Monday, September 30, 2019
Minds Are Opened Only When Hearts Are Opened Essay
â€Å"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.†James Dewar To create the life that you want, growing as a human being and regularly experiencing a prosperous lifestyle, you will need a mind open to other people, possibilities, ideas and opinions around you. When you have an open mind you allow yourself to attract and follow up on opportunities. When you work with the power of the conscious and subconscious mind you will attract opportunities that will bring you what you need; for what you radiate you will constantly attract. When you are prepared to become creative you will create a vibrant life, while eliminating negative and unwanted situations. Most people think they already listen to others with an open mind, merely by paying close attention to what is being said. In fact, keeping an open mind is not easy to do if you are happy with the way you are doing things and do not see the point of changing. We all have moments, however, when we do listen with an open heart and mind, for example, we are more open to listening to someone we trust. An open mind is an understanding mind which will develop a genuine appreciation for people. When you take the trouble to think of other people’s feelings, their viewpoints and their desires you are saying â€Å"people are important†. An open mind will accept other people unconditionally. It requires the letting go of likes and dislikes and other similar emotions. When you do this you discipline your emotions and you allow people to be who they are with all their idiosyncrasies, differences and irritations. When you are communicating with others there can often be misunderstandings and these can lead to failure in your relations with others. We expect others to react and respond and come to the same conclusions we do over a given set of facts. Unfortunately, no one reacts to things as they are but to their own mental images; they are responding appropriately to what they see as the truth about the situation. An open-minded person will ask themselves â€Å"How does this appear to that person?†or, â€Å"How does that person interpret the situation?†and they will try to understand why someone might act differently to the way they expected. Many small business owners have faced extinction because they thought they knew it all and were not prepared to have an open mind and listen to others who had been down that path before them. When you are open minded you are always prepared to be teachable, to learn something new and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. An open mind is the doorway to expansion of ideas. When you open your mind you are not compromising your ethics and values. It just means that you begin to practice a greater sense of awareness and in doing so you are prepared to look at your world a little differently. Test opportunities that are presented to you and examine where the message is coming from. It may be from a friend, a neutral party or from a source about which you are sceptical. If you are not sure, instruct your subconscious mind to guide you by simply saying, â€Å"I am making the right decision.†Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. A Closed Mind â€Å"A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood. – Chinese Proverb. We have all been given the power to develop ideas and exercise free will. Unfortunately too often those ideas die as a seed and people use their free will to close their mind to the tremendous opportunities surrounding them. This stubbornness prevents them from achieving the goals that they want for themselves and so the opportunity for success is greatly decreased. In our formative years we grow and develop egos that maintain very particular ideas about ourselves in relation to the world around us. Your ego is your conscious mind, that which controls your behaviour and tries to give meaning to your external, material reality. It is powerful and can control your life if you allow it. Your external reality is a direct result of your mental and spiritual self so if the latter two are not where you want them to be your external and material self will suffer. The ego cannot improve the quality of your mental and spiritual life. When you close your mind you essentially become stubborn and become a victim of the ego mind which says, â€Å"My attitude is right despite what anyone else has to say†. The ego mind, although it thinks it knows better than anyone else, is never prepared to leave its comfort zone and so is not open to new ideas nor will it welcome others into its world. This kind of attitude shuts you off from the process of life and nature which is about growing and experiencing new possibilities. Think about how many times you were resistant to trying something new only to eventually give in and discover that you really enjoyed the process. Limitations are the jail of the mind so if you can throw off the shackles and open your mind to new and exciting ideas, your possibilities become limitless. When the mind is shackled and limited it affects every part of your life, for example, work presentations can lack innovation and impact and even every-day conversations are less productive and rewarding. Conversations often become defensive as the mind closes off to what is being said by others. Society today gives out a negative message that everyone is out to ‘take you down’ and that if it ‘looks to good to be true, it probably is’. This causes many to close their minds to everything beyond their current knowledge. An open mind is a mind that is aware that the current knowledge is not all there is to know and will eagerly investigate possibilities. When you have a closed mind to new and exciting possibilities you essentially tell yourself that you are not willing to go the extra mile – that you are not willing to grow and experience new things. You have now switched off the power within you and there can be no change and no progress in life and things will never improve. Such people become very introspective and weak. The old recordings of the past can, however, be changed. If you choose, you can wipe the old record clean, put on a new record and make a decision to activate the positive thoughts which lead to a relaxed and open view of the world. Remember, the past explains how you got to the present but where you go from here is your responsibility. In his book A Vision of Power & Glory, John Kehoe gives a Zen parable about two monks who are on a journey together when they come to a river. By the river there is a beautiful woman. The woman asks them, â€Å"Please will one of you monks carry me across the river? The river is too wide and the current too swift.†The two monks look at one another, because they have taken a sacred vow to not so much as even touch a woman. Then, abruptly, the older monk picks up the woman, carries her across the river and puts her down on the other side. They continue on their journey. The younger monk is flabbergasted. He can’t believe it. An hour goes by and not a word is spoken between them. Two hours. Three hours. And finally, after four hours, he turns to the older monk and blurts out, â€Å"How could you have done that? How could you have carried that woman?†â€Å"Oh?†responds his companion, â€Å"Are you still carrying her? I put her down four hours ago.†John Kehoe goes on to say, â€Å"How much are we still carrying around inside us that should have been put down a long time ago? Disappointments; regrets; failures; grudges. How much junk are we carrying around inside us and how long are we going to carry it? All our life?†If you want to change and improve your attitude to life then it is imperative that you keep an open mind. That is not to say you will be taken in by every ‘fly-by-night’ scheme that may be put before you. An open mind is curious and investigative and examines new things. Your creative power system uses your conscious and subconscious mind to attract, explore and check out new opportunities so that you can begin achieving your goals and creating the life you want. Don’t limit yourself; learn how to attract new possibilities and make the right decisions by developing the power of your mind and heart. If you move in your community with an open mind and an open heart you can learn to accept others. You don’t have to agree with them, but accept who they are and feel free to express yourself. I remember a friend of ours who has passed on now, who was well-known and well-liked in community affairs. He met many people as he moved around and sometimes in a gathering he would be heard to say, â€Å"There’s a fellow over there I met recently and I didn’t like him; I must go over and get to know him better†. He would always come away with a new-found friend; now that’s an open mind and open heart.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Stanford Prison Experiment
The Standford Prison Experiment Introduction Professor Philip Zimbardo led a team of researchers in conducting an experiment on prison life at Standford University in 1971. Zimbardo wanted to test his hypothesis that it was the prisoners and guards inherent personality trait that leads to abusive and violent behavior in the prisons. Twenty-four predominately white male middle class men agreed to participate in a 7-14 day experiment in return for $15. 00 a day, the equivalent of approximately $90. 0 today. The men underwent a diagnostic interview and personality test to unsure that none of the participants suffered from any psychological or medical problems and that there was no history of crime or drug abuse. As simple as flipping a coin the men were divided into two groups, prisoners and guards. The guards were not given any special training or instructions other than they were free, within limits, to do whatever they liked to maintain law and order, while maintaining respect from t he prisoners.The prisoners on the other hand knew they were going to get some harassment, lose some privacy and civil rights and that the food was not going to be gourmet. What happened next, in that secluded basement could not have been for seen by researchers because the experiment was cancelled on day six of a fourteen day experiment. A mock prison was set–up in the basement of the Stanford’s Psychology Department building, where the prisoners were kept in small windowless cells, no clocks and just enough room for 3 prisoners.There was also a room called â€Å"The Hole†that was used for solitary confinement that measured about two feet by two feet and was very dark. Video cameras and intercoms were set up in order to monitor and listen to the discussions of the prisoners. Upon arrival the prisoners were humiliated with a strip search, deloused with a spray, dressed in a numbered uniform of a smock like dress with no under wear and their hair was netted to gi ve the appearance of being shaved.There right ankle was shackled with a heavy chain, that was intended to be a constant reminder that they were imprisoned and that life was oppressive in jail. A brief description of the experiment and its purpose. What was learned through this experiment? After reading this experiment, it may be safe to say, that we all have a dark side depending on the conditions we are exposed to. The experiment showed that the participants easily adapted to their roles that they were playing, beyond the expectations of the researchers.Just like in the movies, participants began to adapt similar attitudes to their characters, stereotypical of a prisoner or guard. It didn’t take longer than 24 hours for the prisoners to rebel and then the anger, abuse of power and domination set in with the guards. The guards began to treat the prisoners with force, stripped some of the prisoners naked, removing their beds from the cell and forcing them to sleep on the cold concrete floor. The ring leader was separated and put into solitary confinement.Day after day the violence and abuse escalated and began to include psychological tactics, like having a privileged cell, where three prisoners were given special treatment of sleeping on beds, eating special food, being allowed to wash and brush their teeth. It was easy to see that it didn’t take long for the participants to lose sight that this was an experiment and not