Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Foodborne illness Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Foodborne illness - Thesis Example In this specific case, experts presumed the hen houses in which the eggs are produced were also home to rodents, which can taint food products with salmonella bacteria. There is no indication from these sources that a violation of HACCP procedures occurred, or that the cause of the salmonella was the result of an accident. In many cases of outbreak, it is best to treat the effects of the problem immediately before addressing its cause (Anders & Caswell, 2009). Although macrotrends of increasing foodborne illnesses are apparent, there has not been any significant increase in the number outbreak cases within the period from 2005 to 2008 (Nyachuba, 2010). Such outbreaks are preventable during the different stages of food consumption: namely, by the use of good agricultural practices at the first stage, which includes rigorous use of the HACCP program, good manufacturing practices, and standard operating procedures for sanitation. Part of this commitment to food safety might include trai ning employees to avoid food contamination by properly sanitizing equipment and food-contact surfaces and preventing cross-contamination.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Kent County Councils football Essay Example for Free
The Kent County Councils football Essay This project will be researching many different areas of football. I will begin at the grassroots level, which is primary school, local and junior leagues progressing through county, club and country. The areas included will be funding, incentive schemes, provision for different abilities etc. The local provision of football around my area with the help from my own experiences locally will be compared to the National set-up. Though they are two separate topics they will link together. Review of Literature In my local area there is large mounts of youth leagues ranging from under 8s competitions upward, the grassroots football. The Kent messenger (KM) newspaper shows the variety of league and cup competition. Youth football in my area ranges from Maidstone Minor Leagues to the Kent League, North, Central and South. The KM and another resource, The Downswood Mail always have advertisements for players to join clubs, or managers that are needed for youth football. The Football Association (FA) consists of the professional and amateur game, with different branches off of it, for example, Kent Football Association. The FA gives you details about coaching schemes and initiatives available to young footballers hoping to progress in the game. The FA also gives details of semi-pro clubs like my club Lordswood who play in the Kent League up to the main, elite premiership clubs. These clubs are local and National clubs to me. Football is getting bigger all the time; a lot of money is pumped through this sport, one example is the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½45 million pounds the FA is giving to grassroots facilities. Though a lot of this money is given and accumulated by the top clubs. Coaching courses are available around my area, such as Andy Fords Soccer School, also larger clubs issue advertisements for when they bring coaches to your area, e.g. Manchester United Coaching Course came to Maidstone, my area, three to four years ago. The Kent County Councils football section shows details of coaching courses available in Kent. SportsAid allocates awards usually between 250 and 500 to young sportspeople aged from approximately 12 -18 years (junior competitors) who have competed with distinction within their respective age group and achieved. This helps to promote sporting excellence and it gives them a better chance of succeeding. Locally there is the Sports and Play Team, which helps in many ways the progress of football in Maidstone. The Sports and Play team will be setting up Football in the Community with local professional and amateur football clubs in order to create more opportunities for young people to engage in positive activity after school and to develop the clubs. The Sports and Play Team are one of the partners in the Active Sports programme and are keen to work with local clubs. Voluntary Club Facility Hire Grant helps to provide the facilities needed to run training sessions and to have a good quality pitch for match days, ranging form hundreds to thousands of pounds and this scheme was also set up by the Sports and Play team. Gillingham Football Club, local pro team, runs many after school and holiday training camps with opportunities for the younger players to help their schools out. The players can win competitions for equipment and small grants for sport in their school. Discussion Football as a whole is a growing enterprise in England and around the world. TV money and worldwide football stars show a lot of money is in and around the sport. Local football around my area uses a lot of recreational ground and schools playing fields, so facilities for players are limited. More money needs to be spent on proper catering specifically for football. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½45 million pounds from the FA is going to be invested in pitches and facilities over the next three years from the National Game Scheme. This does help, but it is not enough for national improvement in this sport. Local amateur football gives a good impression of football nationally; this means that more input in the sport is needed. More progress is being made with issues inside football than with actual provisions for the sport. Schemes such as Fair Play, Eliminating Racism From Football and Child Protection Best Practice do not help with local and national provision. These issues should be addressed but equally with factors like facilities and pitches. Maidstone runs a Youth Sport Action Group developing football with the help of coaches, teachers and members of the community. They organise Youth Sport Achievement Awards and the Sports Fair. Conclusion The FA seems to be the main contributor to grassroots all the way up to the national game. More money is needed for County Councils, such as my local county, Kent. I suggest that schemes to improve facilities for amateur clubs are needed to help bridge the gap between amateur and professional clubs because the breach is currently massive. Money will improve players capabilities because of the enhanced equipment, providing the top clubs with better quality players and the players with a better chance of reaching the top clubs. The more money the FA gives to councils and the Government, the more football will prosper and generate money. If local and national grassroots football improves, more money will be generated by itself, which then takes off all the pressure from the Government and the FA in the future. Appraisal There are lots of ways in which the study could be improved. Without a comprehensive study of another Borough or County its hard to tell if my local area equates in a similar way to another. Many figures that I have found only say what money is going to be put in; it would help to find where the money has been spent so far. Many coaching schemes and building enterprises are organised but the popularity and success is not always shown. My area really only has one professional club, Gillingham, regions in and around London for example will have many clubs reasonably close. This means my area is disadvantaged but I would like to find out whether these major clubs to make a big difference to local and national provision.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Career Integration Research Assignment: Athletic Training Essay
The field of athletic training is one of the fastest expanding careers today. This could be due to the much greater demand for health care providers. Athletic trainers specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries. They work with a diverse group of patients, from young children to professional athletes. Athletic trainers are usually part of a sport medicine team, which tend to include a physician, physical therapist, and even a sport psychologist. Many athletic trainers work in educational facilities, such as high schools and colleges. However, much of their time is spent on the sport fields. The profession applies their wide range of medical knowledge; and in order to do so, athletic trainers must have strong interpersonal and communication skills to converse with the athletes, coaches, physicians, and parents (Occupational outlook handbook, 2012). Athletic trainers are mainly responsible for injury recovery and injury prevention. However, these responsibilities are physical concerns, but what about the mental concerns? There is a movement within the athletic training field to approach sport injuries with a more holistic perspective. Many athletic trainers have had inadequate education in sport psychology to institute any sort of psychological initiative in their rehabilitation programs. This paper will discuss some of the prospective ideas and various methods of rehabilitation tactics that could be used in the field, as well as how to perhaps properly train athletic trainers to administer these mental treatments, along with the physical treatments. These mental treatments will be related back to sport and exercise psychology concepts, such as strategies for setting realistic goals, methods for enc... .... (2009). The Impact of a Workshop on Athletic Training Students' Sport Psychology Behaviors. Sport Psychologist, 23(4), 504-522. Jeansonne, J., Hoenig, J., & Hollander, D. (2008). Applying Sport Science Theories to Increase Rehabilitation Adherence. Athletic Therapy Today, 13(3), 18-19. Naylor, A. (2009). The Role of Mental Training in Injury Prevention. Athletic Therapy Today, 14(2), 27-29. Occupational outlook handbook. (2012, March 29). Retrieved from Podlog, L., & Eklund, R. (2009). High-level athletes' perceptions of success in returning to sport following injury. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 10(5), 535-544. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2009.02.003 Wiese, D., Weiss, M., & Yukelson, D. (1991). Sport Psychology in the Training Room: A Survey of Athletic Trainers. Sport Psychologist, 5(1), 15-24.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Compare or contrast two colleges Essay
I have attended to two different colleges in the United States and the fact is that they are quite different in some points. After graduating Quincy High School, I enrolled in an English as Second Language program in the Suffolk University to get accepted to the school. One year later, I transferred to Quincy College. According to my experience, I recognize the differences between a university and a community college in terms of their campus size, tuitions and fees, and their students’ activities. The first difference between a university and a community college is size. A university has a larger campus and more buildings. In contrast, a community college is smaller and has fewer classrooms. For instance, Quincy College only has two main buildings facilitated for teachings and learning while Suffolk University categorizes each major in one large building such as school of law and school of business. Moreover, the university also has more spaces for library, cafeteria, gymnasium, and stadium to serve an enormous student body. On the other hand, the community college has limited spaces to expand its facilities. In general, the university has to provide services for more students than the community college so that its campus should be larger. Secondly, the tuitions and fees of a four-year university are more expensive than a community college. Even though the financial aid can cover some of the tuitions and fees, they are sometimes still too much to afford for some students. For example, I needed to pay the remaining after receiving financial aid by myself. When I was at Suffolk University, I had owed direct loans to the federal government and some private loans. Conversely, my tuitions and fees at Quincy College are fully covered by my financial aid. That saves me a lot and I don’t have to borrow some extra money to finance my college. In addition, after paying off my tuitions and fees, I still have some money for books and stationeries. It can be seen that the community college is much affordable than a university. Thirdly, students’ activities more vary at the university than the community college. Students at the university have more choices for clubs and school activities. A university’s sport team, for example, is established to attract students with sport talents and to compete with other university’s sport team. On the other hand, the community college only offers few of clubs and it does not have a sport league for student to join. With more choices of clubs and extra curriculum activities, the university students have more opportunities to develop their talents and socialize with other students. The community college students, however, do not have many chances and conditions to attend more extra curriculum after school. Students studying at the university would have more options and opportunities to enrich their social life as well as their talents. In conclusion, studying at the community college is more affordable for those who have limited educational budget, but still want to experience an academic college environment. In contrast, despite being costly, the university will satisfy students who like to maximize their capacities with its fully equipped campus and variety of activities. Choosing to study at the community college or the university significantly depends on an individual’s financial conditions, abilities and future plans.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Life As a Fashion Designer Essay
