Thursday, August 27, 2020
Effects of the Second World
Impacts of the Second World Framework Thesis articulation: Canada took an interest completely in the Second World War until 1945. In spite of the fact that it rose triumphant, numerous issues were seen later on. The fundamental issue was social incorporation among settlers and Canadian locals. This paper dissects the impacts of the Second World.Advertising We will compose a custom book audit test on Effects of the Second World explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More After taking an interest in the in the Second World War, troopers returned triumphant in 1945 with a great deal of confidence and trepidation. Canadian commitment in the war earned it regard from significant world forces. The extraordinary melancholy that came after the occasions of the Second World War left numerous individuals discouraged and denied financially. It took the nation quite a while to acclimate to the after war situation. The years somewhere in the range of 1945 and 1950 were significant on the grounds that they are the establishment of present day Canada. The war influenced Canadians in various manners particularly in the monetary front. The state changed its international strategy predominantly to fortify conciliatory relations with one of the superpowers-the United States. This implied past binds with Britain had disintegrated. Canadian populace had expanded basically as a result of migration. Different people group looked for asylum to Canada due to its quiet condition. During the Cold War, Canada had to take an interest completely since it was a supporter of free enterprise. The Gouzenko Affair was a genuine test for Canadian specialists. Canada was convinced to capture the specialist after doubt that he was engaged with seeing the legislature over atomic innovation. Somewhere in the range of 1948 and 1957, Canada rose as one of the persuasive states on the planet governmental issues. The period is prominently alluded to as Golden Age. Lester Pearson and Louis St. Laurent are the pioneers rel ated with Canadian popularity during the Golden Age. Pearson comprehended the significance of domineering forces on the planet issues since he was a recognized history specialist. He later on turned into the country’s Prime Minister in 1963.Advertising Looking for book survey on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More His standard fortified Canada’s position in the global framework (Chapnick 107). Pearson could impact the world powers, for example, the US and Britain to acknowledge Canada’s commitment to the worldwide issues. For example, he contributed in the foundation of North Atlantic Organization Treaty (NATO), which is a significant political and military association in the cutting edge world. Canada has never been the equivalent again since 1963. The irregularities and clashes in war torn British controlled areas affected Canadian populace. This is on the grounds that numerous individuals moved to Canada, which achieved changes in socio-social and financial turn of events. Cho contends in her book that Chinese favored a move to Canada since they had family members there. The Second World War caused numerous social and monetary issues in Canada. Fighters returned with numerous kids inferring that the state couldn't give quality life to all people. Cho inspects that Chinese and different settlers had to get by helpless before the bourgeoisie. Well off Canadians abused settlers and other low compensation workers since they had no other option. Lily Cho clarifies that arrangement of classes and amassing of assets compounded the states of outsiders in the state. Social qualities were not regarded by any means. Material gathering was the need of every individual implying that free enterprise had flourished in the nation. Nonetheless, the Chinese propelled their way of life through dinners suggesting that they arranged uncommon meals that recognized them from different gatherings in the public eye. Cho demonstrates that Chinese endeavors to support their way of life through food didn't keep them from being persecuted by the incredible in the public eye (Cho 86). The Second World War made more damage than anything else Canadians. Populace expanded and resulting battle for scant assets added to social indecencies, for example, wrongdoing and prostitution. Cho’s discoveries are important and pertinent to the comprehension of Canadian history. The main issue with her propositions is that she presents Canadian culture as having just a solitary clash. Canadian history can be clarified in various manners. Cho doesn't talk about the issue of ladies, for example, their battle to opportunity. She just spotlights on the contention among Chinese and colonialists.Advertising We will compose a custom book survey test on Effects of the Second World explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Chapnick, Adam. The Middle Power Project: Canada and the Foundi ng of the United Nations. McGill: University of British Columbia Press, 2005. Cho, Lily. Eating Chinese: Culture on the Menu in Small Town Canada, social spaces. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Technology for Youth †Boon or Bane Free Essays
Technolgy has reformed the human presence. A significant part of the advancement that humanity has made in various fields directly from the stone age to the cutting edge age is because of the advancement made in the field of science and innovation. Material advancement as well as the psychological standpoint of man has been affected by it. We will compose a custom exposition test on Innovation for Youth †Boon or Bane or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now It has made man’s life more joyful and increasingly agreeable. Agribusiness, business, transport, correspondence and medication to give some examples are for the most part exceptionally obliged to the miracles, science has created. We have gotten experimentally further developed from our ancestors.This is on the grounds that the world has experienced a gigantic change as a result of the fast walks made by the science and innovation. Anything, which has favorable circumstances, has weaknesses additionally and this holds truth in the event of innovation also. These days, in the event that we need to save a seat in a railroad comportment we need not go to the rail route booking counter, we can do this directly through the Internet by E-Reservation framework. Also, in the event that we need to make an impression on anybody, rather than sending a customary letter we can send an e-mail.Telephones and cell phones are so usually being utilized by us that it has become troublesome currently to picture existence without them. This, I feel, is sufficient for us to understand that innovation has gone into our everyday life. Power is perhaps the best miracle of present day science. The development of quick methods of transport and correspondence has changed the world into worldwide town. In the field of horticulture, science and innovation has helped in expanding the harvest creation and improving quality.Science has empowered man to analyze and treat numerous hazardous illnesses. Data innovation and PCs have altered our ways of life. In any case, the help of science, much of the time, has been transformed into bane in light of its abuse. Science has represented a danger to the very presence of humankind with weapons-atomic, natural, nuclear, concoction and so forth. Digital wrongdoing is the most recent expansion to crimes’ list. Misapplication of science has carried humankind to the way of devastation. We should utilize science to get its endowments and not abuse it to make it a curse.Advantages : Internet gives probably the best advantage whenever it is utilized to give instructive chances to understudies dependent on their capacities and interests. Any exercise can turn out to be additionally inspiring, energizing, and paramount for an understudy when it is helped with sound video data from the web. Mind look into shows that people recall occasions and realities in more detail for a more drawn out timeframe if there are feelings engaged with the underlying learning experience.Therefore the Internet can expand the enthusiastic effect of exercises and make getting the hang of fascinating, fun and significant to understudies. At the point when understudies gain experience learning for the unadulterated delight of learning, their passionate premium, characteristic inspiration, and strive after information likewise builds The web is an amazing asset for learning just as a productive methods for correspondence. Email, visiting and so on have given another approach to talk about, grant and spread training through web communication.Its use in instruction gives various explicit learning benefits like autonomous learning, improvement of research aptitudes, access to assets and so on. The web is a tremendous bank of learning material. It continues extending the assets accessible to understudies past the standard print materials found in school libraries. It gives understudies access to the most recent reports on government and non-government sites which incorporate research material, logical and masterful assets in historical centers and workmanship exhibitions and different associations with data pertinent to un derstudy learning. One of the primary focal