reality. Prisoners had lost their identity, they believed and referred to themselves as their number, that was demonstrated by prisoner #819 who completely believed he was an inmate in a prison.The guards were enjoying the abuse of power, never being late for work and always willing to stay and work over time for no additional pay. The experiment demonstrated that our conditions start to define our identity. Our individuality and morals disappear fast depending on the social conditions. We must be very careful with the people we elect or give power to because we seem to be a Nation of followers and conforsists. What was learned about the disconnect between reality and role-playing?Based on the experiment one could concluded that within 48 hours, depending on the physical and social conditions it is possible for a person to start to lose a sense of reality, the disconnect between reality and role-playing becomes blurred. The experiment began as could be expected on the first day with each participant role-playing based on their beliefs of stereotypes of either a prisoner or guard. Within a very short period of time it quickly elevated to the participants internalizing their behavior and believing the situation to be real, that they were experiencing.What is most alarming is that the first day it was evident that everyone was uncomfortable, unsure of their roles, not taking it too seriously but generally getting a feeling for their role playing. The next morning, 24 hours later, a rebellion broke out with the prisoners. The events that followed next by the guards was extreme, harsh, forceful, degrading and generally not necessary, to control the situation. This could be seen as the turning point in the experiment where the participant’s sense of reality changed. This was no longer an experiment but a real life situation.Evidence of disconnect from reality by the prisoners: * Prisoners passively accepted the psychological torture and followed the instructions from the guards to harass other inmates * Prisoner #5401 fell so deeply into the role he believed and was proud of his elected leadership for Standford County Jail Grievance Committee * Prisoner #8612 suffered acute emotional disturbance, disorganized thinking, continuous crying and out of control rage, with 36 hours of the experiment beginning * Prisoner #819 became sick, would not eat, cried uncontrollably and was convinced he was a prisoner and was not getting out * Prisoner #416 identified himself as #416 and not Clay, he believed he was in a real prison run by psychologists, not the state * During the simulated parole hearing, prisoners said they would forfeit their pay of $15/day in order to be paroled Evidence of disconnect from reality by the guards: Guards viewed the prisoners as troublemakers, even believing they would do them harm * Guards controlled when the prisoners were allowed to use the washroom, let sanitary conditions become unbearable by making prisoners urinate and defecate in a bucket that was left in the cell to rot and smell * Day after day the guards escalated there harassment, humiliation and violence to the prisoners, making them clean toilet bowls with their bare hands and making them do push-ups for hours at a time * Guards degraded the prisons by stripping them naked and demanded total obedience through physical and psychological manipulation One can only conclude that a total disconnect between reality and role-playing took place in this experiment. Why did no one ask to q uit the experiment? Simply put, it was no longer an experiment, this was very real, the prisoners were experiencing pathological disorders and the guards were growing more sadistic, with each passing day. What about peer pressure and its role in controlling behavior? All participants both prisoners and guards experienced peer pressure, that controlled their behavior and altered their moral beliefs.The experiment began by defining the two different groups with a uniform that eliminated or minimized each person’s individual identity and associated them with a group. Guards wore identical khaki uniforms with sunglasses and carried a billy club. Prisoners wore a smock, no under, # id, chains around their right ankle and a nylon net on their heads. When the first rebellion started, 24 hours into the experiment, the morning shift of guards blamed the night shift guards of being too lenient on the prisoners. The guards called in extra help, united they worked to control the situatio n with brutal force and the night time shift even volunteered to remain on duty, that day. The guards now had a common goal to control and intimidate the prisoners through psychological and physical punishment.Peer pressure to keep the prisoners in line was evident by the increasing daily assertive violence. The â€Å"privilege cell†was a way for the guards to control the behavior of the prisoners. The three best behaved prisoners would be separated and given special privileges to break the solidarity of the prisoners. If a prisoner agreed to be an informant they could also receive special treatment but they had to be careful that none of the other prisoners found out because they would not be trusted anymore. Together the prisoners worked to rebel and in turn this created greater solidarity between the guards. What was learned about prison culture? The experiment demonstrated how prison life can change an individual quiet quickly.Prisoners experience a great deal of emotion al pain and suffering that can produce physical illnesses like rashes and hives and also psychological effects like uncontrolled crying, rage and disorientation. Guards on the other hand enjoyed their authority and the power they had over another individual. The guards were identified into three different categories. * Tough but fair guard who followed the rules by the book * â€Å"Good guy†guard who made life a little easier, did special favors for the prisoners and never punished them * One third of the guards were evil, sadistic, hostile men who enjoyed humiliating the prisoners After six days the experiment was cancelled when researchers observed that the guards were thoroughly enjoying the power and humiliation they were enforcing on he prisoners and that the suffering inmates were individually and as a group, disintegrated. An example of the disintegration was when the prisoners elected not to give up their blankets to get prisoner #416 out of solitary confinement but chose to leave him their all night. In the end, humanity did not win over evil but evil triumph. What sort of conclusion might be drawn from the results of this study and what are the implications of these conclusions for our prison system and for society in general? Based on how the experiment was conducted, not as much information was gathered to test the original hypothesis as was gathered on how not to conduct an experiment.The experiment failed to be completed when 2 prisoners had to be released early and the entire experiment was cancelled prematurely after six days of the original fourteen day experiment. Within this short period of time enough information was gathered to show how quickly the participants adapted to their roles and how fast the disconnect between reality and role-playing took. The experiment was successful in demonstrating how the power of authority can easily be abused and taken too far. It was interesting to note that the prisoners thought that the subjects were divided up between prisoners and guards based on their size and that the guards were larger, when in fact there was no difference in the average height of the two groups.Another example that we assume people in powerful positions are smarter, larger, more worthy, more deserving of that role, than ourselves. The most alarming fact was the Zimbardo, the leading researcher took a role in the experiment as the superintendent of the prison. He allowed himself to role play, get emotionally involved and allowed abusive behavior to continue during the experiment. On the day he thought a mass escape plot was being planned, Zimbardo was so involved strategizing how to stop it, that no information was observed or gathered that day. The results from the study were mainly subjective. Little or no information was concluded from this study because still to this day, similar behaviors took place with prisoners from Iraqi who were being held at Abu Ghraib.US soldiers abused, stripped and sexua lly humiliated prisoners, took pictures and posted them on the internet. An analysis of the ethics of the experiment. Was this study ethical? The Standford prison experiment was not ethical. All of the participants had signed a consent form to take part in the study but the consent form was deceiving and did not include some of the details of the study and what was going to be expected of the participants. The experiment began with a huge invasion of privacy when the participants were surprised at their homes by local police, arrested, handcuffed and put in a police cruiser while neighbors looked on. Next the prisoner were strip searched without consent which is a hug violation of a man’s rights.All participants were put under a great deal of stress, exposed to psychological and physical harm and the prisoners were beaten and humiliated. Was it right to subject these subjects to this kind of suffering in exchange for the information that was gained? Christine Maslach, a Stanf ord Ph. D student that was brought in to interview the prisoners and guards should be credited for being the only person of more than fifty highly educated individuals that was taking part in the study, who had the strength to speak up and question the morality of this experiment. What was supposed to be a safe controlled environment to conduct the experiment became increasingly dangerous, when peer pressure from the researchers and observers made it difficult to stop the experiment.These participants endured unnecessary pain and suffering that lasted well after the experiment was over. The information that was gathered could easily have been complied through observations in real prisons. Conclusion In conclusion the Standford prison experiment demonstrated how prisons are set up to dehumanize the incoming prisoners, degrade them and instill in them a feeling of hopelessness. One can only question our human integrity when at the end of the experiment, the guards who were inflicting pain and suffering on their fellow participants who were prisoners, were upset that the experiment was cancelled prematurely. We must find a way to rehabilitate our prisoners and create positive human values in them rather than to destroy them. Stanford Prison Experiment The Standford Prison Experiment Introduction Professor Philip Zimbardo led a team of researchers in conducting an experiment on prison life at Standford University in 1971. Zimbardo wanted to test his hypothesis that it was the prisoners and guards inherent personality trait that leads to abusive and violent behavior in the prisons. Twenty-four predominately white male middle class men agreed to participate in a 7-14 day experiment in return for $15. 00 a day, the equivalent of approximately $90. 