The career in which I am most interested in the textile industry is that of the fashion designer. A fashion designer is the person who comes up with the ideas and designs today, for the clothes that we, the consumers, will be wearing tomorrow. This alone, the power to inspire the world of fashion , would be enough to make me want to become a designer, but designing clothes is also a way of expressing yourself. Each designer is unique and thus the clothes that each create are just as unique. Although the job of a fashion designer may seem easy, there are many abilities involved in the job. Some of these abilities, which I posses, include a love for fashion, understanding of color and combinations of color, and the ability to convey design ideas through pictures. Along with the possessed above qualities, taking clothing classes in school has made me realize the many ideas that I have for clothing and becoming a fashion designer would allow me to convey these ideas to those around me. Life As A Fashion Designer In essence a fashion designer is a person who develops new styles for clothing or clothing accessories. These new styles can be achieved by creating original designs or by adding personal ideas to old styles to suit popular trends or environmental requirements. â€Å"For The job of a fashion designer involves many different duties. Typically a fashion designer must first develop an idea for a garment and then convey this idea graphically through drawing or computer visuals. Once this is done a pattern must be created and thus the designer must meet with pattern makers. Along with creating the pattern, the designer must choose the fabric type and color for the garment. After these choices have been made, samples of the garment must be created and shown to the management, sales and manufacturing staff. Once prices for the garment are calculated, finishing samples are created and must be approved before they go into production. Finally, once the garments are in production, the designer meets with the production staff to ensure quality control. Along with this immense amount of work, a designer is still expected to stay in tune with current fashion trends not only where they presently live, but all over the world. It is almost as if learning and putting that information into action never ends for a fashion designer. To become a fashion designer, one must have a lot of creativity, imagination, fearlessness and passion. †I am really passionate with making clothes.†(said by Francesca Marotta in interview) People in the fashion design world must also have a strong sense of the esthetics. This is an eye for color and detail, a sense of balance and proportion, and an appreciation for beauty. Although computers have aided in fashion design, the ability to sketch design images is an important skill that all prospective fashion designers should possess. It is also necessary to keep a good portfolio, a collection of examples of a designer’s best work, so that prospective employers can have a sense of the quality of your work. Fashion design may seem like a career that involves no school training, but this is not true. Along with a portfolio, as mentioned above, designers are usually require to have a 2 or 4-year college degree in design. One example of a designer who attended college is Francesca Marotta, who attended the London College of Fashion. Education in fashion will be important, especially for prospective fashion designers, because statistics are now showing that the employment rate in the design industry is growing faster than the average. People looking for jobs in the fashion design industry should expect to face fierce competition for designing positions. People with little to no education in design, along with those who lack creativity and imagination, will find it extremely hard to start and maintain a career in fashion design. In terms of money the median annual earnings for fashion designers were $48,530 in 2000. The middle 50 percent earned between $34,800 and $73,780. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $24,710, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $103,970. Benefits vary with employers. Designers often negotiate their salaries and benefits individually with employers. Some firms provide vacation and group health insurance plans. Self employed designers must supply themselves with their own insurance, but it also means that their schedule is very flexible and allows them to take time off to travel for business or pleasure at any time which is convenient to them. Interview Basement Couture by Marian Buckley In a Ladbroke Grove basement studio flat, I sit down with designer Francesca Marotta. This is couture heaven, W11 style. Francesca says she always knew she wanted to be a fashion designer. â€Å"When I was 4 I said to my Mum, ‘I am going to work in fashion’.†By the age of 10 Francesca was whipping out the family Singer to run-up dolls’ clothes. â€Å"I remember when my Mum used to go shopping, I would open up the sewing machine and make clothes for my sister’s dolls, and then when I heard the car come back I would quickly put the sewing machine away again.†After studying at university in Belgium (her family relocated to Belgium, leaving Sicily when she was 5) Francesca moved to London to study for a BTEC National Diploma at The London College of Fashion. She never completed the course. â€Å"They never liked my style,†she explains. â€Å"The London College of Fashion is very good for technique, but at the time they weren’t broadminded, they weren’t like St Martin’s – the crazier you are the more they like you! But there it was very different. It was good, but there were about 20 people who just didn’t fit in.†Despite having a rough time at LCF, Francesca fell in love with London and has made the city her home ever since. â€Å"There is a London style,†she says. â€Å"whenever I go away and I am coming back I can feel the buzz on the plane†¦ there’s a London smell.†Since LCF, Francesca has designed for Souled Out, worked for a retail company, taken a business course and is now looking at expanding her business. In March 2002 she came 2nd at the Neuvieme Concours Jeunes Creaturs, an award for new design talent in Lille. Her latest collection is in a suitcase. â€Å"I start by finding the fabric first,†she tells me as she unsheathes reams of gorgeous textures – a crystallized piece of mesh that’s she discovered in a fabric shop, it looks like woven gold wire with glittering beads, but feels like a piece of jewelry. Francesca describes how this will form a top with just a fastening at the back. Her inspiration for the collection was, â€Å"What do I want to wear next winter?†. She adds â€Å"It’s very feminine.†Don’t expect any easy, straight to the high street trends going on here. Forget jackets and other cold weather items. Francesca loves ball gowns. For this collection she’s created a bonkers straight-at-the-front-curved-at-the-back skirt with an under wired petticoat, leather tops, feather arms bands. She’s using taffeta, silk, curtain fabrics and has a magpie’s stash of feathers (chicken and turkey bought from a basement sh op just off Oxford Street), chicken wire, camping tent rings, pendant earrings and leather. From this amassed material 8 outfits are to emerge to be shown at The Cobden Club in a few weeks time. â€Å"I am really passionate with making clothes,†she confesses, and you know this woman is telling the truth. Marotta has developed her own unique couture – it could never officially be labeled couture because it doesn’t comply with the rigid rules that govern the practice – but it is her own version. â€Å"I love couture,†she admits. â€Å"If I could, I would make a million pound dress†¦ Most people think of couture as something for mature women. I like edgy couture. It’s not French, it’s more avant garde.†The collection will be handmade and most elements are designed on the fly. She doesn’t work with a toile and although she can sketch, she prefers to dive in and design without one. Her mother is fantastic knitter and she contributes to the collections: â€Å"All the knitting you see in my collections my Mum makes for me. She could have been a designer because she does some really funky pieces.†Her parents are also her main backers, but Francesca is hoping to find some investors, people who like her vision. â€Å"I am trying to find investors to be able to do the London Fashion Week. I would really like to do that,†she says with a beaming smile. â€Å"I’ve always liked the idea of becoming a band stylist, where each song has a new theme so you design a mini collection for the band. With bands you can always go over the edge and use your imagination.†Which bands would she ideally like to work with? â€Å"Ms Dynamite, I think she’s funky or So Solid Crew.†In the meantime, she’s building up her personal client list by making one-off pieces. â€Å"If a friend says to me I want a top I know exactly what to do†¦ a friend said they wanted a velour tracksuit I say we don’t do velour we do suede with crystals. I have people say they want a fake Versace and a fake whatever and I can do that – you know you have to make ends meet.†She’s approached a few shops but local retailers feel she would be better in the West End. â€Å"I went to a few shops in Portobello and they said my designs were too futuristic. I am hoping that Pineal Eye, Tokian To Zai somewhere like that will take some pieces.†Conclusion Being a fashion designer had many advantages, but it has many disadvantages as well. Below is a chart of most of each. Being a fashion designer is not a job that I would like to pursue professionally. I love to create clothes for myself, but only for my pleasure, almost like a hobby. If I were interested in pursuing the career, there are a few things that I could do. These include taking clothing courses and designing courses. As a junior it is also important to look for good colleges that specialize in fashion design. Through college there are some co-op programs that make the transition to the work place easier. Bibliography Buckley, Marian; Basement Couture [interview on-line] (London, England: WideMedia Ltd., 1995, accessed May 20, 2003); available from ; Internet. Battock, Tina ; In Style [magazine online] (Boulder, Colorado: About Inc., 2003 accessed May 20, 2003); available from ; Internet. Ungless, Simon. â€Å"Careers in the Fashion Industry.†The Career Center [magazine article] May 31,2002.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Alliances Tourism Essay Essays