points of the web is that it a period productive apparatus for educators which has the chance of educational plan improvement by joining web based exercises into standard proficiency projects and carrying assorted variety to their instructing methodologies. Weaknesses : Risky talking in visit rooms committed to adolescents another difficult zone. Pedophiles regularly visit talk rooms where they know youngsters and adolescents will invest quite a bit of their energy. A genuine gathering with such may prompt kidnapping, assault, torment or even murderPast contemplates have demonstrated an adjustment in social pattern where youngsters are dismissing genuine connections and fellowships for digital connections. This can have a few unexpected ramifications. Web has progressively become an approach to get away from issues or assuage negative state of mind, which is anything but a decent arrangement. Conventional strategies for managing such issues are appropriate, c ompelling and solid way. Despite the fact that the Internet is a fortune of data however not every last bit of it is valuable for the improvement of the general public. Some data like a bit by bit instructional exercise on the best way to make a funnel bomb can prompt genuine results both for the offender and the public.The Internet additionally uncovered youngsters with off base data from temperamental locales and befuddles understudies by presenting them to con universe of Advertisers who have one point and that is to sell their items. This prompts distortion of realities and impulsive decisions. Not everything on Internet is exact or genuine. The response to ‘Whether innovation is Boon or Bane is Debatable’ and simply like the various headways in innovation, we need to acknowledge the two of a kind. The Technogy can and will be utilized for positive or negative. Step by step instructions to refer to Technology for Youth †Boon or Bane, Essays
Friday, August 21, 2020
Common Application Essay Examples - How to Write Your Own Essay That Will Stand Out
Common Application Essay Examples - How to Write Your Own Essay That Will Stand OutWhen it comes to Common Application Essay Examples, it's not easy to know which one is correct. There are so many different types of essay examples that it can get difficult at times to discern the correct one from a bunch of incorrect ones.There is just something about writing an essay that seems to naturally flow for you when you are working on it. It's a style of essay that many people find very enjoyable. That said, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when you are writing your essay, no matter what type of essay you are writing.One of the most important things to remember when you are writing Common Application Essay Examples is that you should never talk down to your reader. You should always put yourself in their shoes and be as honest as possible.If you are trying to convince a college student to do your homework for you then you are going to need to make sure that you avoid bei ng condescending. If you try to sound all knowledgable then they will assume that you are going to be an interesting lecturer and be far more likely to agree to help you.Another thing to keep in mind when you are looking at the Common Application Essay Examples is that you shouldn't try to sound like a professor, even if you are one. Everyone is comfortable with their own voice so don't change yours just to fit somebody else's.Sometimes it can be confusing to choose a type of essay that you are going to use when it comes to Common Application Essay Examples. Many of the examples that you have seen are from four-year colleges or from students who are going to college for the first time.If you want to impress the admissions officer with your writing then you need to start with first hand experience. Try to write about a situation that actually happened to you and did not involve a friend or a teacher.Remember that you do not have to write Common Application Essay Examples that are exa ctly the same as someone else's. You just need to learn from their mistakes and try to write your own unique style.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Rhetorical Citizenship - 1611 Words
What is Rhetorical Citizenship? The definition that is in our syllabus says that it is the ability of individuals to communicate their needs, interests, and values in order to identify and solve public problems. In Lippmanns The Phantom Public he describes a good citizen as one who is omni competent, or all knowing. He thinks that the ideal role of a citizen is one where they are aware of everything that is going on in the world and they know enough about that problem or situation that he can express a well thought out opinion. The problem Lippmann has with this idea is that the average person is to busy with there everyday lives to care of have enough time to deal with the problems of the world. That is why we elect people to take care†¦show more content†¦If the polititions that they have aligned themselves with do something that makes the public mad or angry when election time comes they will make themselves heard. If the public were to align its self into just one group then the public could virtually do anything it wants. This idea scares Lippmann and this is why he thinks that there should be many different publics and not just one that has all the power. When you have different publics that disagree on issues then you have to make compromises and find a way to solve the problem with out compromising your beliefs just to reach an understanding. Lippmann does not want people to give up what they believe in just to make a compromise. He wants both sides to find a way to make what they both want to happen but with minimal disagreements. In all situations there are going to be sides that are bias towards certain problems and results. There are always going to be good and bad bias and the way to expose it are to use Lipmanns tests that he talks about. One test is the test of inquiry or debate. Another test is the test of conformity. Or a last way to test if there is a problem to a rule is the test of assent. The test of inquiry is pretty much what it sounds like. When there is a problem Lippmann says their needs to be some kind public debate about the issue to decide what to do about the problem. The test of conformity deals with if the public is in agreement to the rule or not. If there is widespreadShow MoreRelatedThe Best Techniques Used By Mortimer Adler Essay1237 Words  | 5 Pagessituation of someone losing a family member. I would try to persuade them to not be sad by reminding them that their special someone would not want them to be sad. Logically they can not disagree with that, so they are persuaded to believe it. A rhetorical question is a question that is worded in a way that only one answer can be expected from the addressed audience. It is used in speech as a tool that is brief and quick to the point. It logically leads the audience to make one conclusion. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Pysch Exam Chapter 8 - 11814 Words
Chapter 8 SECTION 1 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS: 1. Psychologists use the term _________ to refer to the ability to store and retrieve information over time. The process of acquiring and using knowledge is called ________. a. learning; perception b. memory; perception c. learning; cognition d. memory; cognition Answer: d; Moderate 2. Psychologists use the term _________ to refer to the ability to store and retrieve information over time. a. learning b. memory c. cognition d. perception Answer: c; Easy 3. The process of acquiring and using knowledge is called ________. a. learning b. cognition c. sensation d. perception Answer: b; Easy 4. Which of the following scientists could be considered a cognitive psychologist? a. Dr.†¦show more content†¦Ms. Romero is discussing memory ______. Dr. Darby’s class is examining memory ________. Dr Eastwood is describing memory _________. a. processes; types; stages b. stages; processes; types c stages; types; processes d. types; processes; stages Answer: d; Difficult 14. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between explicit memory and episodic memory? a. Explicit memory is one type of episodic memory. b. Episodic memory is one type of explicit memory. c. Explicit memory and episodic memory are two different memory stages. d. Explicit memory and episodic memory are the same thing. Answer: b; Moderate 15. Having done â€Å"21 for 21†shots the night before, Deanna barely remembers her 21st birthday. That is, her _________ memory is sketchy. a. procedural b. semantic c. episodic d. working Answer: c 16. Cory knows that the capital of Vermont is Montpelier. This is an example of a(n) _______ memory. a. semantic b. explicit c. procedural d. both A and B Answer: d; Difficult 17. Knowing how to serve a badminton birdie is an example of a (n) ________ memory. a. episodic b. semantic c. procedural d. explicit Answer: c; Moderate 18. Ron moved from Alabama to Georgia ten years ago. â€Å"My fifth-grade teacher made us memorize the names of all the counties in Alabama,†Ron tells his friend Rory. Rory tests Ron by giving him a list of thirty counties – 15 Alabama counties, mixed in with 15 counties from other
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing Nature in Wordsworth’s Ruined Cottage, and...