0 today. The men underwent a diagnostic interview and personality test to unsure that none of the participants suffered from any psychological or medical problems and that there was no history of crime or drug abuse. As simple as flipping a coin the men were divided into two groups, prisoners and guards. The guards were not given any special training or instructions other than they were free, within limits, to do whatever they liked to maintain law and order, while maintaining respect from t he prisoners.The prisoners on the other hand knew they were going to get some harassment, lose some privacy and civil rights and that the food was not going to be gourmet. What happened next, in that secluded basement could not have been for seen by researchers because the experiment was cancelled on day six of a fourteen day experiment. A mock prison was set–up in the basement of the Stanford’s Psychology Department building, where the prisoners were kept in small windowless cells, no clocks and just enough room for 3 prisoners.There was also a room called â€Å"The Hole†that was used for solitary confinement that measured about two feet by two feet and was very dark. Video cameras and intercoms were set up in order to monitor and listen to the discussions of the prisoners. Upon arrival the prisoners were humiliated with a strip search, deloused with a spray, dressed in a numbered uniform of a smock like dress with no under wear and their hair was netted to gi ve the appearance of being shaved.There right ankle was shackled with a heavy chain, that was intended to be a constant reminder that they were imprisoned and that life was oppressive in jail. A brief description of the experiment and its purpose. What was learned through this experiment? After reading this experiment, it may be safe to say, that we all have a dark side depending on the conditions we are exposed to. The experiment showed that the participants easily adapted to their roles that they were playing, beyond the expectations of the researchers.Just like in the movies, participants began to adapt similar attitudes to their characters, stereotypical of a prisoner or guard. It didn’t take longer than 24 hours for the prisoners to rebel and then the anger, abuse of power and domination set in with the guards. The guards began to treat the prisoners with force, stripped some of the prisoners naked, removing their beds from the cell and forcing them to sleep on the cold concrete floor. The ring leader was separated and put into solitary confinement.Day after day the violence and abuse escalated and began to include psychological tactics, like having a privileged cell, where three prisoners were given special treatment of sleeping on beds, eating special food, being allowed to wash and brush their teeth. It was easy to see that it didn’t take long for the participants to lose sight that this was an experiment and not reality. Prisoners had lost their identity, they believed and referred to themselves as their number, that was demonstrated by prisoner #819 who completely believed he was an inmate in a prison.The guards were enjoying the abuse of power, never being late for work and always willing to stay and work over time for no additional pay. The experiment demonstrated that our conditions start to define our identity. Our individuality and morals disappear fast depending on the social conditions. We must be very careful with the people we elect or give power to because we seem to be a Nation of followers and conforsists. What was learned about the disconnect between reality and role-playing?Based on the experiment one could concluded that within 48 hours, depending on the physical and social conditions it is possible for a person to start to lose a sense of reality, the disconnect between reality and role-playing becomes blurred. The experiment began as could be expected on the first day with each participant role-playing based on their beliefs of stereotypes of either a prisoner or guard. Within a very short period of time it quickly elevated to the participants internalizing their behavior and believing the situation to be real, that they were experiencing.What is most alarming is that the first day it was evident that everyone was uncomfortable, unsure of their roles, not taking it too seriously but generally getting a feeling for their role playing. The next morning, 24 hours later, a rebellion broke out with the prisoners. The events that followed next by the guards was extreme, harsh, forceful, degrading and generally not necessary, to control the situation. This could be seen as the turning point in the experiment where the participant’s sense of reality changed. This was no longer an experiment but a real life situation.Evidence of disconnect from reality by the prisoners: * Prisoners passively accepted the psychological torture and followed the instructions from the guards to harass other inmates * Prisoner #5401 fell so deeply into the role he believed and was proud of his elected leadership for Standford County Jail Grievance Committee * Prisoner #8612 suffered acute emotional disturbance, disorganized thinking, continuous crying and out of control rage, with 36 hours of the experiment beginning * Prisoner #819 became sick, would not eat, cried uncontrollably and was convinced he was a prisoner and was not getting out * Prisoner #416 identified himself as #416 and not Clay, he believed he was in a real prison run by psychologists, not the state * During the simulated parole hearing, prisoners said they would forfeit their pay of $15/day in order to be paroled Evidence of disconnect from reality by the guards: Guards viewed the prisoners as troublemakers, even believing they would do them harm * Guards controlled when the prisoners were allowed to use the washroom, let sanitary conditions become unbearable by making prisoners urinate and defecate in a bucket that was left in the cell to rot and smell * Day after day the guards escalated there harassment, humiliation and violence to the prisoners, making them clean toilet bowls with their bare hands and making them do push-ups for hours at a time * Guards degraded the prisons by stripping them naked and demanded total obedience through physical and psychological manipulation One can only conclude that a total disconnect between reality and role-playing took place in this experiment. Why did no one ask to q uit the experiment? Simply put, it was no longer an experiment, this was very real, the prisoners were experiencing pathological disorders and the guards were growing more sadistic, with each passing day. What about peer pressure and its role in controlling behavior? All participants both prisoners and guards experienced peer pressure, that controlled their behavior and altered their moral beliefs.The experiment began by defining the two different groups with a uniform that eliminated or minimized each person’s individual identity and associated them with a group. Guards wore identical khaki uniforms with sunglasses and carried a billy club. Prisoners wore a smock, no under, # id, chains around their right ankle and a nylon net on their heads. When the first rebellion started, 24 hours into the experiment, the morning shift of guards blamed the night shift guards of being too lenient on the prisoners. The guards called in extra help, united they worked to control the situatio n with brutal force and the night time shift even volunteered to remain on duty, that day. The guards now had a common goal to control and intimidate the prisoners through psychological and physical punishment.Peer pressure to keep the prisoners in line was evident by the increasing daily assertive violence. The â€Å"privilege cell†was a way for the guards to control the behavior of the prisoners. The three best behaved prisoners would be separated and given special privileges to break the solidarity of the prisoners. If a prisoner agreed to be an informant they could also receive special treatment but they had to be careful that none of the other prisoners found out because they would not be trusted anymore. Together the prisoners worked to rebel and in turn this created greater solidarity between the guards. What was learned about prison culture? The experiment demonstrated how prison life can change an individual quiet quickly.Prisoners experience a great deal of emotion al pain and suffering that can produce physical illnesses like rashes and hives and also psychological effects like uncontrolled crying, rage and disorientation. Guards on the other hand enjoyed their authority and the power they had over another individual. The guards were identified into three different categories. * Tough but fair guard who followed the rules by the book * â€Å"Good guy†guard who made life a little easier, did special favors for the prisoners and never punished them * One third of the guards were evil, sadistic, hostile men who enjoyed humiliating the prisoners After six days the experiment was cancelled when researchers observed that the guards were thoroughly enjoying the power and humiliation they were enforcing on he prisoners and that the suffering inmates were individually and as a group, disintegrated. An example of the disintegration was when the prisoners elected not to give up their blankets to get prisoner #416 out of solitary confinement but chose to leave him their all night. In the end, humanity did not win over evil but evil triumph. What sort of conclusion might be drawn from the results of this study and what are the implications of these conclusions for our prison system and for society in general? Based on how the experiment was conducted, not as much information was gathered to test the original hypothesis as was gathered on how not to conduct an experiment.The experiment failed to be completed when 2 prisoners had to be released early and the entire experiment was cancelled prematurely after six days of the original fourteen day experiment. Within this short period of time enough information was gathered to show how quickly the participants adapted to their roles and how fast the disconnect between reality and role-playing took. The experiment was successful in demonstrating how the power of authority can easily be abused and taken too far. It was interesting to note that the prisoners thought that the subjects were divided up between prisoners and guards based on their size and that the guards were larger, when in fact there was no difference in the average height of the two groups.Another example that we assume people in powerful positions are smarter, larger, more worthy, more deserving of that role, than ourselves. The most alarming fact was the Zimbardo, the leading researcher took a role in the experiment as the superintendent of the prison. He allowed himself to role play, get emotionally involved and allowed abusive behavior to continue during the experiment. On the day he thought a mass escape plot was being planned, Zimbardo was so involved strategizing how to stop it, that no information was observed or gathered that day. The results from the study were mainly subjective. Little or no information was concluded from this study because still to this day, similar behaviors took place with prisoners from Iraqi who were being held at Abu Ghraib.US soldiers abused, stripped and sexua lly humiliated prisoners, took pictures and posted them on the internet. An analysis of the ethics of the experiment. Was this study ethical? The Standford prison experiment was not ethical. All of the participants had signed a consent form to take part in the study but the consent form was deceiving and did not include some of the details of the study and what was going to be expected of the participants. The experiment began with a huge invasion of privacy when the participants were surprised at their homes by local police, arrested, handcuffed and put in a police cruiser while neighbors looked on. Next the prisoner were strip searched without consent which is a hug violation of a man’s rights.All participants were put under a great deal of stress, exposed to psychological and physical harm and the prisoners were beaten and humiliated. Was it right to subject these subjects to this kind of suffering in exchange for the information that was gained? Christine Maslach, a Stanf ord Ph. D student that was brought in to interview the prisoners and guards should be credited for being the only person of more than fifty highly educated individuals that was taking part in the study, who had the strength to speak up and question the morality of this experiment. What was supposed to be a safe controlled environment to conduct the experiment became increasingly dangerous, when peer pressure from the researchers and observers made it difficult to stop the experiment.These participants endured unnecessary pain and suffering that lasted well after the experiment was over. The information that was gathered could easily have been complied through observations in real prisons. Conclusion In conclusion the Standford prison experiment demonstrated how prisons are set up to dehumanize the incoming prisoners, degrade them and instill in them a feeling of hopelessness. One can only question our human integrity when at the end of the experiment, the guards who were inflicting pain and suffering on their fellow participants who were prisoners, were upset that the experiment was cancelled prematurely. We must find a way to rehabilitate our prisoners and create positive human values in them rather than to destroy them. Stanford Prison Experiment Psychology 270 – 03 Homework Assignment 1 Prison Experiment (100 Pts) Go to the following site:http://www. prisonexp. org/. Click on Begin SlideShow at the bottom of the page. Read through the article and watch the video in entirety. Respond to all questions below. 