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Alliances Tourism Essay Essays The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Alliances Tourism Essay Essay The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Alliances Tourism Essay Essay As a affair of endurance, air hoses within the current environment are invariably reexamining and changing their schemes. An of import constituent of any air hoses scheme to stay feasible and maintain competitory advantage in today s scene is to pool resources and portion hazard, known as an confederation. A wide definition of an confederation that occurs in the air power industry is the coaction between two or more houses that retain their liberty during the class of their relationship ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004 ) . To that terminal, there are certain fluctuations of air hose confederation in trend today, in peculiar the Global Airline Alliance. Get downing with a outline and designation of these confederation groups, the treatment will travel to a choice and analysis of benefits and defects that can be associated with planetary confederations from a concern and consumer position. From here, an grasp will be gained of the major air hose confederations and typical principle of confederation schemes. Presently, the most popular signifiers of alliance in the air hose concern are the non-equity selling confederations known as Airline Alliance Groups ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004 ) or Global Multicarrier Alliances ( Cools A ; Roos, 2005 ) . At the present clip, the chief planetary multicarrier confederation webs are Star Alliance, One World, and Skyteam ( UBM, 2010 ) . These confederations are preponderantly a monolithic planetary web of many-sided codesharing and joint resource Air Service Agreements ( ASA s ) between bearers. This allows a cardinal point of contact for the rider to guarantee a convenient, smooth and efficient worldwide travel experience ( Star Alliance, 1997 ) . Although single air hoses are aligned under the umbrella of a individual corporate entity, distinguishable air hose trade name individualities and civilizations are retained. These confederations have set out to revolutionize seamless air travel for the international rider from hub to hub and beyond. A dditionally, the synergisms created were merely possible due to astute administration of antecedently implausible coaction. To that terminal, air hose pudding stones now understand The best manner to bring forth existent concern growing and enlargement is by hammering the appropriate strategic partnerships ( Borovich A ; Yeheskel, 2001 ) . From an air hose concern position, rank in a planetary confederation has one distinct, instantaneous and strategic advantage. Almost nightlong, all member air hoses geographic path constructions will hold expanded without dearly-won capital investing in substructure and assets. This allows air hoses to serve paths that were antecedently deemed non-profitable or unaccessible, albeit on other confederation members aircraft. This complementary confederation ( Oum A ; Park, 1997, as cited in Chen A ; Ross, 2000, p. 328 ) has the flow on consequence of bring forthing untapped markets within the domestic environment and giving higher burden factors for all confederation members aircraft operations. Henceforth, this produces larger grosss which in bend diminishes overhead costs and maintains more efficient air hoses by take downing unit cost base ( Doganis 2001, p. 76 ) . While this contributes to variegation and larger net income borders for join forcesing air hoses, the traveler can be confident airfare cost will stay comparatively sensible presuming competition remains feasible on any given path. This is a good result for all involved, both air hose concerns and the consumer. A comparable illustration where confederations between two air hoses runing on the same path is nevertheless, considered anti-competitive ( Chen A ; Ross, 2000, p 328 ) . Here the viing air hoses could strike a codeshare agreement, typically after a tenuously long and drawn-out conflict trying to derive market portion. This is routinely known as a parallel confederation ( Oum A ; Park 1996, p. 190 ) , nevertheless this is unluckily likely to ensue in trust type monetary value repair. This signifier of confederation by and large benefits the air hoses as it narrows competition and has a leaning to make a higher demand for a peculiar service, hence higher airfares ( Chen A ; Ross, 2000, p 328 ) . Conversely, the pre-alliance scenario using capacity dumping ( NZ Parliament, 2006 ) , where supply exceeds demand, merely net incomes the consumer with laughably low and unsustainable airfares. This constantly serves to beef up the dominant market leader s place by financially extingui shing the competition in the long term. These types of confederation are built-in of marauding behavior with really small consumer benefit and necessitate antimonopoly unsusceptibility ( Bilotkach, 2005, p. 168 ) . An illustration of this type of agreement within the planetary confederation webs does be, although on the extremely competitory North Atlantic path between Lufthansa and United Airlines ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004, p. 23 ) . While codesharing is one arm with which to distill costs, create better borders and keep a moderately priced service, it is non the lone resource available to profit allying spouses and the consumer. One merely needs to see any of the planetary air hose web s web sites to see a big graduated table joint selling experience. Consequently, Extensive market presence plays an indispensable function in major air hoses programs for endurance and prosperity ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004, p. 113 ) , and this influence is an effectual tool when multiple powerful trade names are combined. For the smaller air hoses within the confederation groups, association with some of the mega-carriers entirely is a sufficient selling device to increase acknowledgment and augment rider Numberss. This is merely a instance of if riders do non happen you, they will non wing you ( Bammer, 2000, as cited in Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004, p. 121 ) . For the bigger bearers in the group, enhanced economic syste ms of graduated table ( Doganis, 2001, p. 76 ) , range and denseness ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004, p. 39 ) beckon, to supply growing rapidly while extenuating a host of regulative and economic barriers. This coincides with the planetary confederation construct To lend to the long-run profitableness of its members beyond their single capablenesss ( Star Alliance, 2010, p. 6 ) . Another advantage of such extended market sway is the corporate consumable and plus buying power. Doganis provinces, the Star Alliance group is estimated to salvage between five to seven per centum each twelvemonth with this scheme ( 2001, p. 78 ) . In contrast, these combined selling regimens can be inflexible and coerce a loss of single trade name individuality. As the planetary confederation trade name builds its ain features, it will be perceived by the client to present a certain outlook, and if non all of the confederation members fit the theoretical account, they may be forced to compromise their ai n individualities to conform, or hazard being extricated. This is known as the Domino consequence ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004, p. 17 ) . The air hoses are non the exclusive profiteer from this huge selling onslaught. Customer satisfaction, keeping and relationship quality is the mark of any selling scheme, and with vastly big planetary trade names and reputes at hazard, criterions will ever be under examination. The consumer perceptual experience of these confederation groups is that of a seal of quality ( Kleymann A ; Seristo , 2004, p. 39 ) , and all members are logically required to demand some consistence over the service spectrum. To that terminal, the planetary confederation groups have combined value adding resources to run into or transcend the outlooks of the high value international traveler ( Star Alliance, 2010, p. 6 ) . Some pertinent illustrations are: precedence check-in, sofa entree, extra luggage allowances, precedence embarkation, planetary ticketing, common terminuss and precedence luggage managing. As aforesaid, the consistence and fluctuation with which these extra benefits are delivered can supply a possible drawback. Merchandises vary from trade name to trade name, for illustration ; Air New Zealand has a premium economic system place ( Star Alliance, 1997 ) , of which non all air hoses utilise. A client that purchases this place winging from New Zealand to Germany with confederation codeshare spouse Lufthansa ( McCaw, 2010 ) , would in all likeliness be downgraded to an economic system place from England or the United States. Furthermore, differing civilizations can besides play a function with service bringing. Once once more, the client winging from New Zealand to Germany may bask the relaxed Kiwi attitude, but may be overwhelmed by the clinical and formal German attack, or frailty versa. Henceforth, Kleymann and Seristo suggest successful trade name image and client fulfillment is peculiarly relevant to quality and consistence of service ( 2004, p. 121 ) . Global confederations offer many joint benefits to consumers from air hoses thriving within their ain niche, which could non be possible without trust on international spouses. While the phenomenon of globalization is a world and people seek to distill and simplify work, clip and travel experiences, planetary air hose confederations fit the mold as a reaction to seek balance. At present, the regulations of international air power preserve sovereignty and do non back a genuinely competitory environment. While grandfathering commissariats of set downing rights at major airdromes and governmental influence in survivability of flag bearers ensues, the lone room for growing from mugwumps is to conspire. At this point in clip, planetary confederations serve the demands of both consumers and air hose concerns. As with every determination, there are good and bad effects and non all picks will satisfy everyone. Global alliances endeavour to fulfill the bulk, while prolonging the hereafter of the confederation members to supply a utile service. Until all states relax regulations around freedoms of the air and air hose foreign ownership, so as to supply a echt unfastened skies policy, these mega-conglomerates will boom. Word Count: 1343
Monday, October 21, 2019
Uncle Vanya analysis essays
Uncle Vanya analysis essays 1. The Protagonist: Yelena, 27 year old wife to Alexander Serebriakov, a retired professor. 3. Antagonist: Mikhail Lvovich Astrov, a doctor, drunkard and ecologist. 4. Unconscious: Yelena is a woman afraid of her true feelings. She cannot recognize them to act upon them. As a result of playing life safely, boredom is a constant, unwelcome companion. 5. Super Objective: Yelena yearns to break free and fly away. 6. Inciting Event: At the beginning of act three, Sonya confesses her love of Astrov to Yelena. Yelena agrees to find out from Astrov his feelings for Sonya. 7. Rising Action: Sonya admits her love of Astrov to Yelena, who offers to find out from Astrov his feelings for Sonya -> Astrov and Yelena discuss Sonya's affections, but the conversation turns around when Astrov becomes certain Yelena using Sonya as an excuse to see him -> Astrov grabs her by the waist and she nearly gives into him, resting her head on his chest -> Vanya walks in on them at that moment and becomes upset -> The Professor calls a meeting and implores the family for advice on a scheme in which the farm would be sold and the proceeds invested in managed funds and a small vacation home in Finland -> Vanya, upset over a great many things attempts to murder the professor by shooting him, but misses -> Vanya is sequestered in his room as Astrov and Sonya talk him out of killing himself -> He gives back the morphine he stole from Astrov and Sonya takes him to speak with The Professor so they may make amends -> Yelena parts, giving Astrov a last intense embrace -> Astrov l eaves -> The play ends with Sonya telling Uncle Vanya they will have a better next life. 8. Climax: When Yelena rests her head on Astrov's chest, giving into her yearning to break free, but is interrupted by Uncle Vanya walking in. 9. Resolution: The Professor and his wife leave, as does the Doctor, leaving Uncle Vanya and Sonya in a ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Gender (Sociolinguistics)