Comparing the Representation of Nature in Wordsworth’s Ruined Cottage, and Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner For most poets of the Romantic Age, nature played an invaluable role in their works. Man’s existence could be affected and explained by the presence and portrayal of the external nature surrounding it. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge are no different from the other Romantic poets, and their works abound with references to nature and its correlation to humanity. Specifically, Wordsworth’s â€Å"The Ruined Cottage†and Coleridge’s â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†share the theme of nature affecting man, although essential differences exist in their ideas regarding how it affects man. These two†¦show more content†¦Wordsworth explains his choice in his preface to Lyrical Ballads, one of his most significant projects co-created with Coleridge: â€Å"the principal object, then, which I proposed to myself in these poems was to choose incidents and situations from common life†¦because in that condition the passions of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature†(Wordsworth 241). This explanation of his work is applicable to the majority of Wordsworth’s creations. In the case of â€Å"The Ruined Cottage,†he uses nature to shadow the progression of decline in the woman of the peddler’s story, and also to provide the comforting concepts of hope and continuation of life. Whereas Wordsworth treats nature as a means of understanding and mirroring the condition of man, Coleridge takes a slightly different approach in his ballads. Instead of revealing the natural in its purest form, without alteration, Coleridge adds his own special ‘coloring.’ This can be seen in his supernatural works, such as â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,†the story of a seaman haunted after needlessly killing an albatross. Watson describes Coleridge’s nature as â€Å"changer and enchanter, supplying qualities of light unknown before. So the poet, by the power of his imagination, changes the familiar into something rich and strange†¦Rime is filled with images that we recognize but which are transformed by the context and narrative†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (158). Coleridge recreates the sea and everything
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Ethics - China
Question: Describe about the Business Ethics in China? Answer: About China China has been referred to as a country which has overcome from the global down which took place in the year 2008. After the global melt down, the Chinese economy has frown by 9.2%. The FDI of China has risen by more than 16%, touching $95 billion in the year 2010. Due to the financial crisis, China has earned high levels of benefits from Fixed Assets (FA) which has led to a considerable decrease in the net exports High economic growth in the Chinese urban markets has led to high levels of growth in the consumer market for the various high end goods various services such as travel tourism, education. Market Challenges One of the major market challenges seen in the Chinese market can be seen in regards to lack of predictability in the Chinese business environment. The Chinese legal regulatory system is referred to be as transparent, opaque inconsistent. Second market challenge seen in the Chinese market is that, in some sectors of the economy is known as mercantilist due to its export growth model. The last market challenge seen in the Chinese market is that, it retains majority of the apparatus of the planned economy along with the five year plans i.e. setting targets, goals strategies. Market Opportunities The market opportunity shall be seen in the Chinese economy by understanding the capabilities of the firm as well as have in depth knowledge of the same. Other market opportunity which is evident in the Chinese economy is in regards to its contribution in education tourism industry is increasing day by day. Last market opportunity seen in the Chines economy is in regards to the growth of imports in the various sectors such as machinery, transportation, construction, chemicals range of other services which makes China a viable market for products and services. Market Entry Strategy Some of the market entry strategies which can be used to enter in the Chinese market: Joint venture Open an office Due Diligence Professional service Use a distributor Licensing Franchising Direct Marketing Culture of China In order to have improved international relations, government reforms expand the economy doing business in the Chinese economy is a lucrative affair. In order to perform business in the Chinese market, business people will be in contact with the Chinese people and officials. It has been said that, people doing business in China will learn more about areas such as business etiquette, business protocol, negotiation techniques, business culture so as to make the maximum of the business trip. Important key areas while doing business in China Some of the important key areas which shall be kept in mind while doing business in China have been listed as under: Meeting greeting: In China, meeting greeting start by shaking hands with a slight nod of the head. One should not be vigorous while shaking hands as it would be referred as aggressive by the Chinese people. Face: While doing business in China, one must learn the subtleties of the concept and understand the possible impact one could have on doing the business in China. Confucianism: While practicing business in China, one shall see how Confucianism affects the business practices of Chinese economy. Political Legal factors The study of political legal system in any economy is complex and extensive. The political system refers to the system of politics government plying to the country. It takes into consideration various set of rules regulations, attitudes, etc. While assessing any business option, some of the risk factors which shall be kept in mind by nay business professional are as follows: How stable is the government of that particular country If the new party comes into practice, will the rules of doing business change? Is it democracy or dictatorship What is the level of involvement of the government in the private sector? The transparency levels of political, legal and economic in the decision making process. Whether there is a well established legal environment to enforce policies rules. Whether the power lies in the hands of few people or has a constitution for the same. Government intervention in Trade The government intervention in trade can be used to manage trade create rules and regulations to manage trade in an effective manner. Tariff Import quotas Export financing Administrative policies Currency control Subsidies Local content requirements Free trade zone Differences in finance and banking system between China US China is under going through a lifetime experience of transferring power and other things smoothly It has been seen that, banks operating in China do not know how to operate in the foreign markets such as the US. They lack the manpower to staff the branches operating in Us and assess credit order to build such capabilities China will take a very long time Industrial Commercial Bank of China is referred to as the worlds most profitable lender, but in reality it deals on 80% of the US unit of Bank of East Asia. Though Banks operating in Chin are huge profitable but it is not clear whether they are as strong as the Banks in US. In order to act as big as the US bank, China has to fall out from the $3 trillion loans which they have put in the Chinese economy following the financial crises. There is a backlash against the Chinas banks which limit both, the growth force them to lend money domestically to the private sector entrepreneurs. Rules in International Business Ethics Rule1: If you try to understand the various values of various different culture, come common points can be fetched easilyRule2: Based on the analysis of the facts, the business men will realize that honesty reliability will benefit you in the long runRule 3: Based upon the analysis of the case studies, the business men will realize the benefits of fair play.Rule4: Rule number 4 states that, loyal dissent will lead the economy to the right direction.Rule5: Reducing the labor force is the one and only way of respecting the stakeholdersRule6: In order to establish the brand name, one should act as a fair competitor. Rule7: If the business acts against discrimination, it will help to increase the productivity along with profitability.Rule8: Protection of the intellectual property will help the stakeholders to receive their due share.Rule9: The economic achievements will stand on the ground if corruption is diminished.Rule10: Ongoing changes in the information technology requires new for m of loyaltyRule11: In order to have long tern success, constant care to the environment shall be practiced.Rule12: The public relations strategy will secure the reputation if and only if it witnesses high levels of quality and excellence. Rule13In order to become a refined player in the global market one shall cultivate good manners sharpen its skill. Rule14:Utmost care for business will lead to care of the society in the long run. References Ambler, T., Witzel, M. (2000). Doing business in China. London: Rutledge.Li, J. (2001). Managing international business ventures in China. Amsterdam: Pergamum.Tian, X. (2007). Managing international business in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
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Monday, March 9, 2020
How to Write a Research Proposal in English A Complete Guide for College Students