1. If you were a guard in this scenario, what type of guard would you have become? Why? 2. What prevented â€Å"good guards†from objecting to or countermanding the orders from â€Å"tough†or â€Å"bad guards†? 3.If you were a prisoner, would you have been able to endure the experience? Why or why not? What would you have done differently fromwhat the subjects did in this experiment? If you were imprisoned for five or more years, how would you adapt to this environment? What would you do in order to survive? 4. How do the ethical dilemmas in this experiment compare with the ethical issues raised by Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments? How would it be beneficial if these experiments h ad never been conducted.Please elaborate. 5. Moving beyond physical prisons built of steel and concrete, what psychological prisons do we create for ourselves and others? If prisons are seen as forms of control which limit individual freedom, how do they differ from the prisons we create through racism, sexism, ageism, poverty, and other social institutions? 6. What is your personal opinion of the experiment? Deadline – Tuesday, March 19, 201311:15 a. m. A hardcopy of your assignment must be submitted to me by the deadline.No late assignments will be accepted. Guidelines These are essay questions. Your responses must be well developed and detailed. Length of assignment – Minimum 5 Pages (Five Full Pages) Double Spaced 12 point font – Ariel, Times New Roman, or Calibri Black ink only You must include a cover page. You will be penalized for spelling and grammatical errors. It is mandatory that assignments are proofread and edited prior to submission.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Project Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project Management - Term Paper Example There is a specified objective of completing the task within 20 days. This is 15 days shy of the existing 35 days within which projects are normally completed. The most fundamental technique to use in achieving the set goal is to eliminate all forms of waste associated with production. There is an estimated cost of 500,000 usd investment fund. There is a very highly taunted objective of improving quality of engines to be produced through a performance analysis process. This is a linear project management process Project Management Institute (2008).. There are however rooms made for handling changes in the scope of the project. The contract shall permit changes to be made in relation to labor issues such as employing new staff to continue from where existing staff exit. There shall also be the introduction of new fund of not more than 25% of the original estimate if the need to pump in more funds arises. It is assumed that should the project be closely delivered according to the objective and target of reducing waste, the company would accumulate more revenue than expected. This is because more pieces of engines can be built with the current budget and more quality engines can be produced within the set time frame (PM Docs,
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Origins of Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Origins of Cold War - Essay Example It is vital to take in consideration that the antagonistic relations of the Soviet Union and the United States can be traced way back from the Russian Revolution in 1917 and the Second World War. The once allies felt the tension brought about by political paths and choices of each country. Traditional historians or the traditionalists maintain that the Cold War can be traced to Russia’s attempt of expansionism. According to Schlesinger (1967), â€Å"Geopoliticians traced the Cold War to imperial Russian strategic ambitions which in the nineteenth century led to the Crimean War, to Russian penetration of the Balkans and the Middle East and to Russian pressure to Britain's’ ‘lifeline’ to India†. Some ideologists suggest that the Communist Manifesto of 1848 is another strong point of reference that provoked the West as well as the Russian plans of domination as manifested in Russian imperialism, Pan-Slavism and Leninist messianism (Schlesinger, 1967). I n addition, traditionalists see the United States as championing passivity and has exercised full cooperation and mutual aid with international bodies in order to pacify strains between warring countries with the help of the United Nations. The U.S. only changed its tactics as the Soviet Union furthered its expansion in Eastern Europe as they felt that they need to preserve the safety of its own territory as well as the rest of Western Europe. When the security of a nation has been compromised, then issues on democratic rights will soon follow.... only changed its tactics as the Soviet Union furthered its expansion in Eastern Europe as they felt that they need to preserve the safety of its own territory as well as the rest of Western Europe. When the security of a nation has been compromised, then issues on democratic rights will soon follow. Hence, new policies namely the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were created as response to the Soviets (Lundestad 2005). Revisionists had a very different view of the roots of the Cold War. These historians take into account the death of Franklin Roosevelt and the end of the Second World War as the turning point of the United States’ relations to the Soviet Union. In fact, they have been already trying to control or limit the authority of the Soviet Union in different parts of the world even before the Second World War ended. As early as 1918, the United States has been actively participating in Russian issues such as fighting with Great Britain against the Bolsheviks. Still, the Soviets have growing suspicions of the Americans after the latter recognized the Soviet Union as a diplomatic ally in 1933 (Schlesinger 1999). Furthermore, being a powerful nation itself, the United States had also ambitions of influencing the East. Various schemes and strategies were created in preparation to amass great power. Wartime policy of collaboration was ceased right after the Second World War, atomic bombs were developed and different forms of economic support were reinforced with other countries to uphold their interest. However, these measures are said to be driven solely by their hostility to the Soviet Union. Revisionists believe that ‘the idea that Soviet policy in Eastern Europe can be considered a result of U.S. ambitions.†(Lundestad 2005, p. 9). Moreover,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
STEEPLE Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
STEEPLE Analysis - Research Paper Example The UK supermarket sector has been controlled by â€Å"Big Four’’ grocery companies like Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s (Sanderson, 2007). These companies collectively control 75.4% of the market share as of the year 2012 (Butler, 2012). Tesco has occupied 30.5% in terms of grocery retail in the market, whereas Morrisons has 11.7% followed by Asda with 17.1% and Sainsbury’s with 16.1% (Butler, 2012). As UK supermarket sector is based on both grocery and retail outlets, the rate of sales for both the products base have made certain impacts on the growth of the market scenario. The rate of sales in retails had enlarged by 5.4% in September 2011 as compared to September 2010 (Office for National Statistics, 2011). Non-retailing counters and automotive fuels selling capacities have improved to 15.5 and 2.8 percent respectively from 2010 in the year 2011. The paper intends to discuss on STEEPLE Analysis of the UK supermarket sector and evaluate the fac tors in the market which would impact in the organizations operating in the market. Moreover, the discussion also focuses on the assessment of the HR practices of one of the leading companies in the UK retail market, Tesco. Description of STEEPLE Analysis STEEPLE analysis is an instrumental analysis through which changes in the environment can be determined in correlation to the operations in the business sector. The analysis is based on different factors such as social, technological, political, economic, ethical, legal and environmental which have an impact on the operations of business in the UK supermarket sector. Social Factors In relation to the social factors, it is observed that there is a change in the buying pattern of different materials by the customers which significantly relates to the dimensions of lifestyle changes, alteration in income distribution and changes in living conditions. With the influence of these factors customers in the UK are favouring one-stop shoppi ng of products (Randall & Seth, 2011). A crucial issue in context is that there is a noticeable certain change in terms of social wants with the change in time because increasing number of customers nowadays are desiring to keep themselves abreast with the latest fashion and style statements. Consequently, the retailers functioning in the UK supermarket are concentrating rapidly on products which provide them value for money. The option of finding a variety of products within one-roof in a supermarket has also been a major draw for the consumers which in turn facilitate them meet their needs and desires (Defra, 2006). Moreover, certain pertinent social factors such as birth rates, household income, gender and religion among others have affected the retail giants like Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Morrisons in the UK supermarket. In relation to augmented birth rates, it can be ascertained that retailers like Tesco have started to increasingly focus on keeping an assortment of c hildren toys related products to open up a new target market for the company. Moreover, in the global operations companies such as Tesco need to operate keeping in consideration the religious contexts while offering products and preparing their advertisements so that the sentiments of the people in a foreign country do not get hurt. It can in turn affect their sales and profitability. Similarly, social factors such as gender and household income have also been taken into consideration by the retail companies while preparing their product assortment as products in varied price range have been a key consideration to attract consumers’ of different income range. (Tesco Plc, 2012). Sainsbury’