Definition and Examples of Gender (Sociolinguistics) In sociolinguistics and other social sciences, gender refers to sexual identity in relation to culture and society. The ways in which words are used can both reflect and reinforce social attitudes toward gender. In the U.S., the interdisciplinary study of language and gender was initiated by linguistics professor Robin Lakoff in her book Language and Womans Place (1975). Etymology From Latin, race, kind Example and Observations It is quite clear that language use and the use of language are inseparablethat over generations and centuries, peoples constant talking deposits cultural beliefs and ideas in the medium of communication. At the same time, the weight of the linguistics system constrains the kinds of things we say and the ways we say them.  (Penelope Eckert and Sally McConnell-Ginet, Language and Gender, 2nd ed. Columbia University Press, 2013)  Language Use and Social Attitudes Toward Gender [T]here is now a greater awareness in some parts of the community that subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, distinctions are made in the vocabulary choice used to describe men and women. Consequently, we can understand why there is a frequent insistence that neutral words be used as much as possible, as in describing occupations e.g., chairperson, letter carrier, salesclerk, and actor (as in Shes an actor). If language tends to reflect social structure and social structure is changing, so that judgeships, surgical appointments, nursing positions, and primary school teaching assignments are just as likely to be held by women as men (or by men as women), such changes might be expected to follow inevitably. . . . However, there is still considerable doubt that changing waitress to either waiter or waitperson or describing Nicole Kidman as an actor rather than as an actress indicates a real shift in sexist attitudes. Reviewing the evidence, Romaine (1999, pp. 312-13) concludes that attit udes toward gender equality did not match language usage. Those who had adopted gender-inclusive language did not necessarily have a more liberal view of gender inequalities in language.  (Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 6th ed. Wiley, 2010) Doing Gender It is apparent that when friends talk to each other in single-sex groups, one of the things that is being done is gender. In other words, the fact that female speakers mirror each others contributions to talk, collaborate in the co-narration of stories and in general use language for mutual support needs to be considered in terms of the construction of femininity. For many men, by contrast, connection with others is accomplished in part through playful antagonisms, and this ties in with mens need to position themselves in relation to dominant models of masculinity.  (Jennifer Coates, Gender. The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics, ed. by Carmen Llamas, Louise Mullany, and Peter Stockwell. Routledge, 2007) A Highly Fluid Social Category Like language, gender as a social category has come to be seen as highly fluid, or less well defined than it once appeared. In line with gender theory more generally, researchers interested in language and gender have focused increasingly on plurality and diversity amongst female and male language users, and on gender as performativesomething that is done in context, rather than a fixed attribute. The whole notion of gender, and identity in general is challenged when this is seen, rather like language itself, as fluid, contingent and context-dependent. This is mainly an alternative theoretical conception of gender, though there are also suggestions that identities are loosening so that in many contexts people now have a wider range of identity options.  (Joan Swann, Yes, But Is it Gender? Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis, ed. by Lia Litosseliti and Jane Sunderland. John Benjamins, 2002)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Normal Branding Theory - Promoting Brand Identity Essay
Normal Branding Theory - Promoting Brand Identity - Essay Example The behavioural mannerisms of the audiences, both primary and secondary are significant since these shape up the sale of these brands or as exclusively one can state, the marketing of the same. (Jackson, 2004) Brands have overtaken the retail units by storm. They seem to be everywhere. One brand is ‘in’ today and it might just be replaced or cannibalized by its smaller unit every other week. This means that there is a lot of diversification which is taking place and if seen from the competitive standpoint, this is something that boosts competition and gives rise to a healthy one. (Keller, 2003) But then again, there are drawbacks in such a situation. Since how many brands can remain in the awareness set of the consumer that the brand is actually hitting upon? The answer to this is not only confusing but also perplexing to state the least. (Faust, 1994) Further, Douglas (2004) has asserted the way in which brands have attained the position of icons on their own due right and place. They have outsmarted the manner in which other brands are perceived and this is a significant basis for their long-term success within the relevant markets nonetheless. The normal branding theory thus speaks of the ways through which brands are propagated across a number of different channels and whether these communicate the essence of the product in entirety or otherwise. The proliferation of brands in a tremendous amount is a tantamount to serious market activity and shuffling in of brands at a breakneck speed which is all the more pleasing for the market indicators and the business as a whole. The manner in which this proliferation has come about has brought serious and grave concerns on the minds of the people who are in charge of running the whole show but then again it is in direct proportion with the supply and demand theory which we discuss in the coming lines. (Brache, 2007) Brands offer some sort of value to a particular set of audience and it is up to the brand manager and his team that this audience is narrowed down as far as possible. Â
The Ice Age Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Ice Age - Research Paper Example Big animals were already seeing a decline as a result of loss of food and vegetation. The Ice Age took along with it many varieties of wildflowers that these big animals used to feed on. Even if the planet sees another cycle of Ice Age after the end of global warming, the extinct species of plants and animals are not likely to return. In-depth analysis of the findings of the latest research imparts a need to take effective measures to stop the temperature of the Earth from going up any further because the species of many plants and animals are endangered as a result of the rapid change of climate. Extinction of many species of plants and animals during the decline of the Ice Age provides evidence of the tendency of climate changes to negatively affect the living organisms. The planet Earth has seen Ice Age many thousands of years ago. Many species of plants and animals have become extinct ever since. Different theories attribute the extinction of these species to different factors, but many theories have held human activities like hunting responsible for the extinction of these species. Results of the latest research have identified a range of other factors related to climate that have caused the extinction of these species of plants and animals. This paper discusses some of these researches and their findings to explore the impact of climate change on the tendency of animal and plant species to survive. Woolly mammoths and woolly rhinos were said to feed on forbs and graminoids. A lot of varieties of these wildflowers and herbs flourished in the Arctic as many as 25,000 years ago. A team of researchers from the University of Copenhagen have conducted analysis of the vegetation history of the Arctic ranging over 50 thousand years and found that many plants required for survival by the megafauna started to vanish during the Last Glacial Maximum (Willerslev et al., 2014). To conduct this research, the scientists analyzed the history of vegetation across
Friday, October 18, 2019
Control of microbial growth Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Control of microbial growth - Research Paper Example Controlling microbial growth is very critical in preventing food spoilage.There are different techniques used in controlling microbial growth. These will be addressed in this essay. Different technologies used to control microbial growth employ varying mechanisms to cause the death of mechanism. Of critical importance to note is that the rate at which microbes die is usually constant such that logarithmic plots from depicting microbial death are usually straight and descending. Some of the microbial growth control techniques usually cause the cell membrane of microbes to exhibit a new level of permeability, leading to an uncontrolled leakage of cell content. This leakage ultimately leads to cell death. Other techniques usually damage cell proteins and nucleic acids, a mechanism that affects both RNA and DNA. This damage also leads to cell death. There are other mechanisms that serve to limit cell growth as scientists have described over time (Kratz, 2005). Physical Methods There are physical ways that have proved efficient in controlling cell growth. One of these is heat. There are certain terms related to the use of heat in controlling microbial growth that scientists have coined over time. ... A more effective strategy is often the use of steam under pressure as it becomes easier to obtain temperatures higher than the boiling point. For example, typical sterilization temperatures in an autoclave are usually 121 degree Celsius and a pressure of 15 psi with sterilization lasting 15 minutes. An additional technique used is pasteurization as described from the concept developed by Louis Pasteur. This technique employs a certain range of temperatures that ensure that microbes die but the flavor and taste of the product as well as the nutrients remain. It is important to note that this technique does not kill all the microbes, but targets those that lead to food spoilage (Srivastava, &Srivastava, 2003). Pasteurization often uses the principle of high temperatures for a short period. Dry heat may also prove useful in sterilization as in the case in incineration and sterilization in an oven. In addition to heat, scientists have also described the use of filtration membranes that h ave the capacity of separating certain microbes. This technique is applicable for liquids that prove to have high heat sensitivity. A typical example is the use of special membranes to filter air used in theatres. The use of low temperatures in the refrigerator usually at 0-7 degree Celsius ensures that microbes do not grow. However, some microbes need freezing temperatures to become inactive. In other cases, high pressure becomes useful in treating juices to prevent spoilage although endospores prove resistant to that pressure. Of importance in such cases is ensuring that flavor and nutrients do not fade in the process.Desiccation is also a way of limiting microbial growth as it deprives
Homeless Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Homeless - Essay Example s that it will help solve issues experienced by these people, it will decrease crime rate and lack of homeless individuals will portray a positive image of the government. One of the main reason due to which people have fallen in the category of homeless is that they have lost their jobs due to economic crises. Due to this loss of jobs, individuals who are homeless have no place to attain shelter to sleep, they have no money to buy food and wear clean healthy clothes. If government assists these individuals, they will be able to solve these problems. When individuals fail to make a living due to loss of job and if they continue to be unemployed, they resort to criminal behavior in order to earn money. This can lead to a very negative image of US as this will lead to increased crime rate. If government aids such people, they will not have to look for such options and therefore the crime rate will remain low. Many people are roaming on the street with torn clothes and with play cards in their hands through which they are asking for employment and assistance for the fulfillment of their necessities. This destroys the image of the country and the governme nt. If homeless people are assisted, they will not need to conduct such activities and the image of the nation will be preserved. One of the major downside of assisting homeless people through government funds is that such help may make the homeless people dependant on government provided relief and they may not make efforts to gain employment. A major issue experienced by the government of US is that it is experiencing a budget deficit and if they continue to provide help to homeless people, this will increase the burden on government’s treasury. If the government assists homeless people, others who are already on their jobs and are not homeless will see such assistance as easy money and might quit their jobs in order to attain such welfare benefits. United States is experiencing an increase in number of homeless