How to Write a Research Proposal in English A Complete Guide for College Students A research proposal is a brief outline of the research project you propose, usually presupposing a request for support and sponsorship. Therefore, it is, to a significant degree, the most important part of almost any serious research endeavor, because how well it is written defines whether the project in question is going to be realized. When it comes to English studies, it is worth mentioning that the nature of the discipline dramatically changed over the last few decades, drifting from the study of English literature to the study of literature in English. In addition, many modern English departments accept a much broader understanding of what text is, incorporating oral narratives, films, products of popular and visual culture and other media that aren’t traditionally associated with literature. Therefore, any research in this discipline is very likely to become interdisciplinary, and you should consider it before choosing a topic and starting your work. It is hard to stress this enough – writing a research proposal isn’t something to be taken lightly. It may be relatively small in size, but preparing it requires an enormous amount of focus, work, preparation and polishing, as the future of an entire project depends on it. In this guide, you will find everything you need to know to successfully complete this task. How to Pick a Suitable Topic for Your Research Proposal in English 1. Avoid the Path of Least Resistance The very fact that you are at the level when it is necessary to write a research proposal and have it accepted before you can start working should demonstrate that the easy days are over. At earlier stages it was possible to ask your professor to suggest a topic or an area of research, have him/her point out the texts and reference material you may find useful and recompile it in a semblance of an original work. From now on, your research has to be original. You may ask your professor if the topic you’ve come up with is viable or bounce some ideas off him/her, but don’t ask him/her to define the very direction of your research. 2. Choose a Topic That Appealed to You during BA or MA Studies This is probably the safest place to start. You’ve already done some research and laid some groundwork in certain topics. Do any of them appeal to you enough to study them deeper? It may be a specific author, literary genre, literature (e.g., American 19th century literature or Middle English literature), or a critical idea (e.g., national identity or religious motives). 3. Explore an Unfamiliar Topic If you want your work to be more interesting, you may select a topic that is not familiar to you. The advantage of this approach is that your work is going to be a real research, because you will discover new things as you go along. The potential problem is that you never know what direction this work is going to take. 4. Choose a Topic that Reflects Your Own Identity The best topics (or, at least, the ones that lead to the best research) are the ones that resonate with your own life, identity and experience. Just like in the humanities in general, research in English very often boils down to the research of your own identity: linguistic, national, class, ethnic, gender identity, underline as necessary. If you connect to your research on a personal level, it will certainly show itself (e.g., if you are an Asian American and strongly identify with your ancestry, you can study the representation of Asian Americans in American literature). These are just a few examples of approaches you can take when choosing a topic – there are no real limitations as to what you can try. Just try to find out if there is enough material to go on before you commit to anything serious. Some examples of good topics are: Gender Roles in Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens; Historical Background and Its Role in the Creation of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain; Religion and Religious Consciousness in One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Common Motives in 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell; Politics, Religion and Mysticism in The Ball and the Cross by Gilbert Chesterton. What Should a Typical Research Proposal in English Studies Contain The exact contents of a research proposal differ from college to college and vary from relatively simple affairs to complex papers in many parts. However, usually it should contain the following: Research Topic A brief outline of what you intend to research. Methodology How you will address the research question and what methods you will use. Usually only written if there is something unusual about the methodology. Time and Expenses How long the research will take and the resources it will need. Context What is the relation of your research to the existing works in this or relevant fields? How is your research different from these works? This part is a good place to demonstrate your familiarity with prior research on the topic. Your Contribution Show why you believe there is a need in the research on the proposed topic and what impact your research will have on this and other areas. Properly written, this part shows that you already view your subject matter in detail rather than merely in outline. Resources You Will Use Exemplify that you know what you need to complete your research and aren’t just going to blindly look around for leads. Project Roadmap Indicate how your project is likely to develop. You may provide different variants depending on how much material you are able to find. However, usually you don’t have to divide the proposal into individual headings – just make sure you cover all these areas. What You Should Do before Starting to Write Your Research Proposal 1. Study the Requirements The first thing you should realize is that there is no single standard for research proposals in English. Depending on the college, the funding body, the course you apply for and other factors, the requirements you have to follows can be wildly different. For example, in Cambridge, your proposal should be 500 words long if you apply for a place on an MPhil course, and 800 words long in you apply for a PhD course. University of Birmingham suggests that it should be around 2,500 words, and you will find even greater discrepancies in other sources. So make sure you get all the guidelines and refresh them in your mind from time to time as you write. 2. Prepare Your Sources Your proposal has to contain a literature review, and the sooner you start collecting information sources, the better. Ideally, you should do it before you do anything else – this way you will know if there is enough material to go about. If you discover there is nothing to build upon, you will be able to start looking for another topic without having committed yourself to anything. There are plenty of resources on the Internet where you can find citations to the sources you may be interested in. A good rule of a thumb is to discuss at least 5 studies in your literature review. 3. Contact the College’s Staff before Applying Officially College staff is usually understanding towards those trying to have their research accepted. You may want to get in touch with somebody who is well-versed in the school’s requirements and demands and shares your research idea. If they see it to be well-aligned with the college’s research strengths, they will give you a few pointers on how you can improve the proposal before you try to officially submit it. Writing a Research Proposal in English: Tips, Tricks and Strategies 1. Make Your First Few Sentences Impactful Just like with all the other writing types, the first few sentences or even words are what will define the success of your proposal. Reviewers have to deal with dozens of such papers every day, so don’t think they are going to carefully study your proposal before passing a judgment. Try to get down to business and grab their attention as soon as possible. Don’t spend words leading up to your topic – show that your research is innovative and valuable in the very beginning. Try to put your enthusiasm onto paper. 2. Pay Attention to Your Language The success of a research proposal (especially in the English studies) is very sensitive to the language you use. It should be written in Standard English, be formal yet concise and devoid of unnecessary embellishments. Make sure you keep your text free of jargon, colloquialisms and contractions. 3. Focus on the Usefulness and Value of Your Research You shouldn’t offer to do a research project simply because you personally are interested in its topic. Instead, you should focus on showing how it is going to be of use for the other researchers in the field, how it will advance the research on this author, literature or idea. For example, if your research deals with lesser-known works by Mark Twain, you can point out that their all-round study is necessary for the comprehensive analysis of the writer’s creative work and will be useful for those studying other literature of the period. 4. Point out the Multidisciplinary Aspects of Your Work Research on English studies has a good chance of connecting to other humanities: Psychology, Sociology, History and so on. By emphasizing the aspects of your work that can be valuable for those studying other disciplines you are likely to attract more positive attention than if you stick only to literature. After the Writing Is Done: What Else Can You Do with Your Research Proposal 1. Check Your Style You should pay attention to your style as you write, but we often slide to bad practices without noticing it, so now is the time to reread the text and ask yourself: Are there any long or run-on sentences? The main goal of a research proposal is to be clear and easily understandable, and breaking up long complex sentences into shorter and simpler ones can be very helpful; Are my paragraphs too long? Again, a wall of text is hard to read; Is my text too wordy or ambiguous? Eliminate superfluous words and check your sentences for exactness; Have you cited all your sources? Did you do it in a proper citation style? 2. Do a Thorough Editing and Proofreading A research proposal is relatively small, and you can carefully check and recheck it for grammar, syntax and typographic errors multiple times without spending too much time on it. It may seem like a hassle, but even a single mistake or typo will make an exceedingly bad impression – they show that you couldn’t have been bothered to reread your text but expect it to be treated seriously by others. You may use a service like Grammarly to weed out the most obvious blunders, but ideally you should hire a professional proofreader or at least ask a trusted friend to check it for mistakes. 3. Ask Your Peers and Adviser for Feedback You only see your research proposal from one viewpoint; and taking into account how important a job it is, you should get additional insights. Ask if, in their opinion, your proposal is persuasive and if you properly cover your research question. They will most likely point out a few things you can improve or change. 4. Keep in Mind That Your Research Is not Set in Stone Remember that your research proposal doesn’t obligate you to do exactly what you’ve written in it. It is a proposal, after all – you describe what you intend to research, and there is no guarantee that your research will go along the way you’ve envisioned for it or will bring the results you’ve expected. Writing a research proposal in English studies can be a grueling task – but using this guide, you will be able to both find a suitable topic and present it for the review in the best possible light.