Language of Thought and Fodor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Language of Thought and Fodor - Essay Example This paper is based on his book titled The Language of Thought, as it seeks to prove that Fodor was right in saying that the nature of human thought requires the existence of a language of thought that is not one's native language. At the very onset, it is imperative to highlight the main features of the nature of human thought. Human thought is that course or process which enables a human being to make rational choices and recognise symbols. This process goes beyond language, according to Fodor. It is contained in the laws of nature and the reaction that a human instinctively offers in the study of these laws. Here, it is imperative to speak about language so as to compare and contrast the two before proving Fodor's theory. (Fodor, 1975) The knowledge of a language is akin to the art of knowing about an entire culture, nation and people. Language may be defined as a form of expression that reveals a person's identity and gives him or her a sense of belonging. But how does a language structure a person's experiences To begin with, the role of language in one's life is one that fulfils the need to belong. This sense of belonging springs from one's immediate environment where there is focus on the language one speaks along with complementary elements like accent, nuances and other such features that form the general social and cultural terrain of the particular place. Language offers people first hand knowledge of a variety of symbols that one comes to associate with a place. This in turn generates a more enriching quality to one's experiences. (Mercer, 1996) In knowing and learning a language, whether by birth or subsequent settlement, there is a certain amount of satisfaction that helps contribute to one's sense of identity. This also has certain mental implications as it shows the person's basic aptitudes, besides brining him or her face to face with the challenges of implementing the language. This makes a person draw from experiences of the past, learn from present experiences and contribute to future experiences, which will shape his or her overall life experiences. This also renders a certain amount of creative and communicative competency to a person and his or her sense of confidence with which he or she carries out interactions with people. If Fodor is to be believed, then the competency of a person comes from being able to effectively use language to portray what is within. For this, it is imperative to portray the most elementary human thought in a language that transcends words, diction and pronunciation. This connects langua ge with experience. (Fodor, 1975) In this regard, it is necessary to shift focus to the process of learning of a language and garnering communicative competency. This process is important in every individual's life as the knowledge comes only after learning. The very process of learning is a journey throughout which an individual is brought face to face with experiences. These experiences form his or her general perspective on things. In this way, there is a certain level of competency which in turn, springs from the areas and experiences that a person finds comfortable to deal with. Learning a language is a crucial part of describing how a language shapes a person's experiences. (Girvin, 2000) Learning a language has always been a great challenge. While this is a matter of creating awareness, it is also a matter of creating certain comfort level that will trigger communicative com
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Addiction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Addiction - Assignment Example Relapse can be handled in case the client has established that there is a clear plan to deal with the situation; hence, making it easier to manage after it has happened. In the case of a slip, there is a recurrence of behavior where the individual attempts to change but keep on engaging in problem behavior (Lowinson, 2005). Therefore, it is clear that a slip is less serious than a The prevalence of men relapse is more than that of women this is because staying sober requires that a person has outside support where in the case of women they are likely to seek group counseling. Additionally, people who are isolated by the addiction process need contact from other in order to give them moral support. By so doing, they help them with drug or alcohol relapse prevention plans, as well as, reducing stress and depression as they associate with other people. It has been established when individuals who have addiction issues develop a friendship with people who do not encourage their behavior they avoid relapsing (Marlatt & Donovan, 2008). Additionally, having an anonymous source of communication and support plays a vital role in ensuring that the individual has a person to encourage him or her in changing their behavior. Various warning signs that help in knowing that a person has relapsed. They include sudden relapse where there are emotional triggers, physical change and social situations where an individual withdraws from their friends and family. A person may also relapse is they have lost a loved one in a tragic death or illness.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Clinical Quality Improvement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Clinical Quality Improvement - Research Paper Example The same year, Biotech Week released an article arguing that the United States’ quality management framework is cohesive. This system operates from the foundation up. This way, it can echo the manner in which clinical researchers operate, which flawlessly automates research behavior. In this article, the system enables the researchers to provide excellent findings. Statistical data collected in Biotech Week’s article to report findings included registration and certification of Spaulding Clinical Research, which reflected data on lab findings and Clinical Pharmacology (Biotech Week 3). In 2010, researchers Thiel and Martin argued that quality management entails all operations that clinical organizations apply when directing, regulating, and matching quality. These operations normally involve creating a quality strategy and establishing quality goals. One of the numerous fields contained by clinical quality management entails the safety of patients. Statis tical data collected by Thiel and Martin to report findings include the presentation of data for patient safety cases from Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) (Thiel and Martin 46). De Lorenzo and Pfaff noted that in spite of good intentions, the ideas and implementation of clinical quality management and criteria for patient care do not have a proper definition in former literature. This is a problem for today’s researchers aiming at finding out the risks involved with clinical quality management. While focusing on formal military doctrine and policies, the study argues that flexible and random applications range from the helpful and encouraging type to the negative and ineffective. De Lorenzo and Pfaff chose this topic because they intended on bettering the clinical care for casualties in war (De Lorenzo and Pfaff 377).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Sustainable Talent Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Sustainable Talent Management - Essay Example A good work environment, proper relationships and effective compensation are among the preferred and effective motivational strategies which are commonly used by managers and organizational leaders to enhance performance (Seiden & Sowa, 2011). The contemporary work environment is characterized by diversity and influence by the forces of globalization, the two factors which are argued to be justification for effective performance management processes. This paper presents the concept of performance management with a critical review, analysis and discussion of the process of managing employee performance, the review of talent, the global aspects of talent management and recommendations for a sustainable process of talent management. Performance Management Process In the measurement of employee talent, the process of performance management is often employed. Performance management process is described as a specific methodology through which the design of an organizational management is e xecuted with a purpose of ensuring that all elements within the organization are working with a common focus of meeting organizational objectives and goals (Moczydlowska, 2012). Performance management process also plays an important role of ensuring optimization of the strategic goals of an organization (Agbola, Hemans & Abena, 2011). The elements or component of the organization which are involved in performance management process include the departments within the organization, talent or human resource, work processes and activities and groups and teams (Ahmadi, Ahmadi & Abbaspalangi, 2012). Therefore the most effective design of performance management process that is recommended for measurement of employee talent is that which is designed with a view of incorporating all organizational components with a sole purpose of optimizing the overall performance of the organization. Employee talent is normally measured in terms of current performance and potential for future performance ( Seiden & Sowa, 2011). This process involves several activities which are aimed at measuring the propensity of an employee or talent to become productive and beneficial for the organization (Glykas, 2011). Firstly, the goals of performance management and measurement of talent are set. The goals of talent measurement relates to the expected outcomes that are expected to emanate from the process of determining the performance of talent. Secondly, standards are set by the management which is used to measure the results and work outcomes or outputs of organizational talent. These standards act as a guideline or framework within which the work activities of the employees are measured (Moczydlowska, 2012). This means that failure to meet the standards reflects that the performance of talent is below the expectations of the organization. Thirdly, the progress of talent towards the achievement of the preset goals is done. This process represents the role of organizational leadership or manag ement team (Durovic, 2012). Fourthly, feedback is presented to the talent on their performance including the decisions that are reached by the management as motivated by the talent measurement outcomes. In the contemporary business environment, performance management software applications are used to enhance the process of talent measurement to ensure effectiveness and accuracy. Talent Pools and Review In the management of talent, the leadership and management team within an
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Beach Essay Example for Free
The Beach Essay On a hot summer day the best place to be is the Beach. Have you ever been so hot you could melt, and just want to play in the cold, salty ocean? I have! The best felling is the wet, grainy, sand between your toes. When you go to the beach all you see is the clear blue ocean, colorful umbrellas, and the silky white seagulls. But be careful, the seagulls will eat your food right out of your hands! Who doesn’t like the beach? If youre looking for a quiet relaxation at the beach, I dont think that will work out too well. Though out the day all you hear are the clear blue wave’s crash against the rough yellow sand, the loud motors of the boats, and the laughter of children everywhere. But in the morning or at night the beach could be quite relaxing. If you want to just relax and watch the beautiful sunrise, while the breeze blows your hair back the beach in the morning is perfect for you. The beach has many different interesting smells. There’s the smell of fruity coconut suntan lotion, the salty ocean, and the smell of delicious smores being roasted over the fire. At the beach you can also smell the dirty fish in the sea. With the bright sun shining down on you, you will forget all about the bad smelling fish. Other than the smell of fish all the other smells are really delightful. I love the beach! All of the smells, sights and felling of being at the beach are the best. The beach is a lot of fun. It is also a good place to go with your family and friends. As you can see there are a lot of good things about the beach. If you have never been to the beach you don’t know what you’re missing. Alexis Gonzalez
Friday, September 20, 2019
Beowulf An Epic Hero English Literature Essay