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Employment-At-Will Doctrine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Employment-At-Will Doctrine - Research Paper Example This discussion is based on four cases of employee-at-will doctrine and liability of an organization on these cases. The objective of the discussion is to find out the possible actions and responses on certain circumstances of employees’ behavior and performances in an organization. Case 1 In the first case, it can be observed that Jennifer (an employee) is unable to learn the usage of certain computer applications which is one of the core tasks of her job. It can be observed that the employee does not comply with the job skills requirements in order to perform the assigned tasks. Hence, it can be assumed that her employment is dependent on her request and interview procedure. Although the organization has recruited her on the basis of her qualifications, she is incapable to perform her assigned job. Thus, she could no longer be termed as a valuable human resource for the organization. The employment-at-will principle describes that an employee who is recruited on the basis of his/her own consent can choose to leave at any moment. The same is true for the organization, as it can also terminate, Jennifer on appropriate grounds. In case of termination, the organization will not embrace any kind of legal liability if no agreement was contracted between Jennifer and the organization with respect to employment. However, there is one exemption to the principle of employment-at-will which states that the organization cannot dismiss Jennifer if public policy supports her. Since Jennifer is not protected by any kind of public policy, the organization can easily dismiss her from employment. The other exception of employment-at-will is implied contract which is termed as oral covenant. Thus, this implied contract or oral pledges can prevent the organization to terminate Jennifer. Thus, the organization must arrange documentations in order to prove the basis for termination of Jennifer (Muhl, 2001). Case 2 With respect to second case, it can be observed that the emp loyee (Jennifer) has certain behavioral problems in the workplace, as she frequently arrives late at work and also demonstrates rage when she is criticized. Furthermore, she also demonstrates self-justifying attitude to the organization. In this context, it can be stated that the organization can dismiss her in a legalized way. In order to do so, the organization will need to record her every absence and late. Furthermore, each occurrence of defensive attitude shown by her and comments on behalf of employee rights also must be documented appropriately. The organization can bring this matter in front of her in order to make appropriate solution to the problem. With respect to her defensive attitude and comments about employee rights, the management must prepare in order to face any kind of legal proceedings while dismissing the employee (Urhuogo, 2010). Case 3 Concerning the third case, it can be observed that the employee (Jennifer) had taken a day off from work due to the observanc e of certain religious activities without taking proper consent of the management. Furthermore, the day off occurred during extremely busy period for the organization, during which the employer had informed that its employees will not be permitted to take any leave without any previous approval
Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Literature review - Essay Example Man has its own structure according to his responsibilities, woman posse’s different structure as per her responsibilities. Men and women both created in couples but both posses different attributes and different lifestyles. Woman posses some traits completely different from man and man owns some characteristics entirely different from woman. Still, there is a competition lies between man and woman. No matter in which part of the world, they live but it’s so easy to find a tight competition between man and woman. Gender plays an important role in both human beings. Gender helps creating special traits in every man or woman. It is generally considered that men are strong and women are weak, there are thousands of differences on the basis of which it is usually said. Regardless of strength, there are many other factors that make woman different from man. Man are usually strong in feelings, they do not take care lots of small things in their life, while on the other hand, woman are always possessive about their relationship, their belongings etc. The word docility states the trait of being agreeably manageable and submissive. Docility can also be defined as the willingness and readiness to fulfill other wishes without considering own’s wish. ... The term docility also points Judith butler’s (1990) theory of gender performance. She points that individuals must constantly perform defined gender actions, in order to get away the social discipline that is experienced against queer sexuality. In the repetition of gender actions, actions are usually ignored and the avatar is usually considered as an internal identity. In this way, gender seems a docile body. For instance, Miroslaw Filiciak (2003) argues that the developing of identities in cyberspace is not so much in plenty from a self as it is a longed for chance of showing one’s self beyond physical limits. These expressions might not move beyond the gender actions and sexual norms that make the â€Å"self†. In the eyes of many sociologist, docility in the main concept of performance. Docility usually helps in identifying personal traits as per their gender specification; it also helps in understanding why individuals authorize with the agency to develop th eir own sexual world rather to perpetuate the identified norms of gender and sexuality. Conformity is the action of relating attributes, concepts, and actions to what human gender considers is usual of their community or social group. This determination appears in small units and society as a whole, and normally output from elusive unconscious shapes, or direct and overt social force. Conformity can appear in the presence of others, or when an individual has no one around him. For instance, people incline to obey social values when eating or watching their favorite plays, even when they have no one around them. A number of people normally conform from a wish of being safe within a unit generally in a group of a similar religion, unit,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Employment-At-Will Doctrine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Employment-At-Will Doctrine - Research Paper Example This discussion is based on four cases of employee-at-will doctrine and liability of an organization on these cases. The objective of the discussion is to find out the possible actions and responses on certain circumstances of employees’ behavior and performances in an organization. Case 1 In the first case, it can be observed that Jennifer (an employee) is unable to learn the usage of certain computer applications which is one of the core tasks of her job. It can be observed that the employee does not comply with the job skills requirements in order to perform the assigned tasks. Hence, it can be assumed that her employment is dependent on her request and interview procedure. Although the organization has recruited her on the basis of her qualifications, she is incapable to perform her assigned job. Thus, she could no longer be termed as a valuable human resource for the organization. The employment-at-will principle describes that an employee who is recruited on the basis of his/her own consent can choose to leave at any moment. The same is true for the organization, as it can also terminate, Jennifer on appropriate grounds. In case of termination, the organization will not embrace any kind of legal liability if no agreement was contracted between Jennifer and the organization with respect to employment. However, there is one exemption to the principle of employment-at-will which states that the organization cannot dismiss Jennifer if public policy supports her. Since Jennifer is not protected by any kind of public policy, the organization can easily dismiss her from employment. The other exception of employment-at-will is implied contract which is termed as oral covenant. Thus, this implied contract or oral pledges can prevent the organization to terminate Jennifer. Thus, the organization must arrange documentations in order to prove the basis for termination of Jennifer (Muhl, 2001). Case 2 With respect to second case, it can be observed that the emp loyee (Jennifer) has certain behavioral problems in the workplace, as she frequently arrives late at work and also demonstrates rage when she is criticized. Furthermore, she also demonstrates self-justifying attitude to the organization. In this context, it can be stated that the organization can dismiss her in a legalized way. In order to do so, the organization will need to record her every absence and late. Furthermore, each occurrence of defensive attitude shown by her and comments on behalf of employee rights also must be documented appropriately. The organization can bring this matter in front of her in order to make appropriate solution to the problem. With respect to her defensive attitude and comments about employee rights, the management must prepare in order to face any kind of legal proceedings while dismissing the employee (Urhuogo, 2010). Case 3 Concerning the third case, it can be observed that the employee (Jennifer) had taken a day off from work due to the observanc e of certain religious activities without taking proper consent of the management. Furthermore, the day off occurred during extremely busy period for the organization, during which the employer had informed that its employees will not be permitted to take any leave without any previous approval
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Environmental Statutes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Environmental Statutes - Research Paper Example The mission of the EPA is to safeguard and protect the natural environment, water, air and land (SBA.Gov, n.d). I work with a Pesticide Ingredients Production company, and it is one of the businesses highly subjected to the environmental laws; one of them being the Clean Water Act (1972). This Act is enforced by the United States EPA (Environment Protection Agency). The Clean Water Act (CWA) provides the fundamental structure for controlling discharges of pollutants into the clean waters and regulates the quality standards for surface waters (SBA.Gov, n.d). My employer through the help of the EPA offers the environmental pollution prevention and the compliance information to employees. This way the employees learn the importance of avoiding the emissions of hazardous wastes and discharge into the water bodies which would pose a danger to the plants, humans, and plants survival. The employer also has a special permit from the EPA so as to allow discharge of the industry’s harmless wastes into the nearby river. The wastes are first purified to ensure that no harmful substance is released into the water body. Most of industries and businesses all over the world complain about the environmental laws as they claim that they are too restrictive. This is true as these regulations cost the Pesticide Ingredients Production Company its profits, and its precious time and effort (SBA.Gov, n.d). For the wastes to be purified it requires the employer to put in place expensive and highly advanced machines to comply with the Clean Water Act. It also costs the employer a lot of money and other resources in the training of the employees on how to operate these high technology machines. Therefore, as much as the environmental regulation rules and regulations are for a better cause; they mean extra efforts, time, energy, and costs to the businesses they affect. They are thus a hindrance to some of the
Monday, October 14, 2019
University Gambling Essay Example for Free