Friday, February 21, 2020
CASE - 2 RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND RETENTION - Essay Example This paper is going to examine in depth merits or demerits of promoting individuals from within over hiring from outside the firm The manufacturing manager should have excellent motivational skills employees of Nifty plastic plant are motivated by their plant manager because they see themselves in the manager, the manager has climbed up through the ranks and knows all their hardships and of course their dreams. The incoming manager should therefore be highly motivational in words and in action he should be able to encourage the employees and push them towards achievement of the company’s goals. This is also very important since he will be part of the management team. Excellent technical skill; Employees will only respect and obey a manager if they know he can do what they can, the outgoing manager had risen through the ranks he knew all the plant processes and for that he got the respect of his employees and even other players in the industry. It’s therefore important that the incoming manager have technical skill on running of the manufacturing department Excellent man management skill; the manufacturing manager should be able to relate to the employees under his department, he should be able to understand their work the difficulties they face and even sometimes their social environment. This can only be possible if the manager has excellent people skills Ability to asses a vital quality of a manufacturing manager, a manufacturing manager should be able to asses both the production and the financial performance of the company. This is further useful when the manger is to be part of the management team Expertise and vast knowledge in the plastic industry; the manager should have expertise in the industry the company operates in .He should be able to understand trends and all processes involved particularly the plastic injection processes The first step in creating an applicant pool is defining the position,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Reflection on Coatess Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflection on Coatess Argument - Essay Example The black people were denied the opportunity to access good housing facilities since they were cut out of the legitimate home-mortgage market starting from the 1930s to 1960s.I also believe that previous efforts by the subsequent government to improve the living standards of Black Americans through welfare programs, affirmative action and subsidized housing have been minimal. In my view, although the current Constitution grants equal protection of the law, racism and discrimination against Blacks still exist and thus only reparations can address these social problems. Although the author argues that reparations may be expensive given the huge spending by the government on other social programs that benefit the entire American population, I differ since a debt to Black people is owed and American has the resources to pay the reparations. The black people deserve reparations since the available statistics indicate that they are at the wrong end of all the socio-economic indicators. For instance, blacks are three times likely to encounter homicide than other racial groups while the infant mortality rate of black neighbourhoods is twice that of the national average. Although the current Black people might not have been slaves, the truth is that they were denied their inheritance and good upbringing since their parents were poor and mistreated by the government. There is a prove that slavery is responsible for Black Americans socio-economic status due to discrimination, lack of property rights and lack of voting rights.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Changes In The Representation Of Women In Advertising Essay
Changes In The Representation Of Women In Advertising Essay Advertisements are one of the most cultural factors which mould and reflect society. They are a ubiquitous and inevitable part of everyones life: even if we do not read a newspaper or watch television, the images posted over our urban surrounding are inescapable. The advertisement translates these statements to us as human statements: they are given a humanly symbolic exchange value. (Wiliamson, 1976) Many theorists believe that perceived gender roles form the bases for the development of gender identity and thus it is vital to study the theories used to enforce these gender stereotypes and their shifts. Eaglys social role theory implies that gender roles based on stereotypes have been developed due to sexual division of labour and societal expectations. Eagly (1987) differentiates among the common and age scopes of gender-stereotyped features. The common character is categorized by elements, such as nurturance and emotional expressiveness, mostly linked with household activities, and thus, with women. The age role is categorized by characteristics such as hostility and sovereignty, mostly linked with communal activities, and thus, with men. Gender roles strongly influence behaviour when cultures support gender stereotypes and build up strong expectations based on those stereotypes (Eagly 1987). According to Deaux and Lewis gender stereotypes differ on four dimensions: traits, rol e behaviors, physical characteristics, and occupations (Deaux and Lewis 1983). This work is further developed by Berm who stated that Gender stereotypes are implanted through childhood socialization and are reinforced in adulthood. This thought is supported by Berms Gender schema theory, which presents the idea that children learn how their cultures define the roles of both women and men and then internalize the knowledge acquired as gender schema. (bem 1993) Feminist legal theory is based on the belief that the law is instrumental in womens historical subordination. There are two elements of the feminist legal theory. First, feminist jurisprudence aims to explain the ways in which the law played a role in womens former subordinate status and in the latter, feminist legal theory is dedicated to changing womens status through a reworking of the law and its approach to gender. According to Gunther women in television adverts prior to 1970s were not shown to be in paid work, and when they were, they would be stereotypical jobs such as a nurse or personal assistant. Housewife culture declined after the 1950s, but it was still common during the 1960s and 1970s (Gunther, 1995 :34). Content analysis of advertising in television during the 1970s provided strong evidence of the existence of stereotyping. All adverts which featured women showed three quarters were for kitchen and bathroom products. Men were viewed with powerful authoritative roles and provided the dependable voice-over (Ibid: 35) Research in the late 1970s and early 1980s reinforced a continuation of these trends, with men shown at work and women as housewives and mothers at home. Nonetheless, it became more common for men to be shown at home as well, in the role of husband or father, and the range of womens occupations increased (ibid : 36, 37). This is reminiscent of the Social Learning Theory. During the late 1970s women in advertising played a central focus on beauty, cleanliness, family and pleasing others. In the 1980s TV advertising started to conceptualize the idea of the busy working women by offering solutions to the working woman, who was assumed, would still perform household tasks such as cooking and cleaning. Pg 55Through the early 1990s, a study was conducted of 500 prime-time TV ads in the UK, by Cumber batch (reported in Strinati, 1995: 86),and it was deduced that advertiser had seemingly become vary of many years advertisers were reluctant to do anything different from the conservative stereotypical gender roles until in the 1970s and 1980s feminists took the protest to roads. Pg 55 Television audience are bombarded with images and slogans through advertisements. In 2000 Nielsen Media Research and Radio Advertising Bureau survey concluded that the average U.S. household, watched more than seven hours of television per day (Albarran, 2000). Audience subconsciously memorize slogans and absorb images without questioning them. This is known as the cultivation effect (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan and Signorieli (1980)) .The effect of this exposure produces cultivation, or teaching of a common worldview, common roles and common values. (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan Signorieli, 1980, p.10). In order to understand the change in female stereotypes we must apply a semiotic analysis to the advertisements in the contrasting time frames.Williamson (1978) stated that semiotics studies looks at any system of signs whether the substance is verbal, visual or a complex mixture of both. (Semiotics and Ideology (n.d) para.2). Ideology is the meaning made necessary by the conditions of society while helping to perpetuate those conditions. (Williamson (1978) p.13). We must first discuss intersubjectivity, (OSullivan, Hartley, Saunders, Montgomery, Fiske, (1994) p.157 158) As the audience In order to understand advertisements we must learn how to read them. It is vital to deconstruct them by the use of encoding and decoding. Encoding is performed by the transmitter of the advertisement message and decoding is a process accomplished by the receiving audience. The visual message is the most important element of a television advert because through it, its semiotic system of codes and co nventions it attracts potential buyers of the product. Most female personal care products target consumers by offering them an idealized reader-image (McCracken (1992 p.20). Thus television advertisements attract the audience by selling them visions of how they would like to see themselves. The codes and conventions on the advert have been transgressed by Dove which as a brand has taken a sharp turn away from traditional conventional ideologies of