in working conditions introduced by the collective agreement since 1989, lower the labor turnover. Organization should not be underestimated the importance of recruiting suitable individuals into an organization (Tony Royle, 1999). Recruit suitable employees into an organization can help increase the performance of organizations and lower down the turnover in the organizations. However, an organization is able to take benefit of employees who share common traits, kicking out those who may question managerial right, have notions of worker solidarity and an interest in trade union representation (Royle, 1998). 3.0 Content analysis Recruitment and selections policy plays vital important role in ensuring that the organization recruiting the qualified workers for job which are commensurate with their abilities. Recruitment and selection is usually central workforce development issues and challenges for the growing and smaller organization nowadays. The employers or human resources should always define the qualifications and experience that needed for the vacant job clearly by ensuring that the applicants skills or abilities that employed are fit with the job. There are always two primary issues that should be concerned by the recruiter or employer which are discrimination that due to the use of informal methods of recruitment and possibility that selection process being skewed by the initial recruitment phrase. Sometimes, discrimination is happen indirectly and unconsciously throughout the procedure. When discrimination occurs, the employer may miss the opportunity of getting the appropriate applicants that suite d with the job. Thus, fair and equity recruitment and selection procedures need to be emphasized to ensure that all applicants have equal employment opportunity so that the company can employ the most suitable applicants for the job that match with their ability. In additional, there are three steps should be taken by the organization which are develop an up to date job description, develop effective recruitment strategy that concern the recruitment sources and recruiter and evaluate the recruitment strategy. Recruitment process and methods also need to check regularly and evaluate now and then. In order to ensure that the candidate engage to the job that suited with their abilities, the employer may explain term and conditions of employment to applicant before they are engaged for the job. By explaining the employment condition to the applicants, they will know more about the job scope and determine whether they are engage for the right job. At the same time, it helps to decrease the tendency of industry relation problems occur at anytime. Besides, selection techniques also plays crucial role in getting right person for the job. The employers must always make sure that the selection is based on suitability for the job and ensure that the recruitment processes are carried out by the competent recruiters that are experience and knowledgeable in human resources field. Once the applicants are proceeding to selection phrase, the individual or panel interview, test, role play activity or reference check will be carried out. Job knowledge test helps to measure the understanding of applicants regard to the job (Compton, 1996). The organizations are encouraged to follow competencies model in recruiting and selecting the applicants as it seeks to identify abilities needed to perform job well rather than focusing on applicant personal characteristics. Moreover, the employers of organization are most likely applying internal recruitment method which is filling the vacancy by transfer or promotions before recruit from outside. These can be supported by the example of recruitment and selection in Australia. In Australia, recruitment from within method is commonly practice by the organization (Nankervis et al., 2002).Filling the job vacancy through transfer or promotions will helps the organization to save up some additional recruiting, selecting and training cost as current employee knows the organization well. Advertising and recruitment agencies are also widely used by organization in Australian as these recruitment methods help to reach large audience of applicants (Gill, 2000). Furthermore, existences of rec ruitment agencies help the organization to match the applicants abilities with the job vacancy. During the selection phrase, the organization in Australia will emphasize on interview, tests and reference check. Interview is important step in selection (Compton, 1996) and common selection tools for many companies ( Huffcult Arthur, 1994). In China, recruitment methods such as advertisement, job fairs, and corporate co-ordination are being practice by organization while for the selection techniques, Interview, tests and behavioral events are exercised by the organization. For example, increasing use of interactive role play during selection phrase helps to ensure that the applicants are engaged for the job that matched with their abilities. Selection phrase is important as it is process of choosing from group of applicants that individual best suited for particular position (Mondy Noe, 1993). Thus, the effectiveness of recruitment will definitely has impact on the efficiency of selection process. Jakob Bjurgert and Johan Karlsson from University of Gothenburg conducted a case study to get insight of hotel industry in Gothenburg, and examine whether internal recruitment could be a key success factor and if it solely could motivate employees. They investigate whether internal recruitment strategy sufficiency to be an incentive compensation system, and find out any difference of view on incentive system in the hotel industry, between the employees and the managements. They found that there are two different types of employees existing, where the first category employees were young and eager climbing the carrier ladder. For them, internal recruitment solely works as an incentive compensation plus motivation to stay in the company. Regarding to the second group, they were those mainly care about a stabile income and job security. Those employees simply less concern about promotion, but would rather appreciate a higher salary. Results from their evaluation also shown discrepancy between the managements and the employees view of the incentive system. An incentive compensation system existed in hotel did not works as motivational factors which from employees viewpoint, it was rather as a guideline to behave well service-minded manner. Merchant and Van d.S. (2007) described an incentive