University Gambling Essay The American psychiatric association considers gambling as a form of an impulse control disorder with the patient having an uncontrollable urge to bet in the hope of making additional money. Gambling is becoming a very common practice as most states rush to legalize gambling as a form of an economic venture. There are a number of benefits to be accrued through gambling but as most scholars have alluded, there are immense social and economic costs involved. The history of gambling dates back to eternity and the holy books of Christians and Jews contain evidence of gambling. Islam has come out outstandingly as one of the religion that has categorically prohibited gambling. Most of the scholarly materials present have paid attention to the effects of gambling neglecting the causes. Few however have been able to hypothesize on the causes often alluding to biological and social causes. Dopamine has been implicated as one of the possible biochemical possible for gambling. According to Rosner Hermes (109), scientists have â€Å"found that the use of some forms of dopamine causes compulsive gambling even when this compulsion did not exist prior to the use of dopamine. †Others have also pointed out that a sudden change in the way the brain functions may cause behavioral and attitude change leading to addictive habits such as gambling. Another lead cause of gambling as with other forms of addictions such as alcohol and drugs is peer influence. Friends and work colleagues may influence an individual to engage in gambling leading to the development of a compulsive urge to gamble. Where research on the causes of gambling is still ongoing to establish whether there is a genetic predisposition to the habit, immense studies on the effects exist with most research pointing to the negative side of gambling. There has been a flurry of opinions in regard it whether indeed gambling leads to economic benefits or not. There are a number of economic benefits to be realized especially in places where casinos are localized. Casinos for example offer ample employment opportunities to the community and also act as important recreation facilities. A look at Las Vegas indicates it is home to thousands of workers. Additionally, extra revenue is racked from tourism as some gambling centers are attractive sites for tourists. More income is generated from the influx of visitors who consume local products. Most analysts agree that this is the furthest that the benefits of gambling extend as the other side of the coin is laden with adverse economic effects both to the individual and to the society at large. Gambling has been identified as the lead cause of bankruptcy. The existing research on the issue indicates that â€Å"about 10% of bankruptcy fillings are linked to gambling losses. †(Webber). While a large number of people engage in gambling, a smaller portion of this that engage in problem gambling ends up in debts led by the belief that the more they spend the higher their chances of winning. It is this indebt-ness that might in the end exceed the annual income that will lead to bankruptcy. Though there is still a raging controversy on whether there is a causal link between the two, tentative conclusions have affirmed the link. The available statistics indicate that bankruptcy for example in the United States has been on the increase, what remains interesting is the fact that such bankruptcy has been on the rise in tandem with the increase in the number of state sanctioned gambling centers. Though there are no available statistics to affirm the claims, available data by most organizations has pointed to this. The lack of adequate national figures to reach the rightful conclusion has been blamed on the reluctance by the victims to reveal the cause of their bankruptcy. Compulsive gambling has been lumped together with drugs and excessive alcohol as a social evil. It is an apparent fact that individuals can be addicted to gambling at chronic levels. Just like addiction to drugs results to mental problems, excessive gambling addiction can lead to psychiatric disorders. This hence leads to additional costs to the society. The government spends a huge amount of money on rehabilitation programs for addicts and similar programs have been unrolled for compulsive gamblers. Tentative studies have also seen a causal relationship between compulsive gambling and alcohol and drug abuse. Most gamblers after reaching the desperation phase result to deceit and fraud to finance their endeavors. This may result to underperformance at work and consequently loss of jobs. This is the time they crumble into the hopeless phase and resort to drugs and alcohol as a way of escaping the reality and numb the existing pain. (Grant et al 1) Another problem that has been linked to gambling is suicide. This is an issue that has attracted studies of late. These studies have been keen to unearth the increase in the number of suicides brought forth by the increase on the number of legalized casinos. These suicides are spread between visitors and people residing in cities which are popular for gambling. One of the cities that have attracted a flurry of attention is Las Vegas which has a record of over four times compared to the cities with no gambling ventures. As has been observed before, gambling occurs in various stages and it is at the desperation phase that a compulsive gambler begins to exhibit anti social behaviors to erase the memories of the constant losses. This leads to excessive alcohol use and drug abuse. This makes the gambler more prone to suicidal behaviors. Studies on the causal relationships between gambling and suicide also found out that suicide is not only limited to the gamblers but also to â€Å"spouses of gamblers or children of gamblers who visit gaming settings in the company of a gambling relative. †(Phillips, Welty Smith) Others who might be caught in the suicidal web are relatives and residences living in gaming settings but who might be involved in gambling. With the rise in the number of legalized gambling centers, the issue of whether there is a causal relationship between crime and gambling has attracted the interest of research. Most, though tentatively, have alluded to the fact that gambling contributes significantly to the rise in crime levels. It is important to observe here that crime is caused by huge amount of factors that might be present in the gambling cities. These may range from increased population, high rates if unemployment, availability of guns and the existing gun laws. It is hence difficult to isolate these factors as having a contributive effect on the level of crime. However, the conclusion reached by most studies has indicted that gaming cities have higher incidences of crime. A look at the small population that engage in compulsive gambling indicate that most had a history of either civil or criminal offenses. Due to the indebtness that come with gambling, most are likely to be engaged in theft, fraud, and drugs using casinos as avenues of money laundering. (Grinols 1) The negative effects of gambling more often than not spills over from the gambler to those that are close to him. Spouses and children are the first to be caught in the crunch. As has been observed, gambling is likely to lead to alcoholism, crime, drug addiction and at a chronic stage, suicide. Whereas most gamblers start betting low using their salaries, savings and finally their family assets, they are in great debt and cannot afford to cater for their family obligations. They also tend to acquire a short temper and may result to violence when queried by their relatives about their gambling habits. A significant number of marriages have been brought to an end by one of the spouse being a compulsive gambler. Children hence may not thrive well in such an environment and may face financial hardships and drop out if schools. Gambling also passes off huge losses to the society due to increase in crime, increased alcohol and drugs abuse as well as the effects of broken up families. Whereas studies on the causes of gambling are still being carried out, it is apparent that there is unanimity that it results to more social and economic losses than benefits. Gambling has been found to lead to indebtness, bankruptcy and most likely to suicide. Though it has a number if economic benefits such as extra revenue and employment opportunities, the social ills associated with the practice have led to its criticism. Works Cited Stanley Rosner, Patricia Hermes. The Self-sabotage Cycle: Why We Repeat Behaviors That Create Hardships and Ruin Relationships. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006, 109 Alexander L. Edgar, Ellen L. Triebold, Gambling On Dischargeability. Retrieved on February 28, 2009 from http://www. usdoj. gov/ust/eo/public_affairs/articles/docs/gambling. htm Jon E. Grant, Matt G. Kushner. , and Suck Won Kim. Pathological Gambling and Alcohol Use Disorder, 109. Retrieved on February 28, 2009 from http://pubs. niaaa. nih. gov/publications/arh26-2/143-150. pdf. Christian Marfels. Gambling and Suicide: Evidence from the Las Vegas Market. Gaming Law Review. February 1, 2001, 5(1): 33-41. Earl L. Grinols. Casino gambling causes crime. University of Illinois. Institute of Government and Public Affairs Policy Forum. Volume 13, Number 2, 2000,1 Retrieved on February 28, 2009 from pdf. David P. Phillips, Ward Welty, Marisa Smith. Suicide Life-Threatening` Behavior. Elevated Suicide Levels Associated with Legalized Gambling. University of California at San Diego. December 15, 1997. Retrieved on February 28, 2009 from http://www. responsiblegamblingcouncil. us/articles/Elevated_suicide_levels_associated_with_legalized_gambling. pdf. David Webber. Riverboat Gambling in Missouri: A Risk that should NOT have been Taken. May 1, 2002. Retrieved on February 28, 2009 from http://web. missouri. edu/~webberd/ganbling. memo
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Catcher in the Rye :: Essays Papers
The Catcher in the Rye The novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger published by The New American Library in 1951 is one of, if not the most popular and controversial books written by Salinger. The main character is a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield. He casually explains a certain time of transition in his life. It is a time of adventures and deep thought. Holden has his own view of the world and for 192 pages, he allows the reader to see the world through his eyes. He comes across many people at this time and refers to the general society as "phonies". Each personal encounter he makes affects him throughout his story. Holden begins the story by rambling about general things about him and his family and suggests to the reader that he is now in some form of an institution. He talks about the school he has currently gotten kicked out of, (unbeknownst to his parents)"Pencey Prep". This is one of many schools that he has attended and been rejected from for his laziness problem. He gets into an argument with his roommate and decides to leave Pencey early for Christmas break since there's no reason for him to stay. He packs up his things and takes a train to New York City where he grew up and where his family is. When he arrives in the city, he stays in a hotel. He observes people in other rooms through his window. Then, he goes to different bars even though he is under age. Holden is rather tall and has a gray streak of hair that makes him look older. In these bars, he meets and observes many varieties of people. He cannot go home to his parents until they've had a chance to find out about Pencey and had some time to calm down. To pass the time in NYC, he calls some people from his past. Each new person plays a specific role in Holden's actions and decisions. For example, Sally, his ex-girlfriend, makes him feel a spectrum of feelings from love to hate in a matter of hours. Holden notices many things in everyday life that others never really realize are there. He describes the Museum of Natural History and how no matter how many times you go there, nothing ever changes.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
America’s War on Terrorism Essay -- Terrorism Politics Foreign Policy
America’s War on Terrorism The world has been changed forever since the tragic attack on September 11, 2001. An observer described the atrocity by saying, "It just went 'bam,' like a bomb went off. It was like holy hell (CNN 1). " The new world will be different from what any American has known before. A new war has arisen, not against a foreign country or a major region of the world, but rather against a select group of people who have the capabilities to destroy the lives of so many. The war against terrorism which the United States is now forced to wage will not be an easily won battle. This war will not be fought solely on scattered battlefields in certain countries. It will instead permeate through every aspect of life as we know it. "The attack of September 11 will be the precipitating moment of a new kind of war that will define a new century. This war will be fought in shadows, and the adversary will continue to target the innocent and defenseless ("The Terrorism Research Center"). " The unconvent ional methods of terrorism make these terrorists the first formidable opponent the United States has faced in years, since the ending of the Cold War. Due to its victory in the Cold War, the United States is now the last remaining superpower in the world, and along with that supremacy comes an inherent responsibility. The responsibility of a superpower can be interpreted in two distinctly different ways. One of these is for a country to become semi-isolationist. The other is the opposite, in the sense that it deals with a country imposing its authority on other countries, thus not being in any way isolationist. Both of theses have their benefits while at the same time, their disadvantages. The first possible respon... ...undamentalist terrorists, mainly the Al'Qa'ida, have for America and all that America stands for. Now that the Islamic fundamentalists have openly attacked America, the war on terrorism has arrived upon the world. The atrocities that the world will soon face will not be like any experienced before and the world will be forever changed after this war is complete. September 11th has forced America to face the hatred it has created for itself throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, for its unethical foreign policy tactics. America is once again tested to prove its dominance in the world, but will it pass the test of terrorism? Only the future holds the answer. Works Cited CNN (1), World Trade Center Survivors Describe 'Holy Hell'. "The Terrorism Research Center".