female perceptions. Advertisements must take into account not only the inherent qualities and attributes of the products they are trying to sell, but also the way in which they can make those properties mean something to usà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The components of advertisements are variable and not necessarily part of one language or social discourse. Advertisements rather provide a structure which is capable of transforming the language of objects into that of people, and vice versa. Judith Williamson, Decoding Advertisements, 1978, p.12 (flake doc) According to Gerbner; common media learning has increased television viewing is associated with more stereotypical views, especially of gender (Allan Scott, 1996). Gerbner et al (1980) argued that for frequent heavy viewers, television virtually subsumes and monopolizes other sources of information, ideas and consciousness. Furthermore, the frequent viewers perceive the world as television depictions . (Gerbner, et al., 1980). Dove old advert The advertisements of the early 1960s begin with a male voice over. This man narrates the advert and his claims of Dove being new and revolutionary and this is reinforced through female narration. This can be said to be reflective of male patriarchy dominant at during the late 1950s and early 1960.The key word in the advert is new and is repeated, in each case before the brand name. The readers eye is drawn simultaneously to the models eyes and face, and the text onscreen. The Advert emphasized as the brand name and thus the text anchors the connotative meaning of the product but new is the first word you read. Cosmetics advertisers aim to reduce competition by conveying that their products are the newest product with the latest technological advances. Emphasis in adverts is placed on the new key property of the product. For example, Dove creams and cleanses your skin and boasts that other products only cleanse and dry ; here, there is a strong implication of criticism of other brand s and products and this encourages women to be critical of themselves and their peers in using wearing of out-of-date brands that do not embody the latest key properties or technology. The beginning of the advert contains a picture of the products packaging; this is what the audience is to look for when buying the product. The image of the dove represents Greek connotations of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love thus representing traditional female beauty and characteristics. Next the audiences see a perfectly manicured female hand , this continues to reinforce female notions of beauty. Once the product is unpackaged the bar of soap is curvy, this could questionably parallel the unpack aging of the female body which like the soap is also curvy. The words completely new are draw upon the eyes of the audience eye drawn and this point is reinforced by the narrative. The audience is introduced to the product by a male voice over. A Female voice over refers to the cleaning of the product cleaning, a subtle reference to the position of women in the home, filling of bar may also be representative of cooking. She continues to talk about cleansing, the product cleans and creams and this is repeated and is reinforced to the audience. The male voice then reinforces the positives of the products; his commentary is similar to that of a scientists new discovery. Its can be argued that the mode in the advert acts as a guinea pig for the experimental use of the product, it is her purpose to serve the male voice over. We are only able to view the models face, and towards the end of the advert her makeup changes as if she were ready to go out, for a date perhaps, and in this transformation she is rewarded by an anonymous male, whose hand we see as he caresses her cheek continuing to reinforce the previous Aphrodite notions beauty and love and desire to please in a patriarchal society and fulfil beauty expectations. The ad consists of a visual subject which in this case is the soap and an object, the soap bar, while subconsciously portraying the subject as the women and the object as her Female curves. This reinforces traditional gender stereotypes as the objects beauty is acknowledged by male presence. I will now introduce and analyze recent Dove television adverts according to semiotics. I am looking to see how the representation of women is conveyed and to see if the operation of patriarchy is apparent. I suspect that I will be able to deduce that all of these adverts operate patriarchy through similar ideologies presented through, images and articles in magazine about their products. The advert then shows the ordinary women having fun at photo shoot. In the new television advert the models are relaxed and it appears as if they are chatting to their girlfriends. The self-touching conveys the impression of narcissism, admiring ones own body and displaying it to others. Furthermore, in the firming body products campaign we are first introduced to the model via an audition we see real women, wearing ordinary clothing, jeans and simple tops and not glamorous silk gowns. They are all different shapes, sizes and ethnicities. The larger women unconventionally and ironically are wearing lower cut blouses. Next the audience views the women using of products in ordinary household environments. The use of a female voice portrays societal liberisation of women and her voice has a relaxed jovial tone as she refers to size 8 women. The female voice of dove, implies that size 8 women note real women but merely fictional supermodels. She refers to large hips and pear shape, this healthy fruit are Dove a promoting a healthier fuller figure. Women are in white lingerie this mirrors the color of the dove which is free and liberated. A twenty first century interpretation of the dove may be interpreted as the present greater liberation, peace and freedom which is reinforced in Doves new ad campaign. During the photo shoot there is a male voice present in the background. He wears black perhaps because he not as free and liberated as women and is confined to the antiquity of black which contrasts the free soaring spirit of Dove. In comparison to the 1960s ad, the earlier is more informative about the product where as the new advert, focuss on the self in comparison to the prior which focuss on the product. In the new advert the narrator only names the products and reinforces that their tested on real women The absence of obvious sex appeal in this ad displaces the use of the product as a method of attracting the male. Instead the womans focus is on attaining for herself the advertised qualities embodied other women shown. The ad uses empowerment to sell the product because the majority of women in their late thirties or early forties who are considering firming products are likely to have already attracted a male. It is the qualities embodied by real women that the ad is making desirable, and then attainable through the product itself. Dove claim they have changed all this by revoloutionalizing societal perceptions of beauty. By presenting real women in their lingerie the brand expresses the societal liberation of female freedom and sexuality. Women in their campaign are not presented with traditional sexual connotations as vixens; hour glass body shapes, long hair, large bust, instead the women in the 21st century ad campaign are perfectly flawed. This campaign broke stereotypical rules and took beauty taboos head on. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty (CFRB) textually reveals that CFRB employs feminist signs to reference a key binary resistance in feminist politics discussing liberation and oppression; in the presentation of an ideology of real beauty. This message promotes Dove as a mechanism of change to the view of societal perceptions of limiting and unattainable female beauty, a position influential feminists support in mainstream media and through corporate partnership. This analysis suggests that real beauty is a new stereotype within the dominant ideology of female beauty; the attributes of thin, young, and blonde are replaced by many shapes, sizes, colours and ages, yet the real women are presented to arouse public dialogue about their physical beauty while promoting Dove and its products; resulting in sexual objectification of their image. Also as the definition of real beauty embraces self-esteem, CFRB produces a demanding, oppressive beauty stereotype for female consumption than the do minant stereotype which emphasizes only physical standards. Ultimately, CFRB support the patriarchal view of female identity as a consumer through the ideological consumption of real beauty and fiscal consumption of Dove products. This analysis provides a history of the relationships between feminists women in advertising, and the assembly of beauty advertising to observe the construction structure of CFRB. In earlier decades the aim for women was to attract a man and be in a loving relationship. The focus has shifted, however, and the goal now is to be slim, attractive, and happy, regardless of lifestyle, and whether or not an individual is in a successful relationship or not. It is through inter-subjectivity that cultural identity is affirmed. Just as advertising influences culture, so too does it reflect trends and cultural values. Advertising in womens products represents a utopian view of the world and sells the product by selling stereotypical aspirations to attain the lifestyles or the looks represented in their texts. Henceforth, Margaret Duffy claimed that advertising, Popular academics have seen it as anti-humanistic, a creator of unnecessary needs and desires. (Duffy as cited by Manca and Manca, 1994, p.5). Unlike big clothing brands like Gucci or Prada for example, self care products cannot be identified by displaying the brand name in the actual cream or soap bar but instea d, advertisements such as this encourage women to look critically at each others physical appearance and