compensation system in terms of monetary and non-monetary rewards. Non-monetary rewards often consist of promotion, personal independence, rising in rank or position, autonomy, and recognition. Incentive compensation system aims to tie rewards to performance valuations. The system informs and reminds workers about what results are important, and motivates them to achieve these results. Incentive compensation systems are important for a firm in order to drive employees put more effort into their job. It is also personnel-related in terms of attracting the right person for the working place. Internal recruitment is one of the most popular incentive systems and become an old tradition in the hotel industry, as one of the non-monetary rewards. It is important for hotel industry in the service sector to have served minded employees. The industry is strongly dependent on their staff because they who are the frontline serve the customers and were important marketing tools. Motivation is needed as a force to push up performance. Through incentive compensation systems the hotel managers can design individual programs to motivate, retain and help attracting employees. (Karthik N.,Li M.,Zhaob X.,2006). However, increase the rewards can be devastating because the employees will then concerning more about the bonuses than to serve best quality to the customer.(Bjurgert J. Karlsson J.,2010) The work in a hotel is characterized by low status or low salaries, having intensive tasks and few chances to get promoted. Thus, motivation is one important tool to affect the behavior of the employees. To achieve motivated employees in the hotel industry, factors such as good salary a safe workplace, possibilities to get promoted and a good working atmosphere need to be fulfilled.(Simon T.Enz C.,1995). Zeithaml, V.A and Bitner, M.J. (2003) stated that before company recruiting a new employee, it is vital to analyze to see whether the potential employee is motivated to work in a service minded way. The hotel industry has a high labor turnover, due to long business hour, and minimum wages offered. New recruitments and learning processes cost time plus money, and company also loose competence and productivity. Nevertheless high turnover help s companies to lower down cost by offering employee the minimum salary when they first enter the company. Thus it is interesting to examine whether it is possible to stimulate and motivate employees solely through internal recruitment. Employees have to be motivated for the right thing, which is connected to the companys goals and visions. Increase workers salary and increase their responsibility and recognition when worker being internally recruited. The management needs to know how to motivate their employees with rewards. It is also important that the employees know how they are judged and how they should effort to reach these rewards. defined internal recruitment as the process of filling vacancies by recruiting staff from inside the company . According to Dessler G. (2010), the advantage of internal recruitment is getting more commitment from current to the company. Morale may also rise if employees see promotions as rewards for loyalty and competence. Moreover, inside candidates require less orientation and training than outsiders. At Gothenburg, internal recruitment in the hotel industry is frequently practiced by large hotel chains, where the supply of workers is large, and most positions are standardized.(Bjurgert J. Karlsson J.,2010). Most of the job advertisements go through via internal and external portal, where both internal and external applicants have a chance to getting the job. Even though they also advertise externally, most positions are filled with internal candidates. This could be explained by the size of the company, and high supply of candidates. 4.0 Conclusion In this study we can conclude that a good recruitment and selection policies will ensure a good industrial relation between employees and employers in an organization and can also help to identify that job can suit with the skills and abilities of employee. A good recruitment and selection process can give employer and employee achieve win-win situation. Recruitment and selection processes are main factor can help organization get successful in their business. In order placing a right people in right job is very important. This is because when worker enjoy satisfaction with their job, while can improve performance of worker. Thus, it also will help to improve overall performance of organization. In the recruitment and selection process, employer needs to pay more attention and aware on the skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience of candidates. Employer should be aware those requirement of candidates, so that can fully apply in the organization and integrate in the organization culture. Besides, those skills can effectively help in improve performance and profitability of organization. In additional, employee can also get fully satisfaction in their job because their skills can fully apply in job. In my opinion in the view point of employer, before start recruitment and selection process, employer must have clear idea about what kind of employee they want to seek and what kind of experience a potential employee to have had. It can help employer to raise success rate in the selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Thus, employer also need to make sure what organization can offer will fix what job applicants desire such as salary, work hours, working conditions, working environment and so on. It can help in reduce the probability employee which recruited and will leave in the short period. Employer can provide recruitment agency or recruitment consultant to carry out company recruitment and selection process. Employer just needs to simple describe out what kind of employee they desire to get. After that, recruitment agency will help employer to make interview with all job applicants and then help them to find out the most suitable person. Next, in the view point of employee, before interview candidates should be ready to provide feedback of any kind of questions and prepare to answer different kind of questions during that interview. Before the interview, candidates need very clearly know about what kind of job they interested in. Furthermore, candidates can try to identify what kind of question may ask by employer and they need to how answer question to show their skills and abilities to get the job.
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