Friday, October 11, 2019
Public Policy on Business Competition Essay
Summary American businesses have been at a disadvantage from their foreign competitors due to the flawed economic system and the capitalist economy of the country. The foreign companies have been continuously improving their efficiency and effectiveness in relation to their American counterparts which means that they have now become more competitive and can even surpass that of the American products. The very strict government regulations and tariffs designed to protect the American economy is now the cause of the lesser jobs available for American workers. Outsourcing had definitely reduced the number of jobs and somehow the capitalist society that America has has relied on outsourcing as a way of cutting costs. Capitalism has its own evils as compared to socialism. Socialism is the opposite of capitalism, in socialism the government has to see to it that wealth is allocated to all members of society. Although, socialism has provided for all of its members it also brought the economy of the country to its downfall. The principle of comparative advantage is the key to ensuring that nations coexist and become interdependent on one another. Comparative advantage means that each country produces a specialized product which is becomes the economic strength of the country. It may have it’s own disadvantages but each country will have their own comparative advantage and disadvantage.  Public Policy on Business Competition            For more than four decades now, American businesses have been losing ground to foreign competitors. While 24.8 percent of all vehicles sold all over the world were made in the United States in 1986, by 1992 the U.S. share had declined to 20.7 percent. Now, this number goes further down to a little over 16 percent (OICA). A number of factors have contributed to the loss of the United States’ manufacturing competitiveness. First, foreign competitors have invested in more efficient equipment and processes and have instituted other programs that have raised worker productivity relative to the United States. Second, governments of some foreign manufacturing industries have provided planning, financial subsidies, favorable tax rates, and other industrial policies designed to nurture and support their industrial base. But perhaps the greatest reason why the United States is slipping in terms of global competitiveness is because of public policies based on coddling.            Arbitrary trade barriers, unrealistic quotas, and overly-restrictive tariffs are the norm when it comes to the government’s current stand on business competition. American workers and businesses are in a constant state of consciousness wherein a sense of entitlement pervades. They constantly lobby because they feel that the government is supposed to protect them from the deluge of competition from overseas. The thing is, Americans will continue to lose their jobs to the Indians and the Chinese. Companies aim to cut costs wherever and whenever they can. Given a choice, they will outsource to whomever can give them the best value. Instead of whining and lobbying, Americans should look for ways to adjust. They should do away with wanting to do menial tasks and start looking towards jobs that require more expertise and mental acuity. Not wanting to improve and instead asking for protection from the tides of change will not advance society at all and instead degrades it. In fact, it is the basis of a concept that was proved ineffective and impracticable.            Socialism is based on the flawed notion that members of society should be equals and the government must see to it that everyone is being cared for. One of the major complaints levied by socialists has been that capitalism permits surplus value to flow to capitalists, making capitalism a very unequal, class-ridden society. By contrast, a socialist society would share the return to capital among the workers, thereby promoting much greater equality than a market economy. This â€Å"strength†as socialists put it, proved to be socialism’s downfall.            Indeed, the experience of socialist countries exemplifies how attempts to equalize incomes by expropriating property from the rich can end up hurting everyone. By prohibiting private ownership of businesses, socialist governments did reduce the inequalities that arose from large property incomes. But the reduced incentives to work, accumulate capital, and improve – just because the government will provide for every man – crippled this system and impoverished entire countries.            The principle of comparative advantage holds that each country will specialize in the production and export of those goods or services that it can produce at relatively low cost because it is more efficient in producing them than other countries. Conversely, each country will import those goods which it produces at relatively high cost or those that it is incapable of producing at all. This simple principle provides the unshakable basis for international trade (Samuelson & Nordhaus 663). The most efficient and productive pattern of specialization is that nations should concentrate on activities in which they are relatively or comparatively more efficient than others. And even though countries may be absolutely less or more efficient than all other countries, each and every country will have a definite comparative advantage in some areas while having a definite comparative disadvantage in others. Conclusion The international economic sphere is complex and it is primarily governed by the most powerful country. The American economy had been one of the strongest economic players in international trade. When a country becomes too dependent on other countries for their economic products and services, like the American society, it can be assumed that they are putting their economic welfare at the hands of other nations. This can have a tremendous impact on American economy as the most basic services continue to be outsourced, monetary strength is diminished. It is similar to a gardener who is watering the neighbor’s lawn. The American society is pouring their money to foreign economies without thinking of whether that foreign country will do business with American companies as end consumers. In order to turn the tide, the American government should pursue and adopt the principle of comparative advantage, instead of relying on capitalism or socialism alone. With comparative advantage each country specializes in one or two products and services, thus equalizing power and influence in the international economy. American industries should look into the dangers of outsourcing, the disadvantages of cutting costs in the expense of unemployment and the ill-effects of over dependence on foreign countries. Therefore, the government should realistically examine the present position of the country in international trade. Comparative advantage holds the key for economic stability and progress.  Reference: Hitt, Michael A., Ireland, R. Duane and Hoskisson, Robert E. South-Western College Publishing, 1999. Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles. Available:, January 19, 2008. Samuelsson, Paul A. and Nordhaus, William D.2.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Data Communications Essay
Repairs by Return is a successful company and offers a repair service for various electrical appliances including washing machines, dishwashers etc. The business is expanding, meaning taking on additional engineers who might need on-the-job training. The aim of our group is to advise the owner of Repairs by Return on the new technology and research on how well the technology can make the company more efficient and the communication between the staff and owner better. We will also recommend an appropriate solution. ` MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES Mobile tools and technologies have the capacity facilitate communication, keep employees informed in real-time and reduce hours once spent bound to a desk. However, along with the liberating aspects of an increasingly versatile workplace, mobility presents challenges for today’s workers. Below are short descriptions of mobile technologies currently available. SMS Short Message Service (SMS) is a service available on most digital mobile phones that allows the sending of short messages, also known as text messages, or more commonly as SMS, texts or even txts) between mobile phones, other handheld devices and even landline telephones. Messages must be no longer than 160 alpha-numeric characters and contain no images or graphics. Picture Messaging Picture Messaging is a service, which allows users to send and receive messages that combine pictures with text and sounds from their phones. WAP Wireless Application Protocol is an open international standard for applications that use wireless communication allowing users to access information instantly via handheld wireless device e.g. internet access from a mobile phone, smart phones, two way radios etc. MMS Multimedia Message Service is the evolution of SMS. With MMS, a mobile device is no longer restricted to text-only messages. It can send and receive multimedia messages such as graphics, sound files, video clips or any combination of the above, within certain size limits. GPRS General Packet Radio Service is a protocol for passing data over a mobile phone network. With GPRS connection, the phone is â€Å"always on†and can transfer data immediately, and at higher speeds. 3G 3G is the generic term for third generation mobile phone technologies. It offers high speed connections enabling video conference and other applications which require broadband connectivity to the Internet. PDA Personal Digital Assistants are handheld devices that combine computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking features. Originally designed as personal organisers but have now become much more versatile over the years. FEASIBILITY STUDY The feasibility study is aimed at viewing the ideas given to us by the owner and assessing whether they will help the company communicate effectively. We will also look at the limitations of the ideas. * Apprentice engineers asking for help silently to senior engineers GPRS allows instant connectivity (as long as there is radio coverage), meaning information can be sent/received immediately. Engineers can take picture(s) of the problem they cannot fix, write a little note with it, send it as an MMS to senior engineers, and receive an immediate reply without the customers realising. The problem with this will be that the engineer on the other side might be with a client and therefore, will not be able to reply immediately. Another problem could be that the reply received from the engineer may be inaccurate and unclear. Drawback of GPRS is the limited bandwidth and is particularly suited for sending and receiving small bursts of data. So when engineers do send pictures, the size of the message and picture will be limited. * Web access to manuals and diagrams GPRS also aims to deliver remote access type applications via a mobile network for businesses including data uploads and synchronisation, document sharing and collaboration, email and web browsing. Ideally, a wide variety of information can be delivered via a mobile device, overcoming the 160 character limitations of SMS. It is usually impossible to directly port a desktop application to a wireless to a handheld device; therefore, directly access most websites using a handheld device is difficult. Another problem the engineers might face is that typing on a cell phone’s tiny keys can be difficult and time consuming and the size of the screen is limited too. This could be a problem when an engineer is trying to download diagrams, as there will be problems with its clarity. * FAQs facility stored on mobiles One of the drawbacks on using GPRS is that it has slow data transfer rates. Although rates of 115 kbs (or more) have been quoted, the realistic speeds are 20 to 30 kbs can be expected. Applications can be used in a shared environment, and data sharing is made easier – effectively like being connected to a Local Area Network (LAN). An important functionality of PDAs is the possibility of synchronising data with a contact database, such as MS Outlook hosted on corporate servers or a personal computer. The synchronised data ensures that the PDA has an accurate list of contacts, appointments and email. Critical to shared data access, synchronisation allows multiple clients to access, edit, and remove data records that a particular group of users may regularly use. As well as that, data input is a lot quicker on a personal computer. Therefore, transferring data to a PDA via the computer is a lot quicker than having to manually input it all on the handheld device. POTENTIAL USEFULNESS OF COMBINED MOBILE PHONES/PDAS, IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS BUSINESS We will now discuss the benefits of mobilisation to the business. * PDA from for capturing progress made A form can be created for the use on the PDA which will enable the engineers to capture progress while they are with