gossip about how other women look. The old dove advert exemplifies elements of both the social learning and the gender schema theory. As we are socialized into our gender roles females traditionally have been concerned about their appearance and focuses on trying to please the opposite sex. This is reiterated by doves ad campaign buy the males reassuring hand of the womans soft beautiful skin. This social acceptance is reinforced by the gender schema theory which describes women as gentile creatures. Thus these two work hand in hand in a repetitive cycle. In contrast to this contemporary dove advertisements are influenced by feminist legal theory. The female voice over mirrors social power acquired by women in the early 20th century and after WWII. This is made even more apparent by the partly dressed models that break traditional gender stereotypes of beautiful pin up women as they appear in all shapes and sizes. FLAKE intro the second ad Chocolate seems more decadent than other confectionery because we have been sold this myth. The audience treats the signifiers in advertisements as though they are truths rather than our own constructions, which are enabled by refined publicity teams. This tendency to accept signs stems advertising has signified a cultural scepticism which in return has acted as the signifier for a new system of parody in advertisement which humours the system of unconscious connotations whilst achieving the goal of selling the product within the same system of denotations and connotations which it ridicules. The Cadburys Flake television advertisements of the 1970s and 80s depict young, beautiful white women in romantic dreamscapes, i.e. the poppy field, the Victorian-style bathroom, content in their independence, yet eroticised by the sexual relationship they share with their phallic chocolate bars The advert begins with the flake girls licking her lips, she then holds up the erected chocolate bar which becomes the central focal point for the audience. We are given time to read the name of the chocolate which then is followed by music. As the music proceeds the flake girl begins to unwrap the bar and slowly and places it in her mouth not taking a bite this may be interpreted to mirror the sexual acts. The girl presents traditional beauty appearance, her makeup draws attention to her eyes and lips her straight hair also represents phallic images and traditional beauty connotations similar to that in the Dove adverts of 1960s presenting the beauty of Aphrodite. She places the chocolate seductively in her mouth and as the sun shines behind her she enters into her sexual fantasy a beach with a back horse. This stallion may be representative of a man, strong, learn and being lead by a strong female from the 1960s. She finally smiles as she enjoys the creamy chocolate. Most prominent in this advert is the female voice over, this being representative of political change. . These images appeal to the consumer, who makes connections between the visual subject, the chocolate and the visual object the chocolate bar in contrast to the subconscious subject sex and the subconscious object the lack of the male penis. The substitution of the chocolate bar for phallic images is all the more erotic when the audience is exposed to close-up images of white females rouge stained or gloss-laden lips wrapping themselves around the brown bar. The attributes of the chocolate; its distinctive shape and texture are connoted into a meaning of sexual desire and satisfaction. These myths then become the Flakes identity. Flake has removed the idea of the Flake girl who traditionally has sensually nibbled the chocolate bar since 1959. The new campaign aims to focus on the beauty and delicacy of the Flake bar, as opposed to the Flake girl succumbing to the mouth watering chocolate. The ad features Russian model Yulia Lobova and 200 metres of yellow fabric. The fabric twirls around the model as a yellow dress in an analogy of the Flake bar. For the past seven months the UK Cadbury team have been working on creating a new campaign that helps give Flake a fresh, contemporary approach, said Phil Rumbol, UK marketing director at Cadbury. We wanted to focus on the beauty of the product rather than just the sensuality of eating it we consider Flake to be a truly unique product and its still going strong in its 90th year. The signifiers in the new advert are the colours purple and yellow from which the audience picks up on the significant code and recognises the brand. The floating women in the luxurious material signify the beauty and luxury of the brand and product. The material unwraps a woman where s previously it was the ale phallic. This advertisement can be used for a global audience, the lacking of language ad simple images sounds and colours relates to a wider audience. The models makeup is also subtle in comparison to previous flake girls. The traditional beauty and enhancement of eyes and lips is not as apparent. Flake old advert- influenced by feminist legal theory and like women rebels against the societal perception and position of women. This is exemplified by the female voiceover. Ironically this advertisement presents another female stereotype of the sexual women and not a home maker. This is a stereotype which was not taught during the early 1960s however female presence in society was seeing a change, perhaps Cadbury were attempting to create a new stereotype or perhaps trying to break traditional conventions and set new set new social learning theoretical perspectives. New ad- Cadbury has once again created a new stereotype but this time of not gender but of pleasure , presenting their chocolate not with sexual connotations. However Cadbury still use a female who is lost in some form of desire however this advert focuses on the chocolate rather than its The desirable indulgence in this ad is the chocolate itself rather than the subconscious portrayal of a phallic image. The fantasy is constant however the nature of the new adverts emphasizes on the changes of gender stereotypical roles in comparison to the old one. CONCLUSION Having explored the ideals of femininity in television advertisements we can argue that they are revealed to be carefully constructed in their layout, choice of colour, packaging and the product itself, text, language used, and which model has been photographed to represent the brands ideology through the codes and conventions it adheres to. In some adverts consumption of the product is implied to lead to being loved, cared for and protected by a man and this is portrayed as highly desirable in the case of dove. In contrast the new campaign shows a female empowered to stand alone without masculine approval, and to consume the product as a luxury for herself, not to make her more attractive to a man. Flake In conclusion the advertising has evolved from traditional notions of female stereotypes alternative to that of dove to minimalist advertising which is based on consumers socially acquired knowledge for e.g it will be commonly known for all the audiences the colours of flakes packaging similarly to this the logo of dove and the colours of the packaging. Even though gender stereotypical roles in adverts have tremendously evolved since 1960s while performing the semiotics of both the adverts an interesting pattern of similarity lead to decipher a rare connection between the new dove ad and the old flake ad. In the dove new ad the confidence of women to be comfortable with their appearance no matter how they look without male dominance and the confidence of the flake girl in the old advert to have her own fantasy where she leads the masculine horse figure shows power and dominance portrayed by both then dove women and the flake girls. It could be argued that Cadbury has been ahead of times in modern portrayal of gender stereotyping however it still follows the traditional pattern to gender stereotyping showing a stereotypically beautiful white Russian model while Dove has broken this convention and introduced a new form of gender stereotypical role. Creating new stereotypes. In addition, many television adverts carry an implication of women being confident, successful and strong. From closer study it becomes clearer that this masks the operation of patriarchy which uses representations of women in adverts to suppress the empowerment and independence of women in real life. Again Dove differs here from other advertising campaigns by showing positive images of women who do not conform to the unattainable ideal standard of beauty shown in other ads and Cadbury create a new implication of female empowerment. However such implications were evident in adverts during the 1960s. It is obvious that advertising plays a major part in creating and maintaining the consumer culture in which we live. It can be argued that if the public had greater awareness to the negative images in the mass media in reference to women, they would be able to distinguish between their actual needs and those created by factors such as peer pressure, advertising, and low self-confidence. Cash Pruzinsky (1990, p.51) stated two perspectives which form our appearance, one from the inside and one from the outside. The relationship between these perspectives is central when discussing self-esteem and body image, but it is our physical appearance which provides advertisements with their material. Despite this it is our feelings about how we look from the inside and our insecurities which enable adverts to work. Fiske says, An advert is only the inter textual circulation of its meanings, a set of unfinished meanings in process. Texts are not signifying objects but agents, instances and reso urces of popular culture. (1991, p.124 125) It is only when being read or viewed and its meaning interpreted by individuals that the advert becomes whole and performs the function of selling a product. Without human interaction an advertisement can only be looked at as a manifestation of the world surrounding it.