Beowulf An Epic Hero English Literature Essay While reading the epic poem of Beowulf the most important character is Beowulf which has the personality of an epic conqueror by performance of skills and bravery, durable reputation, and royal duty. In Beowulf it shows strange and nearly external ability and bravery at the assassination of Grendel, the Troll Wife, and the Dragon. Due to the brave killing of the useless creature Beowulf also becomes familiar to the idea of being fames. Beowulf as a model he must defend his people as a imperial responsibility. The poem starts with the slaughter of Grendel. In the slaughter of the unusually huge being Beowulf shows significant skills and bravery. Beowulf shows odd skill and bravery which this shows the beginning of an epic hero. Beowulf show bravery and ability by slaughter Grendel hand without a sword or a shield. The cause why Beowulf chooses to kill Grendel with no body armor to him it felt that he must not have any advantages over the monster of Grendel. By defeating Grendel withou t any armor Beowulf prove to the people that he really is brave and clever. Beowulf shows great skills and bravery when he supposedly defeats the Troll Wife which is the mother of Grendel. After killing all the Thanes in the Mead Hall to make a point to Beowulf say he was able to kill her with the Hrunting. After stabbing the Troll Wife and winning the battle. Once again Grendel demonstrates the personality of an epic hero. Beowulf also shows his bravery and skill while he was slaughtering the Dragon. In the killing of the Dragon, Beowulf was ready to give up his own live in order to slay the Dragon. In additional Beowulf traits shows him as an epic conqueror by taking care of his royal duty. Before the king kills himself he gave Beowulf his kingdom so he became the king when he died. Beowulf realizes his responsibility to rule and defend his kingdom, with his royal duties. Although he aged over time when he slaughter the dragon he must defend his people from it, its is responsibili ty now that he is the king. In the next paragraph from Beowulf, Beowulf clarify why he have to carry out his royal duties. Hygelac offer Beowulf his family sword, as a way to repay him from the battle. The king decided to give Beowulf his land, because his sword as served him well. By means of his hands and tough sword blade, while Beowulf is delicate and aged once the Dragon came. Beowulf understands that he will repay his people by slaughter the Dragon. Beowulf believes that he was giving so much throughout his people and being able to kill the dragon was his royal duties to protect his kingdom. The slaughter of Grendel, the Troll wife, and the Dragon was including in his royal duty. Beowulf as well turns into adapting to the idea of endure reputation by taking royal obligation. Beowulf shows another trait of an epic hero during the idea of lasting reputation. The traits of enduring fame come about when Beowulf slaughters Grendel, The Troll Wife, and the Dragon. Following the kill ing of Grendel and The Troll Wife Beowulf is looking upon as a hero by numerous of Thanes. When Beowulf murder Grendel, Beowulf stumble upon Heorot where he reward Beowulf with gold. While having a banquet in tribute of Beowulf, they told him to put on riches with true superior determination this will increase and do well and establish your strength. Beowulf has received the respect as a hero. Fate showed hold on life when it comes to an end. Beowulf also becomes familiar to the thought of endure reputation with the land that is given to Beowulf to rule. Beowulf receives tribute when he dies. At the ending of the heroic poem, Beowulfs people are sad, and keep on being sad while promising that his kingdom will always remember him as an epic hero Beowulf. The entire trait mentioned early proves Beowulf as an epic hero. Beowulf shows ability and bravery, lasting fame, and caring out his royal duties; all these personality show that Beowulf is an epic hero. By slaughter Grendel, and the Dragon, Beowulf demonstrate ability and bravery to his people by demonstrate his force and survival. As a result of slaughter the Dragon even while Beowulf knows that the ending will possibly show the way to the death he shows the traits of his royal duty. The king offer Beowulf his kingdom to rule it as a result of his great reputation. All these are personality of an epic hero, which Beowulf was a great epic hero. Character Analysis As Beowulf gets close to Danish ground, Beowulf is a young guy who is looking for a quest and fame. Beowulf was famous amongst his people which were the Geats, for his bravery. When Beowulf was a young man he clash in many fights and as a consequence showed his great quality to everyone. Beowulf has several personalities which help him to be successful in fights. As he was young, Beowulf was recognized as the tough man alive. His force permitted him to rule in fights. If not in favor of his pure force, he would not be able to beat Grendel, because Beowulf did not use any weapons since they were no match for Grendel. By fighting back with Grendel with no armaments, he releases himself up to a superior honor. Beowulfs power cant be seen as a weakness, as the outcome of his force might. Beowulfs power permitted him to control the fight, but it also made him overconfident. While his over confidents allowable Beowulf to be certain of himself in the battles, several of his friends think th at was a personal mistake to fight without a weapon. While Ecglaf see Beowulf as overconfident and worthless, by asking Beowulf Are you the Beowulf who competed with Brecaswollen with pride as a result of his over confidents was a mistake in the judgment of others, Beowulf notice it as self guarantee and apply it to his benefit. Beowulf as well had a tough courage of journey. Beowulf courage of a quest was the motivation that Beowulf went to battle with Grendel. Beowulfs power and courage of exploring a quest as well lead him to fame in numerous of battles, counting the fight with Grendel. Beowulf used his fame in earlier battles to validate himself when he went to help Hrothgar. As well showing his self guarantee and recognized courage possibly guides his judgment. Beowulfs courage of making a quest he achieve allot of fame but it may have got him into trouble, if he took the quest to a extreme. During his young years, Beowulf uses his power for fame and gratitude. As he was grown- up his grand power were taken away, and Beowulf establish himself with no one of his supreme skills. Beowulf afterward was king of the Geats, and when a dragon assaults his land, it was Beowulfs duty to defend his people. Feeling irritated and enthusiastic for killing, his men and himself went to slaughter the dragon. Through the fight Beowulf is overpower by the strength of the dragon due to his short of power, and was save by his closes friend from thanes, Wiglaf. Currently, Beowulfs power, in its place of being a benefit to him, became a flaw. The failure of force, and the fight was discouraging to Beowulf; but he takes a walk. Following his fight with the dragon Beowulf realizes that his time for living has ended. Yet, Beowulf uses his moment in time on his dead bed to see what when wrong on his life. Beowulf as well uses his time to recover some fame, his fellow thanes with all the great fights he battle. This is a symbol of Beowulfs person guarantee. Still although guarantee h imself no longer show him interested in fights, Beowulf promises himself that he have finished fine in his life. Throughout Beowulf life time, Beowulf was a huge warrior. His courage and power help him to victory, and he made certain that every person recognize him about it. With doing this he demonstrate his pride. Nevertheless, his entire attribute; force, bravery, personal guarantee, and courageous help him for good. As they might include terrible things, Beowulf approved himself healthy and appreciated by several people but with the exception of for Grendel. Good versus Evil Beowulf is one of the oldest accessible poetry in the English. The poem is an Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, which represent a legend of a heroic hero intended to conquer a fierce monster in arrange to save an empire from obliteration and casualty. The main subject matter in this classic poem is the theme of good vs. evil. The theme of good against evil was expose throughout the people and stuff that symbolize good and evil, which help reveal the topic all over the story, and explain the general result of this theme in the poem as a part of literature. There are a lot of signs that symbolize good in Beowulf. Beowulf himself is a sign of good heroic. Beowulf is controlled and civilized which are the uniqueness of good and clarity. First off, Beowulf is untainted because he shows this while facing Grendel when Beowulf removes his body armor, and promise not to use a weapon to conquer Grendel. Later overpowering Grendel, he tells everyone that the monster was no match for himself without using any body armor and sword, can beat evil in several ways as well as for Grendel. This provide as a sign of Beowulfs kindness. One more sign of good is light. Light represent daytime and joy. While light, such is the same as the sun, people seeing it gives people wisdom of calm and they dont appear to be afraid of daytime. In relationship with light, expressions like unblemished and shiny also confirm to show good. These signs can exposed the goodness in this quotation In the lap of their shining ship, lined with gleaming armor, going safely in th at oak-hard boat to where their hearts took them. Human culture used the appearance of epic warrior, is frequently related with light the halls are illumine with joy and riches. These shows how several times have Beowulf men, swear to wait after dark and follow the terror with a brush of their swords. Plus after that, in the sunrise, this mead-hall impressive, with fresh light would be soaked with blood, every bench with red stains as well as the floors, all soaked from the beast savage attack and his worriers would be died less every day. In this explanation of Herot once Grendel slaughter past, Hrothgar express the mead-hall like impressive, with fresh light which would be soaked by blood. Now light represent good, dark signify evil within Beowulf. Grendel cave is dark and ancient, and he just hunts by nighttime, in the dark. Dark and nighttime is related with evil and Grendel blood-spattered assault. Hrothgars soldiers face the evil and darkness; however the daylight approach, ju st their blood is present. This demonstrates that Grendel, the monstrous whose name sock fears to the people of Herot, as well is a sign of evil. This is revealed in this quote Grendel was spawned in that slime, conceived by a pair of those monsters born Of Cain, murderous creatures banished By God, punished forever for the crime Of Abels death. The enormous crowd had evil spirit came out, near the men demons divides into many appearance of evil like spirits and beast, troll, monsters, giant, a grasp eternally opposite the Lords determination, and yet again beaten. A different monster connected among evil is the dragon. In the ending Beowulf must battle one last fight with the dragon. The dragon blow breath of flames into Beowulf since Beowulf was trying to protect himself. However as his protection was dissolving, therefore murdering Beowulf. So the final fight comes along to Good, which can be Beowulf, against Evil, which symbol was the dragon. The theme of good against evil is described all through the whole epic. In the starting of the poem there was Herot people which represented good, and Grendel, the evil. While Grendel slaughters the majority of the people in Herot, there was small good left. Except went Beowulf came to Herot there was more good. Consequently when Grendel assault Herot at night, Beowulf was waiting for him were Beowulf and Grendel battle it off. At the end evil was just a reminder of the pain Grendel bring to the kingdom. Beowulf manages to slaughter Grendel by means of rip off his arm. However a new evil prowl the dark swamp. This was Grendels mother which was greatly more evil than Grendel. Therefore Beowulf, motionless sentiment with the murder Grendel, set off her anger toward Beowulf. So the theme of good against evil rises ones more time. Beowulf then travels down to the lair where Grendels mother live she was prepared to take vengeance from Beowulf over Grendels death. Following the fight, it w as good who conquer evil once more. Yet, the next fight wouldnt t be so simple. As an outsider had taken discipline from a dragons cave to make compensation with Beowulf, which is the new king, Beowulf owns son which was the evil dragon was angry. The dragon set off to Beowulfs kingdom and breathes flames to it. Therefore, Beowulf was currently prepared for one more fight with fatality. So, this symbolizes an additional good against evil fight. Wiglaf demonstrate kindness by serving Beowulf overcoming the dragon. Although the dragon prove equivalent evil when the Dragon went down with Beowulf to a dead. Therefore, in the ending of his final fight, it can be held that good and evil disintegrating. On the other hand, Wiglaf takes control of Beowulf kingdom in the result that good once more time succeeds. In general the result of the theme include on the poem as a part of literature which Beowulf was symbolize good and Grendel symbolize evil. Beowulf had murder Grendel while Grendel had assault Hrothgars kingdom. Once Beowulf murder Grendel he include murdering Grendels mother as well. Then Beowulf went to the dark swamp to slaughter Grendels mother. Once he defeated Grendels mother after that every one in the kingdom of Herot dance, feast, and celebrate all night long. Beowulf at that time notice as a hero and was name to take over the throne to be the king.Everything was fine for years, in anticipation of an outsider stole the gold dragon from the dragons cave. The dragon after that ruined Beowulfs kingdom. As vengeance Beowulf set out to slaughter the dragon. As a consequence, he slaughters the dragon however dyeing in the procedure. Wiglaf, a courageous warrior who assist Beowulf slaughter the dragon, after that was given the kingdom. Therefore, in general result of good against e vil in the heroic poem was to demonstrate that Beowulf was a fine hero and to explain that good will forever succeed no matter what difficulty you will have to conquer. In the poem of Beowulf, the theme of good against evil was use commonly all over the heroic poem. Beowulf was recognize as a fine hero, and light was known as a sign of good. Grendel was identified as the evil monstrous that brought fear to Herot, and dark was recognized as a sign of great evil creeping around near. The theme of good against evil was portraying commonly all the way through the heroic poem throughout the fights between Beowulf and Grendel, and then Grendels mother, and finally with the dragon. The theme of good against evil contain in general outcome on the heroic poem by means of no matter why type of evil he comes upon up it will be constantly conquer by goodness. This was describing when Beowulf slaughters the dragon, and still despite the fact that he was also murder, Wiglaf accepted on his good heart to rule his former friend Beowulf. As a result, good defeat evil forever.