clients, which could then be distributed over the network, noting the problems that they could not fix or if any additional parts are required. Each time the engineer collects heir PDA, it is pre-loaded with week’s progress form. Once the form is completed, the engineer can synchronise it when they get back to the office or using GPRS whilst out with the clients. The data can then be fed into a progress database, collecting the data from all the engineers. This will enable you to generate a project progress report automatically. The potential usefulness with mobile phones and PDA There are various other ways the business can use the technology to help their staff. As the workers are apprentices, they can use the technology by using i.e. the intranet to access the help guide. This is a good idea as the staff can learn while on duty and in their free time. It is also a good cost saver as they will not need to pay for a teacher and a class room, and it is also less time consuming. The PDA or some mobiles phones have a satellite navigation system built in to help the staff if they are travelling to any location which they have difficulty finding. It will give them clear directions and pinpoint the location to save time. RECOMMENDATIONS Having considered the ideas that have been brought forward by you, the technology would help to build a better relationship with the staff and also improved customer service. Before purchasing new technology, Repairs by Return will need to invest in training the staff to use the hand held device. We recommend using a mobile phone called the Treo 650 Smart phone; this is a combined technology of some of the features of a PDA and also most of the features of a mobile phone. Of the three ideas, we think that the best idea would be having a server or the intranet to access the manuals and diagrams from the mobile phone. This will give the staff the knowledge to solve any problems and also gives some secrecy as the customer will not realise that the engineer is asking for help. The idea of using the mobile phone to contact other experienced engineers is a good idea but may distract the other staff that may also be with a customer. The idea of having a FAQ database maybe a bad idea as the staff may not always find the most accurate answers to there questions. The database will have answers of the problems that have arose in the past but may not have new problems, this will mean that the information would have to be updated frequently so that it is up to date. The information will have to be stored so will take up the hard drive space which the staff may need to use for other information. This will mean that the business would need to purchase higher mega byte memory cards. This is an additional cost for the business. The intranet would be a good idea as the all the information is there; you do not need to store the information as it is on the intranet saving memory space. Although the information maybe hard to find as the staff would need to go through the manual to find what they are looking for. The technology of the smart phone will help the staff as the phone has the features of browser to search for any words or phrases on the web to located information much faster and have less time consumed looking through the whole manual. BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS USED 1) Panko. R., Business Data Communications and Networking, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition (2000) WEBSITES USED 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) GROUP LOG Group Names * 21 February 2006 ALLOCATION OF GROUPS 1) Manik Maih 2) Bijal Pandit 3) Ime Udoh All members exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses. We allocated tasks and said that we should research on mobile phones and PDA. Time allocated for research only Manik Miah 7 days Bijal Pandit 7 days Ime Udoh 7 days * 28 February 2006 All the group members conducted sufficient research needed to write the report, within the time given. There were plenty of books and internet print outs. All members looked and read through the research found and divided into files. We divided 3 ideas between us. Manik idea 1 Bijal idea 2 Ime idea 3 We then allocated the tasks of the report and the internet website. Bijal Part 1 and 2 Manik Part 3 and 4 Ime website, contents page, group log We met up every 3 days to check the progress of the report and to help any group members that are having difficulties. * 7 March 2006 All group members attended, and arrived on time. At this stage majority of the work was completed. Each member rotated the work around to ensure there were no more mistakes. We all contributed equally and suggested that the work was fine and additional work that needs to be done should. * 13 March 2006 The group had finished off all there tasks and got together to check over all the work. We then edited the website. Once the final touches were made, we printed out the work. GROUP AGREEMENT 4BIM504 Data Communications We, the undersigned members of this group, undertake to be bound by the following agreement: 1. to attend all group meetings on time, except when agreed by other group members in advance, or where a documented excuse is provided 2. to be well prepared for each meeting, ensuring that all relevant material is adequately researched and presented 3. to be actively involved in the work of the group, by contributing to the best of our abilities 4. to participate in the editing and preparation of the final report We agree that if a group member breaches these undertakings, then the group has the right to recommend a reduced mark for the individual concerned of up to 30% below the group grade. In this eventuality the group would submit reasons in writing to the seminar leader. We accept that the seminar tutor may require further information before making any penalty mark adjustments. We accept that the seminar tutor’s decision is final in these matters.
Green Haven State Prison Essay
The individual who has been chosen for this paper is Leroy â€Å"Nicky†Barnes who is an African American who became a legend in the history of organized crime. Born in October 15 1993, he is a former crime boss and even drug dealer who was the leader of the crime organization that was notoriously known as The Council, which mainly comprised of African – Americans (Roberts, 6). He was even nicknamed Mr. Untouchable owing to the manner in which his operations were well calculated. He was once a dope addict, but later stopped the habit of using the drug and became a distributor of heroin, as a matter of fact a main one in Harlem, New York. In his autobiography that he wrote about his life, Barnes says that the first heroin that he ever sold was one that belonged to his father, which he was holding for dealing within the street corners. He managed to sell some of this heroine to the older guys within his neighborhood, and he managed to make some easy money, and this made him to even value heroine more (Roberts, 6). Barnes later graduated to dealing for another dealer who was more established than him, whose name was Fat Herbie. This is the man that brought Barnes to the Italians with whom he made contact. With this connection, he was able to have heroine imported for him by the Italians, whose reputation for good heroine was good. In the 1950s, Barnes would make up to 1600 dollars a day from selling heroine packages, and managed to hire a security guy and some street dealers with the money that he got (Roberts, 6). He even bragged that his drugs was one of the best in the streets and kept the quality high, while ensuring that the cut was low. He claimed to know what addicts mainly wanted considering that he was once an addict himself. By the time it was 1959, people had started requesting for his packages and they were so famous that they had a name, and they were called that ‘Nicky Barnes thing’. This was his first step towards success, but it was short lived as he was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison in Green Haven State Prison, and this cut short his business operations (Roberts, 6). While in prison he met another Italian who he had earlier been introduced to. His name was Matty, short for Matthew and he educated him on how to run a drug ring. He told him that to be organized; he had to have at least 50 people working under him, as each person would act as a layer of protection (Roberts, 6). Three years later, Barnes was released and now that he had made some serious connections, he knew that he now had to make some big money. He was given a couple of things to start up his operation with including half a kilogram of heroine by Frank Madonna, and a car and house in which to stash his drugs in. he then managed top find seven strong men whom he included in his organization, since he knew that with strong men on his side it would all work. These men who later came to form the council included; Frank James, Thomas Foreman, Joseph Hayden, Guy Fischer, Wallace Rice and Ishmael Muhammed (Roberts, 6). 2. BUSINESSES Barnes later graduated to dealing for another dealer who was more established than him, whose name was Fat Herbie. This is the man that brought Barnes to the Italians with whom he made contact. With this connection, he was able to have heroine imported for him by the Italians, whose reputation for good heroine was good. In the 1950s, Barnes would make up to 1600 dollars a day from selling heroine packages, and managed to hire a security guy and some street dealers with the money that he got (Barnes, 352).. He even bragged that his drugs was one of the best in the streets and kept the quality high, while ensuring that the cut was low (Barnes, 352).. He claimed to know what addicts mainly wanted considering that he was once an addict himself. By the time it was 1959, people had started requesting for his packages and they were so famous that they had a name, and they were called that ‘Nicky Barnes thing’. This was his first step towards success, but it was short lived as he was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison in Green Haven State Prison, and this cut short his business operations (Barnes, 352). The manner in which the business between Matty and Barnes was operating was very organized and well planned (Barnes, 352).. Matty would park a car that was filled with drugs at a spot that was pre arranged, then the key would be passed on to Barnes, who would then send one of his men to drive the car to the destination and sell the drugs. The car would then be taken to another pre arranged spot, this time filled with money and the key passed on to Matty. In this way, they both managed to make millions of dollars in their operation (Barnes, 352). 3. Theory Rational choice theory is one theory that seems to fit into this organization which is The Council or even the case of Barnes. This theory is of the notion that man is a reasoning individual who tends to weigh the beliefs and costs the means and the ends and makes a choice that is most rationale according to his understanding (Abadinsky, 98). This theory is related to several other theories including the drift theory and even the systematic crime theory. The theory states that in order for crime to take place there has to be three elements that have to be present; and offender who is motivated, a target that is available and suitable and finally the lack of an authoritative figure that is capable of preventing the crime from taking place (Chainey, 20). This theory fits into the case of Barnes and The Council, more so considering that the motivation that Barnes had was to be successful, the target available was the drug addicts that were present in Harlem and the law enforcers were unavailable to stop their operations. Barnes also used reasoning to weigh the profits and losses in all his decisions, and this managed to define his success. 4. LAW ENFORCEMENT’S RESPONSE Apart from the short three year stint that Barnes served in Green Haven State Prison, Barnes and some of the member of his crew were arrested, with Barnes being sentenced to life. He was charged with the crime of heading a criminal enterprise and also fined 125,000 dollars (Abadinsky, 67). References Abadinsky, Howard. Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction. New York: Cengage Learning, 2007. Print. Abadinsky, Howard. Organized crime. New York: Nelson-Hall, 1985. Print. Abadinsky, Howard. Understanding Crime: Essentials of Criminological Theory. New York: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print Chainey, Spencer & Ratcliffe, Jerry. GIS and Crime Mapping. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Print. Clarke, R. V. & Eck, J. Becoming a Problem-Solving Crime Analyst. Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science. London: University College London, 2003. Print. Leroy â€Å"Nicky†Barnes, Tom Folsom. Mr. Untouchable: My Crimes and Punishments (March 6, 2007 ed. ). Rugged Land. p. 352. Roberts, Sam. Crime’s ‘Mr. Untouchable’ Emerges From Shadows. New York: New York Times, 2007. http://www. nytimes. com/2007/03/04/nyregion/04nicky. html. Retrieved 2010-05-03.
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