Monday, January 20, 2020
An Argument for Euthanasia Essay -- Argumentative Essays, Persuasive Es
An Argument for Euthanasia Euthanasia is defined as, "The act or practice of putting to death painlessly a person suffering from an incurable disease." Euthanasia can be traced back as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. It was sometimes allowed in these civilizations to help others die. Voluntary euthanasia was approved in these ancient societies. Today, the practice of euthanasia causes great controversy. Both pro-life groups and right-to-die groups present arguments for their different sides. Pro-life groups make arguments and present fears against euthanasia. I contend that the case for the right to die is the stronger argument. I will begin my by listing the arguments against euthanasia and my criticism of each argument. 1. Euthanasia is a violation of medical ethics. The American Medical Association has consistently condemned euthanasia as an unethical practice. Today, attitudes may be changing. Recent surveys indicate that a majority of doctors in some areas, (60% in Oregon, 56% in Michigan, and 54% in Great Britain.) favor euthanasia in extreme cases. 2. Euthanasia weakens the trust relationship between the doctor and the patient. We expect doctors to heal and save lives, not to kill. I feel that I should be able to trust my doctor to do what is best for me as an individual in any situation, including ending unbearable suffering, even if it is my choice to die in order to end my suffering. Doctors may lose the trust of their patients by not helping them to end their suffering. 3. Choosing the time and place of a person?s death is God?s decision. This argument suggests that we should never intervene in any life-threatening situation. If a person is having a heart attack, should we just... ...admit that they have given heavy doses of morphine to relieve the extreme pain of terminally ill patients, knowing that such high doses will cause a quicker death. Because their primary aim is to relieve pain, these acts are considered moral. It would not be morally right to give the same high doses of morphine if their primary aim was to cause death. This is in my opinion wrong. In either case, the ultimate end is death. I believe that it is immoral of society to force caring, compassionate people to lie and go to such morbid lengths to help their patients and loved ones end their suffering. These illegal acts would be entirely unnecessary if euthanasia were regulated and legalized. Value Premise: Everyone deserves to live a life free from suffering. Factual Premise: Euthanasia ends suffering. Conclusion: In order to end suffering euthanasia should be allowed.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Comparison of Booker T. Washington’s “Up from Slavery” and Web Dubois’ “The Souls of Black Folk”
Literary Devices in Rhetorical Writing During a time period when slavery had finally come to an end, African Americans still struggled as their opportunities for equality were next to nonexistent. In this time of hardship and unfair treatment, not many of those facing these adversities had the courage to speak out on their beliefs for change; Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois, however, did not possess such fears  both thoroughly articulated their opinions and stood for what they believed was right.Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois shared a few commonalities  both men were highly educated, for example, as well as they both expressed strong opposition against segregation. Washington’s Up from Slavery: An Autobiography and Dubois’ The Souls of Black Folk outline each of these powerful historical figures’ views on segregation and what can be done to end it. Both of these works are excellent examples of rhetorical writing, possessing strong persuas ive arguments.A deeper examination of these texts can be done by a comparison of chapter fourteen of Washington’s work, entitled â€Å"The Atlanta Exposition Address,†and chapter three of Dubois’ The Souls of Black Folk – â€Å"Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others. †Each of the texts contains persuasive arguments; however, each writer’s separate use of rhetorical strategies alludes to an effective expression of the intended theme. Booker T. Washington’s use of diction throughout â€Å"The Atlanta Exposition Address†reflected his level of education in a way that made him stand out in the African American community.His use of advanced rhetoric in comparison to the majority of the African American population made it easier for him to be noticed and heard. Judging by the text, it is apparent that all three modes of persuasion are present. By mentioning his reform-related accomplishments, Washington often appeals to logos in or der to establish his credibility and prominence as a leader; this appeal enhances his use of ethos, which reflects his desire to advance the African American race as a working class.Washington features an anecdote within the text, which acts as a metaphoric plea for African Americans to realize the opportunities manual labor could potentially hold for them. The phrase â€Å"cast down your buckets where you are†is especially significant in his attempt to glorify common labor, referring to the abundance of resources present in this world (Washington 2).In sections five through seven, Washington repeatedly uses this phrase in the beginning of consecutive sentences, exemplifying anaphora; this literary device reiterates the significance of his words, strengthening his argument as to why freed slaves would benefit from common labor. Another literary device employed in â€Å"The Atlanta Exposition Address†is metonymy, which can be found in the phrase â€Å"separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress,†as well as in â€Å"the organs of religious bodies, joined in the general chorus of condemnation or demands for retraction†(Washington 2,5).This representative â€Å"part-of-a-whole†strategy directly links the subject to the writer’s key points, thus creating a deeper connection and increasing their impact on the audience. A prominent literary device in â€Å"Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others†is its structure. Dubois organizes the text in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of his message, which was to point out the flaws in Washington’s propositions. He begins by explaining Booker T. Washington’s success, after which he provides background information on African American progress in the 1800s and leads to his own criticism of Washington.By using words such as â€Å"mistakes,†â€Å"shortcomings,†â€Å"bitterness,†and similar ex pressions  â€Å"disappointment of displaced demagogues†and â€Å"spite of narrow minds†–- Dubois creates a negative tone, which mainly reflects his attitude toward Washington himself (Dubois 2). Dubois also employs the use of lists throughout the entire chapter, which are highly effective in convincing the reader to side with the writer. For example, in the text Dubois discusses the African Americans who have higher aspirations than those of Washington, but do not vocalize them; some of these unfulfilled wants are: â€Å"1. the right to vote. / 2. civic equality. [and] 3. the education of youth according to ability (Dubois 5). By repeatedly featuring such lists throughout â€Å"Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others†Dubois makes a compelling argument that there is much more to strive for than what has already been accomplished by Washington. Literary devices not only make the writer stand out as an individual, but also contribute immensely to the overall message of the text. In Booker T. Washington’s â€Å"The Atlanta Exposition Address,†his use of diction, modes of persuasion, anaphora, and metonymy are what help him establish a sense of authority and respect among his readers.WEB Dubois’ â€Å"Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others,†on the other hand, features a more complex structure and tone, setting apart his key points and allowing the reader to have a clearer understanding of his position in the argument against Washington. Washington wanted general occupations for African Americans, while Dubois was more concerned with equality; both of these great leaders were interested in the betterment of African Americans’ lives, and their excellent use of literary devices are what helped their writings become memorable pieces of American history.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Athletic Program Risk Management Program - 1757 Words
Athletic Program Risk Management Athletic programs and their directors are not immune to legal liability due to an injury or harm to a participant and spectators. The goal of a risk management plan for an athletic program is mitigate the risk of injury or harm and develop a proactive plan of action to increase the level of safety for all (Wolohan, 2013). Therefore, having a risk management plan in place minimizes the legal liability and turns the focus to safety rather than the averting responsibility (Wolohan, 2013). In addition to safety, a properly formed risk management program reduces the financial and physical risks that may occur while an athletic event is taking place (Wolohan, 2013). Conducting a risk assessment is one of the†¦show more content†¦The final stage of risk assessment is to determine the method in which to diminish, remove, regulate or manage the risk as to reduce financial loss or physical injury (Wolohan, 2013). Each of these three steps are ongoing for any organization as it is the duty of those in charge to reduce any and all risk for participants and spectators alike (Wolohan, 2013). Identify Area of Risk Identifying what the risks are will enable a sports manager to develop a plan of action to decrease the liability to the organization. This can be done through yearly audits of physical facilities, athletic programs, current emergency procedures or protocol, and employees of the organization. Furthermore, identifying areas of risk is an ongoing process that needs to be a priority for sport and recreational managers (Wolohan, 2013). The risks associated with the physical structure of buildings and bodily injury are usually the main focus of assessments. The non-tangible aspect of identifying risk is to assess employees of an organization. Performing criminal background checks and drug testing of potential hires and current employees is highly recommended (Wolohan, 2013). Within any organization there is the potential for sexual harassment, discrimination, intentional torts, assault, battery, and wrongful termination to name a few (Wolohan, 2013). Therefore, identifying
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