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Existence of Evil :: Philosophy Religion Ethics Essays
The Existence of Evil Six years ago a little girl from my church approached me and asked why the devil existed, and why bad things happen. At the moment I was a little perplexed and did not know what to say. All that came to my mind was that humankind needed a scapegoat to blame for the occurrence of unfavorable incidents. Blaming adverse conditions on the devil is the easy and obvious way out of any situation. All one has to do is to say that the devil was the cause of the situation and wash his hands of the entire problem. At twelve years old, I thought that humanity used the devil as a way to elude responsibility and to ignore the consequences of its actions. It was not until last year that I realized the answer to the little girl's question about the existence of evil. In English class last year I read Arthur Miller's play The Crucible as required reading. According to my English teacher, one theme of The Crucible was that having evil in the world is necessary to balance out the goodness. If either entity overpowered the other, they would throw off the entire balance. Beside maintaining balance, evilness helps humanity to appreciate the goodness in the world. Without ugliness, a person cannot enjoy beauty. Without misfortune, a person cannot enjoy fortune. And without evilness, a person cannot enjoy goodness. No one could enjoy goodness in the world, because there would be nothing to compare with it. Concerning religion, if there was no devil in the world to make humanity miserable, then it would not look forward to heaven. There would be no difference between the two, so humankind would not have to question its actions because there would not be any consequences such as heaven or hell. Imagine a world where everything is perfect, and there is no suffering. Natural laws are bent at the hint of harm to humanity. If a plane carrying passengers starts to plummet, gravity ceases and the plane floats down to earth like a feather. Or if a gun is shot at a person, the bullet turns into a marshmallow so it will not harm anyone. In that world there is no pain nor suffering, just existence. The people do not have to adapt to their environment, because the environment adapts to them. I find this version of life frightening, because the people would take everything for granted.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Importance of the Missile Defense Program :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Importance of the Missile Defense Program The government still didn't think of missile defense as a serious subject until October 4, 1957, when the Soviets launched their first satellite (Sputnik) into space on the top of a multi-stage missile. This was a big deal because the Soviets showed they had the technology to launch large objects into space. So what would have stopped them from launching a rocket at the United States? A few weeks after the Sputnik launch the U.S. attempted their very own satellite launch with the Vanguard rocket, which ended in disaster blowing up on the launch pad. In January 1958 the Pentagon lifted the ban on Army missile launches, which helped the U.S. send Explorer I satellite into space. Within a few weeks long-range missile development became both a threat and a weapon. Missile defense systems really started to come about during World War II. When the Nazi's developed long-range rockets and ballistic missiles. The Nazi's long-range rockets were called V-1's and could be launched from 180 miles away. The Nazi's ballistic missile was called the A-4, later renamed the V-2. The Allied forces were able to stop the V-1 because of its noisy engine and slow speed. The Allied forces were at a loss when it came to defending the V-2 because this type of missile was never before studied and we had no idea how to stop something that fast. The Nazi's could have had a huge advantage over the U.S. because they were able to launch a missile from over 180 miles away. Leaving our troops unprotected and having no way to protect themselves. As the war was starting to come to an end, the enemy started building bigger and faster ballistic missiles. They were focusing all their time and resources on developing a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBMs) that would be capable of carrying nuclear warheads. They felt if the U.S. ever decided to stick our nose in anyone else's business they would teach us a lesson by launching missiles at us. In other words they were trying to build a weapon of mass destruction that could crush the U.S. if we didn't obey what they wanted. Instead we decided to put a treaty on building ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads and come up with a defensive missile system. We needed a way to protect ourselves and keep our citizens safe.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Why There is no Model Family? Essay -- Family Psychology, Family Value
â€Å"Family Aint Shit†: Why There is no Model Family A picture that pops into mind when one thinks of the term â€Å"family†: Mother prepares dinner, Father comes home from a hard day’s work, and the children walk into the house from school. The group sits at the dinner table and discusses the day’s activities with a genuine smile on their faces. Everything for this family is perfect. This example is just a traditional family portrait and is far from the reality of many modern families. It is so far from reality that the entire definition of â€Å"family†can be skewed into whatever subjective opinion one wants. Cold-blooded, homicidal menaces to society can create a â€Å"family†by forming a gang which may have more inner peace than a dysfunctional blood family. Friends can consider themselves family even when they share no blood ties. Gay couples, single males, and parents of different ethnicities can adopt a child and form the â€Å"legal†definition of a family. There is no set-in-stone definition of family; with the complexity of the modern world, the term â€Å"family†can be used to describe blood relations or simply any group of people a bond is felt with. The HBO drama The Sopranos promises to make its viewers rethink the term â€Å"family†with a tagline such as â€Å"Meet Tony Soprano, if one family doesn’t kill him†¦ the other family will†(IMDB). The two families the show speaks about are of two different worlds. The first family (often dysfunctional) is Tony Soprano’s blood family that includes his wife and children. The second family (a complete blood-splattered mess) is Tony’s Mafia affiliations. In the episode â€Å"The Happy Wanderer†, Tony takes the role as the head of house in both families and must balance his life between being a Mob boss and bei... ...ll always be there for your family when they need you, and they'll always be there for you. Blood related or not†(Urbandictionary). This definition is a perfect example of why family is about a bond between its members, not something defined by legality. Through many trials and tribulations, the multitudes of different types of families will continue to exist, breaking the mold of traditional ideas and redefining what we come to think of as â€Å"family†. Works Cited â€Å"Family.†Def. 23. Urbandictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. â€Å"The Happy Wanderer.†The Sopranos. HBO. 20 Feb. 2000. Television. â€Å"’The Sopranos’ (1999) - Taglines.†IMDB. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. Vasquez, Adrian. Personal interview. 15 Feb. 2012. White, Rob. â€Å"Indigenous Youth and Gangs as Family.†Youth Studies Australia 28.3 (2009): 47-56. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. Why There is no Model Family? Essay -- Family Psychology, Family Value â€Å"Family Aint Shit†: Why There is no Model Family A picture that pops into mind when one thinks of the term â€Å"family†: Mother prepares dinner, Father comes home from a hard day’s work, and the children walk into the house from school. The group sits at the dinner table and discusses the day’s activities with a genuine smile on their faces. Everything for this family is perfect. This example is just a traditional family portrait and is far from the reality of many modern families. It is so far from reality that the entire definition of â€Å"family†can be skewed into whatever subjective opinion one wants. Cold-blooded, homicidal menaces to society can create a â€Å"family†by forming a gang which may have more inner peace than a dysfunctional blood family. Friends can consider themselves family even when they share no blood ties. Gay couples, single males, and parents of different ethnicities can adopt a child and form the â€Å"legal†definition of a family. There is no set-in-stone definition of family; with the complexity of the modern world, the term â€Å"family†can be used to describe blood relations or simply any group of people a bond is felt with. The HBO drama The Sopranos promises to make its viewers rethink the term â€Å"family†with a tagline such as â€Å"Meet Tony Soprano, if one family doesn’t kill him†¦ the other family will†(IMDB). The two families the show speaks about are of two different worlds. The first family (often dysfunctional) is Tony Soprano’s blood family that includes his wife and children. The second family (a complete blood-splattered mess) is Tony’s Mafia affiliations. In the episode â€Å"The Happy Wanderer†, Tony takes the role as the head of house in both families and must balance his life between being a Mob boss and bei... ...ll always be there for your family when they need you, and they'll always be there for you. Blood related or not†(Urbandictionary). This definition is a perfect example of why family is about a bond between its members, not something defined by legality. Through many trials and tribulations, the multitudes of different types of families will continue to exist, breaking the mold of traditional ideas and redefining what we come to think of as â€Å"family†. Works Cited â€Å"Family.†Def. 23. Urbandictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2012. â€Å"The Happy Wanderer.†The Sopranos. HBO. 20 Feb. 2000. Television. â€Å"’The Sopranos’ (1999) - Taglines.†IMDB. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. Vasquez, Adrian. Personal interview. 15 Feb. 2012. White, Rob. â€Å"Indigenous Youth and Gangs as Family.†Youth Studies Australia 28.3 (2009): 47-56. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Feb. 2012.
Isolation and Resentment in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay
Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, deals with two very distinct individuals: the young-but-foolish Victor Frankenstein and his creation, the â€Å"Monster†. Victor is the main focus of the novel for the beginning chapters, while the rest of the work focuses more on the development and actions of the Monster. The characters of Victor and the Monster are first brought together during the Monster’s creation in Chapter 4 (34). It was Victor’s isolation from both his family and his peers that ultimately lead to his creation of the Monster, and it was the Monster’s feelings of isolation and resentment towards Victor that lead to his violent episodes. While these feelings are evident in both characters’ actions throughout the majority of the novel, it was during the Monster’s statements to Captain Robert Walton towards the end of the story that drives home the fact that the Monster’s actions were products of his repeated rejections when he attempted to be accepted by society and as such are not indicative of his inherent nature. It was these feelings of loneliness and resentment that drove both Victor and the Monster to their actions, and it is safe to assume that some of Shelley’s personal feelings of abandonment and resentment towards her mother bled through into her characters. These feelings are made evident by way of the diction of the characters, both elements of and deviations from the Gothic stereotype, the development of the characters throughout the story and the lack of any definite closure to the text. Shelley’s use of eloquent and elaborate language by the main characters could be construed as ironic, in that such well-spoken characters have sunken into committing the most terrible of sins, namely those of murder and hubris. It is this irony that makes the isolation and resentment that Victor and the Monster feel stand out in the reader’s mind; two characters that are so articulate in their speech are reviled for their differences from the rest of society. The sophisticated diction of the Monster in the final pages of the novel helps to lend a feeling of bitterness and remorse to the text. However, the Monster’s eloquent speech does not sway the Captain, as evidenced in the first line â€Å"I was at first touched†¦indignation was rekindled within me. †(154). This shows that no matter how well-spoken an individual is and how sympathetic that person might be, normal society tends to shun those that are viewed as different, whether these differences are physical or in the way that they communicate. Such eloquence, as evidenced in the Monster’s speech â€Å"Once I falsely hoped to meet†¦thoughts of honor and devotion†(154), is a direct product of how a person was raised; those that are raised in an environment where they are kept isolated, whether by choice or through the influence of society tend to develop such oratory skills as a way of hopefully being accepted by those around them. However, more often than not, such well-defined articulation of one’s thoughts leads to such a person being further isolated from society, and as such feeds feelings of isolation and resentment. It was due to realistic depictions of societal reactions like these that helped to solidify Frankenstein’s place as a Gothic novel. Shelley uses many common elements of the Gothic novel in Frankenstein, and the themes of resentment and isolation can be connected to the characters through these elements. Victor is depicted as a â€Å"weak hero†, whose isolation from the world in the development of his creation leads him from an otherwise successful career as a scientist. It could be inferred that Victor’s resentment towards his creation, whom he subsequently abandons, stems not only from his disgust with himself and what he has created, but also from the opportunities denied to him as a result of his irresponsible pursuit of bestowing life upon that which should remain lifeless. Although Victor knew that creating life through artificial means would be considered taboo by his peers, he decided to proceed with the project regardless, letting his scientific curiosity overtake his rational intellect. After he brought the Monster to life, he was realized the irresponsibility of his actions. During this time, Victor had severe difficulties connecting to other people, and he gradually worked to further distance himself from the rest of society, which lead him into an extremely depressed state (. Although there were points in the novel where Victor was able to experience a very temporary reprieve from his mental torments, in his mind he would never be able to fully experience mental peace until one of them was dead. In contrast to Victor’s rather weak characterization, the Monster could be depicted as the â€Å"hero†of the story, in that even while he is committing murders that should sicken the reader, he is still portrayed as a sympathetic character, whose actions are driven by his feelings of abandonment, betrayal and resentment that Victor engenders in him through his various actions, as well of those of human society in regards to the Monster [i. e. The Monster’s episode with Felix]. It is understandably unclear if any the characters can be definitively labeled as a hero or villain, for even though they both have committed acts worthy of abhorrence and disgust, in a sense, they could be considered to be victims of abuse and neglect as well. Due to this, it can be argued that both Victor and the Monster are accurate representatives of the Gothic hero/villain. A final example of Gothic elements that Shelley incorporates into her novel is that of the heroine in distress, in this case Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a good example of a heroine because she is a strong female character who is independent and dedicated, especially to the Frankenstein family after Victor’s mother dies. However, she breaks the classic Gothic mold of a heroine by the fact that she is a patient woman who almost never takes action for herself, and it is for this reason as well as Victor’s negligence on their wedding night that she ends up being killed by the Monster in the novel. Victor’s neglect towards Elizabeth on their wedding night could be due to his isolation during his developmental years, and as such was not comfortable in being tied down to Elizabeth. Victor appeared to have developed in a fairly normal manner, due to the fact that he had experienced a childhood that would be considered normal for the noble class in that time. This continues to be the case until he takes it upon himself match the power of God and attempt to bestow life. From this point, his experiments and eventual creation become his only obsession, and he can no longer interact with other people, even those that he sees on a daily basis while at the college. Victor is unable to communicate with other in any meaningful way during this time, as his mind is always preoccupied with thoughts regarding the monster he is responsible for giving life to. Based on this behavior, it gives credence to the question if Victor ever matured any further as an individual once he arrived at the college. In contrast, the Monster’s experiences during the period of his mental and emotional development were always abrupt and sometimes violent. This occurred when he realized that he would forever be rejected by the human race, as his physical appearance was so ghastly that all those that came in his presence were immediately stricken with fear as evidenced by Even his creator, Victor, who to the Monster’s understanding should love him even if others refused to, was so terrified of the Monster that he refused to fulfill his romise in making the Monster a companion. It is understandable that from that point on, â€Å"all joy was but a mockery†(116) to the Monster, and he decided that the sole purpose in his life was to destroy any and all the things that brought pleasure or comfort to his creator. These events are similar because they both represent periods in which these characters no longer are able to have significant social interactions with those around them. Dur ing his development, the monster was able to have many of the same experiences as a human would. For example, he was able to feel a wide range of emotions, from pleasure to hate, even pride and remorse; he developed intellectually through both his learning from books and his [unpleasant] interactions with society; he learned [much in the way that a child does] to use his physical senses to tell him about his environment. However, because of his grotesque appearance, he was made to feel that he would never accepted as a member of human society, and many of his interactions with humans gave no reason to dissuade him from such a belief. In Captain Walton’s final letter to his sister (154), he recounts the words that the monster speaks to him over Victor’s dead body. The eruption of angry self-pity the Monster displays brings into question the injustice of how he has been treated and compellingly captures and portrays the feelings of isolation and resentment he has experienced in regards to his interactions with society, providing both Walton and the reader a glimpse into the suffering that has motivated his actions. It was these feelings that lead the Monster to disappear with Victor’s corpse, presumably to avoid contact with any others of mankind until he eventually dies; however, the ending of the text is rather ambiguous, so it is possible that the Monster decided to return to revenge himself upon mankind. At the closure of Frankenstein, Shelley does not provide a well-defined ending. The last line, reading â€Å"He sprung from the cabin-window†¦lost in darkness and distance†(156), leaves the reader responsible for deciding how they believe the story concluded. The ending can be regarded as having been left open because although the story does provide a conclusion [in that it may be assumed that the creature took his own life after departing Walton’s ship], there is not enough concrete evidence provided in the text to prove beyond a doubt that this is indeed what occurred. It is entirely possible that the Monster would be unable to let go of his hatred of Victor, and by extension, mankind due to his isolation. Just because his â€Å"creator†died does not necessarily mean that he could let his emotions go, and it is this possibility that shows just how differently people view things; the reader can make of the ending what they will, but they will never know for sure how Shelley would have ended it otherwise. Through the speech of the characters, the Gothic elements applied in the text, the characters’ developments and the rather obscure ending of Frankenstein, it is evidently clear that Mary Shelley believes that isolation and resentment play key roles in how people relate to others, and how they develop their own behaviors. It is through the medium of her novel that allows her to express these beliefs, and she provides plenty of evidence in her text to back up these beliefs. The feelings of isolation and resentment that Victor and the Monster both felt towards society were key aspects of their personalities, and were the main driving forces behind their various actions made through the course of the text.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Political Science Essay
Chapter 1 1. Authority: the recognized right of officials to exercise power 2. Constitutionalism: the idea that there are lawful restrictions on government’s power 3. Corporate power: operates in part through the influence that firms have with policy makers 4. Democracy: a form of government in which the people govern, either directly or through an elected representative. 5. Elitism: the power well exercised by well positioned and high influential individuals 6. Free market system: operates mainly on private transactions. Firms are largely free to make their own production, distribution and pricing decisions 7. Judicial action: the use of courts as means of asserting rights and interests. 8. Majoritarianism: the situation in which the majority effectively determines what the government does 9. Pluralism: holds that, most issues, the preference of the special interest largely determines what government does 10. Political Science: the systematic study of government and politics 11. Political thinking: careful gathering and sifting of information in the process of forming a knowledgeable view about a political issue 12. Politics: the means by which society settles in conflicts and allocates the resulting the benefits and costs 13. Power: refers to the ability of persons, groups or institutions to influence political developments 14. Public policies: decisions of government to pursue particular courses of action Chapter 2 1. Anti-Federalists: raised arguments that national government would ne too powerful and would threaten self government in the separate states and the liberty of people 2. Bill of Rights: includes those as freedom of speech, religion, due process protections. 3. Checks and Balances: no institution can act decisively without the support or acquiescence of the other institution. 4. Constitution: a fundamental law that defines how government will legitimately operate; the method for choosing its leaders, the institutions through which these leaders will work, the procedures they must follow in making policy and the powers they can lawfully exercise; highest law of the land 5. Constitutional democratic republic: the type of government created in the United States in 1787. a. Constitutional: in its requirement to gain power through elections be exercised in accordance with law and with due respect for individual rights b. Democratic: in its provisions for majority influence through elections c. Republic: in its mix of deliberative institutions, each of which moderates the power of others 6. Delegates: officeholders who are obligated to carry out the expressed opinions of the people they represent 7. Limited government: one that is subject to strict legal limits on the uses of power, so that it would not threaten the people’s liberty 8. Self Government: one in which the people would be the ultimate source of governing authority and would have a voice in their governing 9. Inalienable rights or Natural rights: life, liberty and property, which are threaten by individuals 10. The Virginia Plan:/Large State Plan: included separate judicial and executive branches as well as two chamber congress that would have supreme authority in all areas 11. The New Jersey Plan / Small State Plan: call for a stronger national government than that provided by the articles of confederation 12. The Great Compromise: the agreement of the constitutional convention to create a two chamber congress with the House appointed by population and the Senate apportioned equally by the state 13. 3/5 Compromise: each slave was to count as less than a person. 14. Federalists: Constitution supporters 15. Liberty: the principle that individuals should be free to act, and think as they choose, provided they do not infringe on the well being of others 16. Grants of Power: framers chose to limit the national government in part by confirming its scope of authority to those powers expressively granted in the Constitution. 17. Denials of Power: a means to limit government to prohibit certain practices that European rulers had routinely used to oppressed political opponents 18. Separation of Powers: division of the powers of government among separate institutions or branches 19. Separated institution sharing power: 20. Checks and Balances: No institution can act decisively without the support or acquiescence of the other institutions 21. Judicial Review: the power of the judiciary to decide whether a government official or institution that has acted within its limits of the Constitution 22. Tyranny Sovergnty: a government cannot be sovereign if it can be overruled by another government 23. Federalism: a governmental system in which authority is divided between two sovereign levels of government, national and regional. 24. Unitary system: sovereignty is vested solely in the national government. 25. Confederacy: the type of government that existed under the Articles of confederation 26.
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